Pharm 1003 Mental Health

  1. 5 Health Consequences of Smoking
    • 1. cancer of lung, mouth, bladder, and pancreas
    • 2. chronic lung disease/infections
    • 3. stomach ulcers
    • 4. heart disease/stroke
    • 5. Suddent Infant Death Syndrome; effects others around you (2nd hand smoke)
  2. 5 Effects of Nicotine on the Body
    • 1. increased heart rate/BP
    • 2. causes pleasure and arousal
    • 3. reduces anxiety/enhanced thinking
    • 4. suppresses appetite
    • 5. improves mood
  3. 4 Signs of Nicotine Withdrawl
    • 1. craving/increased appetite
    • 2. difficulty concentrating
    • 3. depression
    • 4. decrease in STM
  4. Methods of quitting smoking vs. % that remain smoke free (5mo)
    • Do it alone: 10.2%
    • Smoking Cessation Brochures: 10.9%
    • Counseling w/ a non-physician/counselor: 15.8%
    • Counseling w/ Physician: 19.9%
  5. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):
    Nicotine Patch
    • Used: released over 24 hrs
    • Side effects: vivid dreams, skin irritation, nightmares
    • Brand: Nicoderm
  6. NRT: Nicotine Gum
    • Used: short burst of nicotine; "Chew and Park"
    • Side effects: nausea, sore throat, mouth irritation
    • Brand name: Nicorette
  7. NRT: Nictotine Lozenge
    • Used: place in mouth like hard candy
    • Side effects: mouth irritation, sore throat
    • Brand: Commit
  8. Avoid OTC NRT: In General
    • 1. Pregnat
    • 2. Breast Feeding
    • 3. Heart Disease
    • 4. Age less than 18 yrs.
  9. Avoid OTC NRT: Gum
    • 1. stomach probs
    • 2. lung probs
    • 3. dentures
  10. Avoid OTC NRT: Patch
    • 1. Skin probs
    • 2. Allergies to adhesive tape
  11. 3 Types of Insomnia
    • 1. Transient: less than 1 wk
    • 2. Short-term: 1-3 wks
    • 3. Chronic/Long-term: greater than 3 wks (med prob)
  12. 3 Causes of Insominia
    • 1. General medical disorders
    • 2. Anxiety/depression
    • 3. Change in Environment
  13. 4 Self-care strategies for Treatment of Insomnia
    • 1. establish regular sleep pattern
    • 2. do relaxing activities before sleep
    • 3. avoid meals < 2 hrs before bedtime
    • 4. no caffeine, nicotine, alc 4-6hrs before bed
  14. Adverse Effects of Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
    • Daytime drowsiness (additive)
    • Dry mouth
    • Tolerance (effect wears off)
  15. What is Ginkgo?
    • Name of tree
    • Leaf extract used:
    • -improved memory (younger age)
    • -slow down dementia
    • 120-140mg/day
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Pharm 1003 Mental Health
Pharm 1003 Nonprescription Medication and Self-care Exam 4: module 7