March 28 Study Test

  1. Gas exchange is accomplished by
  2. is an issue of respiration due to swelling which limits air flow (Palatine)
  3. The center in the brain that causes inspiration called the
    medulla oblongata
  4. is bacterial. It would be strep throat
  5. is a puncture of the lung
  6. is chewing food
  7. The goal of ____________ is to get nutrients into absorbable sizes
  8. just secrete mucosa type saliva
    Sublingual Glands
  9. sometimes called the cardiac sphincter
    Lower Esophageal Sphincter
  10. Tongue has___________ muscles that assist with moving food and assists with getting out of the way of the teeth
  11. Problems of the stomach:
    ulcer (gastric)
  12. Jejunum is generally
    8 feet long
  13. can be stress related
  14. Stomach usually holds _________ liters of material being solids of liquids
    1 to 1.5
  15. that secrete enzyme particularly pepsin which is a protease that digest proteins
    Chief cells:
  16. The _____________ is about the last 8 inches of the tube
  17. is a nose bleed
  18. is making contact with the outside world
    External respiration
  19. The center of the brain is stimulated by an increase of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions not a lack of oxygen
    medulla oblongata
  20. 2nd step of breathing is
  21. enters the lungs (it’s not oxygenated)
    Blue blood
  22. has 4 poly peptides (protein molecules)
  23. feeds all of your cells oxygen
  24. would be a lactic acid build up which causes fermentation instead of cell respiration.
  25. inflammation that involves the nasal cavity rhinitis
    URI (upper respiratory infection)
  26. can restrict air flow as well, however the palatine is most significant
  27. is caused by a bug called Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  28. coal mining
    Black lung
  29. is when the alveoli and bronchi get plugged with Neutrophils puss
  30. inflammation of the epiglottis which can cause obstruction of the air way
  31. is infection in primary and/or secondary bronchi
    Acute Broncotits
  32. can produce scarring in the lungs
  33. go across the tongue making it possible to depress the tongue and helps with your speech and swallowing
    Extrinsic muscles
  34. There are 3 sets; parotid, submandibular and the
    sublingual glands
    Salivary Glands
  35. is muscle contractions (worm like movement).
  36. has an esophageal sphincter
    Upper esophagus
  37. They secrete about a liter/quart of saliva a day
    Salivary Glands
  38. begins with the saliva
    Chemical Digestion
  39. is the largest salivary gland
  40. is the oral or buccal cavity
  41. An enlargement in the lower esophageal sphincter would cause a ____________
    hiatal hernia
  42. is at the bottom of the Rugae folds which have gastric glands
    Gastric pit
  43. produce hormone called Ghrelin which stimulates appetite
    Endocrine cells
  44. is the first part of the small intestine and only 10 inches long
  45. Acid
    reflux medications reduce the _______________ in your stomach
    hydrochloric acid
  46. secrete hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor. They are strengthened by B vitamins.
    Parietal cells
  47. is inflammation of the stomach lining occurring more in someone whose hydrochloric acid is sitting too long
  48. can be problematic. They can bleed and if not treated they could be life threatening. They are blamed on a bug called H-pylori which can exist in low pH
  49. is needed to absorb and produce vitamin b12
    Intrinsic factor
  50. is the last section of the small intestine
  51. is connected to the small intestine
  52. Small intestine is made up of folds called __________ that have villi structures
  53. is where the appendix are located
  54. There is no signal from a respiratory center to the diaphragm. It happens automatically because everything is relaxing
  55. rhinitis
    stuffy nose
  56. Common cold, flu
    upper respiratory infection
  57. that monitor the oxygen levels
    chemo receptors
  58. In the active phase of breathing the diaphragm and the ribs contract causing diaphragm to ____________ creating a vacuum
  59. each one is associated with hemi that is why we call it hemoglobin.
  60. is not classified as URI because it’s down lower.
  61. is inflammation of the pharynx (commonly known as a sore throat). This is most often caused by a virus
  62. begins in the mouth but also includes churning of stomach
    Mechanical digestion
  63. insulation, ceiling sprays
  64. During ______________, Neutrophils and white blood cells are trying to go in and clean up the infection. During this process cause the Neutrophils create puss which causes the alveoli and bronchi to get plugged and die
  65. is edema of the vocal cords which can cause Dysphonia (loss of voice or horsiness).
  66. works on sore throats because of pH, causes the pH to multiple.
  67. This will cause scarring in the lungs (the scar tissue will be) where they had alveoli. Advance cases the oxygen
    intake will be severely reduced
  68. loss of voice or horsiness
  69. hospital acquired
  70. is caused by the bug streptococcus
  71. Intrinsic muscles in the ___________ are muscle that start and stop there
  72. Chemical Digestion begins with the saliva and meets ___________ juices in the stomach and _________ juices that are in the small intestine
    Gastric, Pancreatic
  73. begins in the esophagus and continues all the way to the rear end
  74. in an adult is about 10 inches long
  75. Cells in the ___________ get replaced every couple of days
  76. Under the tongue you have skin called the
    lingual frenulum
  77. is a mixed gland secreting serous and mucus secretions
    • Submandibular
    • Gland
  78. which is a protrusion of the stomach up into the esophagus. This allows stomach content or juices to make their way back up the esophagus. This is more
    problematic in prone position
    hiatal hernia
  79. the reason for _________________ is a lack of hydrochloric acid.
    acid reflux
  80. churns food and is capable of absorbing drugs, alcohol, water, and shorter chain fatty acids
  81. connects to the middle section of the small intestine
  82. The _____________________ controls the opening of the stomach into the small intestine and the flow in which food passes
    pyloric sphincter
  83. Lining of the stomach is unique. It is formed into folds called
  84. disease is curable
    Acid reflux
  85. ulcer in the duodenum called
    Duodenal ulcer
  86. the ____________ is divided into 4 areas: Fundus, body, Pylorus, Cardia.
  87. There are 3 glands here called the gastric glands called
    Chief cells, Parietal cells, Endocrine cells
  88. Between small intestine and colon we have a valve called the _________ valve. This is between the ilium and the cecum
  89. palicke that have _______structures. Each one has an arterial, venule, and a lacteal
  90. The final inch of the rectum is referred to as the
    anal canal
  91. The lacteal is part of the
    lymphatic system
  92. Each _____________ has iron in it, and non- protein iron containing molecule. they each can carry 1 O2 molecule
  93. Problems that restrict cells from getting oxygen;
    anemia (iron defiency)
  94. This can be caused by infection, Nosocomial, alcohol, fumes, and vocal abuse
  95. salt works because of __________. It moves water from an area of lower concentration of solute to an area of higher concentration of solute
    osmotic pressure
  96. is also caused by other bacterial strains, fungi, virus, burp in the lungs. This could be caused by inhaling strong fumes in the lungs that damages the tissue
  97. Other ___________ infections can be caused by complication with anesthesia, inhalation of vomit. This is common in someone that is drunk

    lung infections can be caused by complication with anesthesia, inhalation of
    vomit. This is common in someone that is drunk
  98. involves changing of chemical composition of our foods and physical to be able to absorb
  99. The __________ muscles gives you a lot of versatility to move things around.
  100. that is a fold of mucus membrane. When this is too short it is called Ankyloglossia
    Lingual Frenulum
  101. is a hole in your diaphragm that the esophagus pass thru
    Esophageal hiatus
  102. this can cause acid reflux disease (heartburn), GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease)
    Hiatal Hernia
  103. The lacteal is part of the lymphatic system. (Blue, red, and green) that absorb nutrients into the villi, to feed the
    circulatory system
  104. Ankyloglossia also known as
    tongue tied
  105. The saliva coming out of this gland contains enzymes (primarily digestive enzymes like amylase that helps break down carbs). Mumps are an inflammation of these glands.
  106. is normally flattened
  107. thickened white patches in the mouth most common with AIDS advanced patients
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March 28 Study Test
Study Test March 28