Forensic psychology

  1. Pathogenic
    Mentally disordered
  2. Criminological
  3. Adaptational
    Attempting to meet their objectives in opposing circumstances
  4. Pathogenic model
    Model in which the patient creates the symptoms and portrays them as genuine
  5. Criminological model
    Models presuppose malingering is likely to occur with (1) a person with antisocial personality disorder (APD), (2) evaluations conducted for forensic purposes, (3) persons uncooperative with evaluation and treatment, and (4) persons whose claims are discrepant with objective findings
  6. Adaptational model
    Model in which would-be malingerers engage on cost-benefit analysis with an assessment they percieve as indifferent to their needs
  7. Explantory model
    Model that attempted to test the efficacy of DSM-IV indicators of malingering on a forensic sample
  8. Psychopathy
    Demonstrating charcteristics including (1) glibness and superficial charm, (2) pathological lying, (3) conning and manipulativenes, basically just takes advantage of others
  9. Malingering
    Conscious fabrication or gross exaggeration of physical and/or psychological symptoms for an external goal
  10. Defensiveness
    The conscious denial or gross miminimization of physical and/or psychological symptoms
  11. Irrelevant responding
    A response style in which the individual does not become psychologically engaged in the accessment process
  12. Random responding
    A subset of irrelevant responding in which a random pattern can be identified
  13. Honest responding
    A response pattern reflecting a patient's sincere attempt to be accurate in his/her responses
  14. Hybrid responding
    Using any combination of responding styles
  15. Dissimulation
    Describes an individual who is deliberately distorting or misrepresenting psychological symptoms
  16. Unreliability
    Clinically the characteristics of an individual whose response style is not honest andvis self-disclosing, yet in which no further clarifcation can be made with respect to his/her self-reporting
  17. Deception
    Any and all attempts by an individual to distort or misrepresent his/her self-reporting
  18. Self-disclosure
    How much an individual reveals about him or herself
  19. Social desirability
    The denial of negative characteristics and the attribution of positive qualities
  20. Impressions management
    Social behaviors by attempting to create a positive image and avoid embarrassment and other negative emotions
  21. Simulation-malingering paradox
    The research problem exemplified by simulation studies of dissimulation in which participants are asked to comply with instructions to fake problems in order to study patients who fake dptoms when asked to compy with their psychological or medical assessment
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Forensic psychology
Test 3