unit 2 temp

  1. what are two ways to measure core temperature?
    • rectal
    • tympanic
  2. what are 3 ways to measure surface temperature?
    • mouth
    • skin
    • axillae
  3. what is the normal oral temp? (in degrees)
  4. are rectal temperatures 0.5 lower or higher than oral?
  5. are axillary temperatures 0.5 lower or higher than oral?
  6. defn conduction.
    transfer of heat from the body to another surface
  7. define convection.
    dispersion of heat by air currents
  8. define evaporation.
    dispersion of heat through water vapor
  9. define radiation.
    transfer of heat from one object to another w/o contact between them
  10. do infants loose body heat slower or faster than adult?
  11. what is the normal body temprature for an older adult?
  12. can food intake or smoking intefere with accurate measuremnts of body temperature?
  13. where do you position an oral themotere?
    underneath the tongue in the postereior sublingual pocket
  14. waht are some key things to remember while getting a rectal temperature?
    • provide privacy
    • sims position
    • ask client to breathe slowly and relax
    • place lubricated thermometer into the anus in the direction of the umbillicus
    • 1.5 inches
  15. what do you do if while placing a rectal temp you feel resistence?
    remove immediately
  16. for an adult how do you take a tympanic temperature?
    pull ear up and back
  17. for a child how do you take a tympanic temperature?
    down and back
  18. what type of clients is it in-appropriate to use the oral technique?
    • clients younger than 4
    • clients who breathe through their mouth
    • experience trauma to the face or mouth
  19. how should you take the temperature of infants 3 months and younger?
  20. when does a fever become harmful?
    102.2 degrees F
  21. what are some interventions for someone who has a fever?
    • obtain blood cultures if ordered
    • assess/monito WBC, sedimentation rate, and electrolytes as ordered
    • administer antibiotics per order
    • provide fluids and rest
    • provide antipyretics (asprin, acetaminophen, ibprofen)
    • note: asprin is not reccommended for children
    • cooling blanket
  22. how do you care for a client who is hypothermic?
    • <95 degrees F
    • provide a warm enviro temp
    • heated humidified oxy
    • warming blanket
    • friction to extremities
    • warmed oral or intravenous fluids
    • provide continous cardiac monitoring
    • has emergency resuscitation equipment on stnadby
  23. identify possible causes for clients elevated temp.
    • bacterial or viral infection
    • dehydration
    • inflammatory process
  24. how should you take the temp of a newborn?
  25. how should you take the temp of a 6-month old?
  26. how should you take the temp of a healthy 60 year old women?
  27. how should you take the temp of a confused 82-year old man?
    oral, tympanic or axillary
Card Set
unit 2 temp
unit 2- temp