Blood Clots
Blood clots are formed from fibers made of fibrin which is a polymer of fibrin proteins. The polymer fibrin is produced from fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a plasma protein and is soluble made by the kidney. Fibrin is insoluble. To convert Thrombin is used which comes from prothrombin which comes from a cascade of events that can be intrinsic, extrinsic, of from the common pathway. Intrinsic pathway involves only blood and the Extrinsic pathway involves blood and tissue chemicals. In vivo, the intrisic pathway may not exist. In the 4 step intrinsic pathway calcium is very important. The extrinsic involves 2 steps. The main chemical that starts the extrinsic pathway is called tissue factor. It is a protein in the plasma membrane of many cells. Tissue factor has cytoplasmic, extracellular, and ? components. When exposed to blood (broken vessels), factor 7 will be bond and activate the extrinsic which leads to the common pathway. Prothrombin is made into thrombin and the clots shrinks