having the ability to live in low light intensities
runners (stolons)
a horizontal stem growing aboveground that may form roots at its tip or at nodes
an underground, horizontal stem
adventitious root
a root arising in an unexpected position, such as from a leaf
an adventitious shoot arising from a root
adventitious shoot
a shoot arising in an unusual position, such as from the side of a root
a stem growing in a spiral fashion around a supportive object
a modified stem or leaf for climbing
leaf tendril
a modified leaf or leaf part used as a grasping organ
a long-stemmed, woody, climbing plant growing from the ground into the tree canopy of tropical forests
a plant growing on another plant for physical support
buttress root
an enlarged, aboveground root giving support to a tree trunk
prop root (stilt root)
a supportive root growing from an aboveground stem
drip tip
a pointed leaf tip helping to drain water from the leaf surface
leaf rosette
a group of leaves radiating from a short stem
aerial root
a root emerging above soil level
a water-absorbing tissue on the outside of orchids' aerial roots
a flattened stem performing the function of a leaf (such as a cactus pad)
a short, flattened stem bearing fleshy, food-storage leaves
contractile root
a thickened root serving to pull a corm, bulb, or rhizome deeper into the soil
a short, swollen, underground stem in which food is stored
a small, undeveloped corm
stem tuber
an enlarged tip of a rhizome containing stored food
root tuber
an enlarged, food-storage root bearing adventitious shoots
an organism that obtains food from dead organic matter
a plant or animal obtaining food from another living organism, frequently to the latter's detriment
a plant or animal harboring a parasite
an organ produced by a parasite that penetrates and absorbs water and nutrients from the host's tissues
a parasite that invades its host to obtain only water and mineral nutrients
an association between a fungus and the roots of a higher plant
the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas into organic nitrogen compounds by a limited number of microorganisms
root nodule
a small swelling on a root resulting from invasion by nitrogen-fixing bacteria
nitrogen cycle
the circulation of nitrogen between the environment and living organisms
insectivorous plant
a plant that captures and digests insects as a source of nitrogen; carnivorous plant