21P Digestive System Pathologies

  1. What is Appendicitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    An inflammation of the vermiform appendix, often will have acute pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen, vomiting, fever, and elevated white blood cells count. Can be caused by Instestinal disease, instestinal obstruction or adhesions, or parasites.

    Massage is contraindicated.
  2. What is Anorexia Nervosa?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Classified as both and eating and emotional disorder, is prolonged avoidance of eating. Lack of nutrients results in emaciation, amenorrhea (cessation of menstration), decreased sleep, and psychological disturbance. Most suffers are your Caucasion women.

    Obtain physician clearance if symptoms are severe.
  3. What is Bulimia?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Characterized by overeating (bingeing) and self-induced vomiting (purging). Similar to Anorexia Nervosa, is classified as an eating and emotional disorder.

    Massage is indicated.
  4. What is Cholecystitis?

    Is massage allowed?
    Chronic or acute inflammation of the gallbladder. Gallstones that cannot pass through the bile duct often causes acute inflammation. Pain is felt in right upper quadrant of abdomen, accompianed by nausea and vomiting. Chronic is more common.

    Massage is contraindicated during acute stage. For chronic massage is fine if symptoms are not severe.

  5. What is Cirrhosis of the Liver?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Chronic degenerative disease in which the hepatic cells are destroyed and replaced with fibrous connective tissue, giving liver a yellow orange color. Liver functions deterirate as hepatic cels are destoyed. GI hemmorage and kidney failure may also occur. Usually result of chronic alcahol abuse or severe hepatitis.

    Massage is contraindicated.
  6. What is Constipation?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Infrequent or difficult passing of stools. Common causes are insufficient intake of fluid or dietary fiber, lack of physical activity, emotional distrubance, diverticulits, pregrancy and enema abuse.

    If not caused by contraindicated disease, massage is okay.
  7. What is Crohn's Disease?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    A disease of unknown origin, a progressive inflammatory disease of the colon and or ileum. Early symptoms are severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea, and loss of appetite. Typically diseased colon segements are seperated by normal colon segements. Often confused with Colitis.

    Position Client for comfort. Avoid abdomen pressure causes pain.
  8. What is Diarrhea?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Frequent passing of unformed, loose, watery stools. Factors that cause this are stress, poor diet, infection, medication side effects or inflammation. The Stool may also contain blood, pus or mucus. Other symptoms are abdominal pain, cramping and intestinal crepitus. May also lead to dehydration.

    If not caused by contraindicated disease, massage is okay.
  9. What is Diverticulitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Inflammation of one or more of the pouchlike herniations of the colon wall where the muscle has become weak. This condition can lead to obstruction, perforations, and abcess formation. Often have pain and/or mass in left lower quadrant and a change in bowel habits such as an icrease or decrease in constipation or diarrhea.

    Massage is containdicated is symptoms or pain is severe.
  10. What is Diveticulosis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Involves small mucosal herniations through the muscular wall anywhere in the colon but most typically in the sigmoid colon. Other colon changes include bleeding, abcesses, sternuos and the presence of pericolonic fat. Fistulas may form. People have no symptoms, but 15% may develop Diverticulitis?

    Massage is contraindicated if symptom or pain is severe.
  11. What are Gallstones?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Result from the fusion of cholesterol crystals n bile. Gradually grow in size and number and may cause minimal to total obstructions of bile flow to the duodenum. May need to be removed if total obsructions.

    Massage is contraindicated during acute stage.
  12. What is Colitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    An inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine and rectum and is characterized by weight loss, intestinal ulcerations, diarrhea and bleeding of the colon wall. The origins are not known, although it is thought to be an autoimmune disease.

    Position client for comfort. Abdominal massage is contraindicated if pressure causes pain.
  13. What is Gastritis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Inflammation of the stomach's lining that occurs in two forms., acute and chronic. Food poisoning, a virus, bacteria or a chemical toxin may cause acute symptoms. Chronic is often the sign of an underlying illness , such as an ulcer and pain in abdominal area.

    If caused by infections agent, massage is contraindicated.
  14. What is Gastroenteritis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    An inflammation of the lining of the stomach and instestines characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lack of appetite and weakness.

    If caused by an infectious agent, then massage is contraindicated.
  15. What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Also refused to as heartburn, when lower cardioesopahgeal sphicter fails to close normally after food entered the stomach and hydrochrolic acid from stomach can enter the inferior portion of the esophygus, irritating it and causing a burning sensation.
  16. What is Hepatitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    An inflammation of the liver that can be caused by alcahol, drugs, toxins, or infections by the virus, of which severel types are known. Symptoms include muscle and joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tea-colored urine, white stools and jaundice.

    Massage is contraindicated durin acute phase. If chronic, obtain physician clearance before proceded.
  17. What is a Hernia?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    A protrusion of an organ or part of an orgran through its surrounding connective tisse membranes or cavity wall. Four most common types are esophageal, hiatal, inguinal and umbilical. 75% to 80% of all are inguinal.

    If client is in pain then medical attention is needed. If not, position client for comfort.
  18. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Also known as spastic colon, is a condition of the large instestine chracterized by abnormal muscular contraction ad mucus in stools.Generally associated with young adults under extreme emotional stress. Symptom such as diarrhea, nausea, cramping in lower abdomen.

    Massage is fine is symptoms are not severe.
  19. What is Obesity?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Characterized by abnormal increase in subcutaneous fat, primarily in visceral regions of the body. Generally and individual is regarded as having this conditon if their body weight is 30% above desired body weight. Normal is 18% in and 25% in women.

    Position client for comfort.
  20. What is Pancreatitis?

    Is Massage allowed?
    Inflammation of the pancreas, usually the result of trauma, alcahol abuse, infection, or certain medications that damage the pancreas. Symptoms may be severe abdominal pain that refers to the back, fever, lack of appetite, nausea vomiting and decreased production of pancreatic enzymes.

    Massage is contraindicated if in acute stage. Otherwise, massage is fine.
  21. What is Peritonitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    An acute inflammation of the peritoneum caused by Bacteria or irritating substances that gain access into the abdominal cavity. Substances can be introduced into the cavity by a ruptured organ, penetrating wound, perforation of GI or urogential tract.

    Obtain physicians clearance, avoid abdomen..
  22. What is Pharyngitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Inflammation or infections of the pharynx or sore throat. Causes range from viral and bacterial to irritation from nasal infection. Strep throat, a type of this, is caused by streptoccus.

    If not caused by contraindicated disease, massage is okay.
  23. What are Polyps?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Single or multiple growths on a mucous membrane, but they most commonly occur in the colon. Most are benign, but their presence is a risk factor for the future development of colon cancer. No symptoms may be present, or rectal bleeding and abdominal pain may occur.

    Abdominal massage is contraindicated if pressure causes pain.
  24. What is Thrush?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Caused by the fungi Candida albicans, affects the oral mucosa, characterized by white plates of soft curdlike material that may be wiped off, leaving a raw bleeding surface. Usually affects sick or weak infants, individual who are immunocompromised and patients treated with antiboitcs.

    If not caused by disease, massage is okay.
  25. What is Tonsillitus?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    Inflammation of the tonsils, especially the palatine tonsils. Acute is frequently caused by Streptoccus infection. Severe Sore Throat high fever, dull headache, difficulty in swallowing, ear ache and enlarged lymph nodes.

    Massage is contraindicated.
  26. What is Ulceratve Colitis?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    A type of Chronic inflammatory bowel disease caused by inflammation of the mucosa of large intestine and rectum. Characterized by weight loss, intestinal ulcerations, diarrhea and bleeding of colon wall. Origins are not known, although thought to be an autoimmune disease.

    Position client for comfort. Avoid abdomen if in pain.
  27. What are Ulcers?

    Is Massage Allowed?
    A lesion in a membrane, can develop in parts of the digestive tract exposed to acidic gastic juice. There are two types. Duodenal occur in the first part of the duodenum. Gastric occur in the stomach. Symptoms are a nonradiating pain in upper abdominal region. Dark stools and bleeding might lead to anemia.

    • Position client for comfrort.
  28. 1. Promotes Evacuation of the Colon
    2. Relieves Constipation
    3. Relieves Colic and Instestinal gas
    4. Stimulates Digestion
    What are the 4 effects of massage on Digestive System?
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21P Digestive System Pathologies