The assignment of species to higher categories based on their presumed evolutionary relationships
The most fundamental unit of classification is the ________.
Members of Homo genus
Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, Homo habilis
Members of the Hominid family (3)
Hominins, chimps, and gorillas
Hominins (2)
Genus Homo and Australopithecines
Members of the Hominoid superfamily
Hominids and the other apes
Species and genera are commonly referred to as _____ _______.
Lower taxa
Categories above the genus
Higher taxa
system of rules for constructing a classification
Resemblance due to similar adaptation to shared environmental conditions
similarity due to common descent
generalized characteristics that arose early in the evolutionary history of a taxonomic group
advanced characteristics that arose relatively late in members of a group and will differ among them
derived features that demonstrate a special evolutionary tie among taxa that have them
shared derived characteristics
derived features that distonguish a taxon from all others
unique derived features
tree diagram that organizes taxa according to the number of derived features they share
do not address time relationships or ancestor-vs-descendant relationships
the smallest definable (mappable) unit of rock stratigraphy
spatially and lithologically related bed are grouped into _____________
related members of stratigraphy are grouped into __________
The smallest chronostratigraphic unit in common usage is the ______
underlies the concept of stratigraphic units, and states that, all other things being equal, objects found in higher rock layers postdate (are younger than) objects found in deeper layers
principle of stratigraphic superposition
refers to the radioactivity in the burial environment, which is more difficult to estimate
external dose rate
refers to the radioactivity within the target being dated, which is readily estimated
internal dose rate
2 most important nonradiometric numerical dating methods?
tree-ring dating and varve dating
distinctive band of sediment, often made up of two subbands, that is laid down each year on the floor of a lake or other relatively calm body of water
reaction that produces the conversion of L (left-handed) to D (right-handed) amino acids after tissue death
Dating method whose dates are less precise; a cross between numerical and relative dating
Paleomagnetic stratigraphy
Late Cenozoic cold periods, with greatly enlarged ice sheets
Intervening warmer periods with reduced ice sheets (e.g. Holocene)
Naturally occurring, stable nonradioactive isotopes of oxygen, which foraminifera and other marine organisms extract from seawater and build into their shells' chemical content. Used to measure climatic change in sea sediment.
Oxygen-16 and Oxygen-18
lesser units of species in which most individuals find their mates
demes/breeding populations
spontaneous, chance change in the chemical
structure of a gene, unusual, more likely to be harmful than helpful; much less
potential to alter gene frequencies than natural selection
change in gene frequencies due strictly to chance
Random gene drift
Fossils reveal only the _________ of an individual, which may change independently of the _________, and vice versa
lf a species expands into diverse environments, as
many often have, or if environmental change physically separates populations of a single species, adaptation to local circumstances (NS) will cause the
populations to diverge genetically
Speciation/adaptive radiation
Speciation and adaptive radiation theories assume ____________ in terms of change
gradual change along separate branches of the
evolutionary tree
Type of evolution in which genetic change is relatively minor and occurs within separate breeding populations that continue to comprise a single species
Type of evolution in which genetic change is far more dramatic and ultimately produces separate species
Rapid, abrupt change; often sparked by major climatic or environmental shifts (driven by natural selection)
Usually occurs in small, isolated populations
Punctuated equilibrium
A phylogeny is to a species as a ___________ is to an individual
Genealogy/family tree
When classifying species, characters with a ________ distribution are more likely to reveal the basic evolutionary links among taxa in the group
Made up of any geological objects arranged in a
sequence from younger to older
Stratigraphic units that include fossils, either floral or faunal
Biostratigraphic units
Stratigraphic units made of of human and prehuman fossils and artifacts
Culture-stratigraphic units
Most influential relative dating method that depends on chemical analysis
Flourine method
The study of what happens to an animal’s remains
between the time it dies and the time it fossilizes
Mechanism to explain biological change we see over time, one of the 4 main forces of evolution
Natural selection
3 conditions of natural selection
Variation in a trait (because one has to be advantageous over the other[s])
- Differential reproductive success (competition,
- survivorship, etc.)
an individual’s ability to survive and produce
offspring who themselves survive and reproduce
Belief that geologic processes driving the natural world today are the same as those that drove it in the past
Groups of actual or potentially interbreeding natural
populations that are reproductively isolated from other groups
Biological species concept
Any factor preventing a male and female of 2 different species from hybridizing
Reproductive Isolating Mechanism (RIM)
Premating RIMs? (4)
- Geographic isolation
- Temporal isolation
- Behavioral isolation
- Mechanical incompatibility
Postmating RIMs? (4)
- Sperm-egg incompatibility
- Zygote inviability
- Embryonic or fetal inviability
- Offspring viability and offspring sterility
physical expression of a genotype (subject to both
genetic and environmental influences)
genetic coding for a trait
discrete unit of inheritance
a genotype variant
an allele whose genotype is preferentially
expressed in the presence of other allele variants
an allele whose genotype expression is inhibited by the presence of a dominant allele
Lessons from Mendel (3)
- Genes are particulate (discrete particles)
- One from each parent
- Retain integrity generation after generation (don’t blend)
Reasons for variation in gene expression (3)
- Presence of other genes
- Developmental timing (epigenetics)
- Environmental factors (plasticity
Forces of evolutionary change (4)
- Natural selection
- Mutation
- Genetic drift
- Gene flow
evolutionary force that moves and spreads genetic material from one population to another of the same species; caused by migration
gene flow
random change in gene frequency within a population; occurs through the founder effect and genetic bottleneck
random genetic drift
only NEW source of genetic variation, mostly deleterious results, may be selected for by NS if it's beneficial
Source of genetic drift; in a population isolated from its parent pop, the new pop carries only the genetic variation within its founder ancestors (i.e. red hair and freckles in Irish pops)
Founder effect
2 ways in which macroevolution can occur
evolution of a trait or species into another over
multiple generations
evolution through the branching off of a species or a lineage
Mode of speciation that is slow and incremental, with gradual change along separate branches of evolution; consistent with anagenesis; supported by Darwin's view
Phyletic gradualism
Problem with phyletic gradualism
Doesn’t explain the pattern (that we tend to see) of abrupt appearance and disappearance typical in the fossil record
Mode of speciation that involves rapid bursts of evolutionary change interspersed among long periods of stasis; consistent with cladogenesis; assumed to occur mostly in small/isolated populations where mutations can become easily fixed, and genetic drift is significant
Punctuated equilibrium
Sudden changes in new forms coinciding with climate
change, consistent with punctuated equilibrium
Turnover pulses
Any geological objects that can be arranged in a
sequence from older to younger
Stratigraphic units
Classification of lithostratigraphic units (rock layers)
Bed > Member > Formation
Dating methods that rely on constant processes well known to physics, chemistry, and biology to
determine age in years (of either a fossil itself or the setting surrounding the fossil)
Numerical/Absolute dating methods
Relative dating methods (3)
- Flourine Method
- Stratigraphy
- Biostratigraphic Dating
Relative dating method that can test whether bones were buried contemporaneously, or came from different times but ended up in the same layer, using their measurement of flourine from ground water
Flourine method
Relative dating method that follows the principle of superposition, assuming deeper layers (and fossils within them) are older than more shallow layers, assumed no movement of layers
Relative dating method that uses dates of when certain known fossils lived to determine others; successful with microtine teeth of rodents in Europe, and some larger animals in Africa/Eurasia
Biostratigraphic dating
Pitfalls of stratigraphy (2)
- Not all layers are horizontally aligned
- Fossil material can move through geologic processes, burrowing animals, etc.
Limit of the flourine method
Cannot compare relative age across sites; must be from the same site
Dating method that was used to expose the Piltdown Man as a hoax
Flourine method
Numerical dating method TYPES (2)
- Radiometric
- Nonradiometric
Numerical dating methods that rely on the constant decay of radioactive isotopes into more stable forms
Isotopic/radiometric methods
Limitations of radiometric methods (2)
Need specific types of bed material (i.e. volcanic rock)
Resolution is limited to specific time periods due to rates of decay
Radiometric dating method that is measured in volcanic ash and lava, has to do with cooling and heating events
Has been important for establishing ages of rock layers
Radiopotassium/Potassium-Argon Dating
Radiometric dating method that uses glasses and minerals to determine dates of cooling and heating events, determined using ratio of density of tracks to the amount of Uranium-238 in the sample
Fission-track dating
Radiometric dating method that is most useful for dating sea and lake bottom sediments
Dates climate events
Corals are the most reliable form from which to obtain data
Uranium-series dating
Radiometric dating method that measures age by calculating the difference between the C14/C12 ratio in a sample of dead tissue and the C14/C12 ratio in the atmosphere
The resulting difference is a function of the time since death
Contamination and atmospheric CO2 make the method problematic; dates must be calibrated
Radiocarbon dating
Radiometric dating methods that measure the aggregate number of electrons that become trapped in crystalline substances from radioactive isotopes, as well as the rate that they accumulated, then dividing number over rate, to determine the last time the crystal traps were empty
Use both heat and light analyses
Luminescence/Electron Spin Resonance
Nonradiometric numerical dating methods (3)
Varve Analysis
Tree-Ring dating
Amino Acid Racemization
Nonradiometric dating method that analyzes lake floor layers of sediment in calm waters; has a limited dateable range of 8-10,000 years; useful for tracing retreat Last Glaciation ice sheet, not so much for paleoanthropology
Varve analysis
Nonradiometric dating method that traces global shifts in polarity; useful for bracketing sites in time range when they can't be dated directly
Paleomagnetic stratigraphy
Radiometric dating method that was used to modern people in Israel from flint to 120-90 kya
Electron Spin Resonance
2 segments of the skeleton
3 sections of the cranium
- Branicase/vault
- Face/maxilla
- Lower jaw/mandible
Four basic types of permanent teeth in primates
- Incisors
- Canines
- Premolars
- Molars
Term used to indicate the portion of a tooth nearer the cheek
Term used to indicate the portion of a tooth nearer the tongue
Term used to indicare the portion of a tooth nearer the front of the mouth
Term used to indicate the portion of a tooth nearer the rear of the mouth
Closer to the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk
Farther from the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk
Toward or at the body surface
Toward the head (2)
Cranial, Superior
Away from the body surface, more internal
portion of a bone closer to the midline of the body
Portion of the bone further/away from the midline
Closer to the front of the body/toward the belly (2)
Closer to/toward the back of the body (2)
friction ridges on on primates' tactile pads that facilitate grasping
auditory bulla made up of the petrosal bone
petrosal bulla
Defining traits of primates (9)
- Petrosal bulla
- Complete postorbital bar
- Grasping hands and feet with opposable thumb/toe
- Nails instead of claws
- Larger relative brain size, more complex
- Decreased olfaction/reduced prognathism, smaller olfactory bulb
- Increased vision
- Dietary plasticity
- Slow life histories with extended development
Common traits of apes
- No tail
- Large body size
- Short, broad trunk
- Flexible shoulder joint
Members of the strepsirhini semiorder
Lemurs and lorises
Members of the haplorhine semiorder (4)
Tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans
Suborders of Haplorhine semiorder (2)
Tarsiiformes, Anthropoidea
Members of the suborder Anthropoidea (2)
monkeys and apes
Infraorders of Anthropoidea (2)
New World monkeys
Catarrhines (2)
- Old World Monkeys
- Apes/Humans
Superfamilies of Catarrhines (2)
Superfamily of Platyrrhines
dry-nosed primates
moist-nosed primates
Taxonomic division that includes members of two distinct evolutionary branches or clades
Taxonomic division that includes some, but not all, members of a single, deeper evolutionary clade
Superfamilies of Anthropoidea (3)
- Hominoids (people and apes)
- Cercopithecoids (OWMs)
- Ceboids (NWMs)
Shared derived traits of Old World Monkeys and Apes (3)
- Dental formula
- External auditory meatus
- Complete closure of the bony wall behind the orbit
Gap between the upper canine and upper lateral incisor, present in apes, in which the lower canine fits
Method of estimating the time(s) when extant taxa last shared a common ancestor using their genes and proteins
Biomolecular clock
Nonflowering plants such as conifers, palms, and
Flowering plants including trees, grasses, herbs,
Semiorder of Primates/euprimates that resembles the lemurs and lorises, likely diurnal, larger than their tarsier-like relatives
Semiorder of Primates/euprimates that resembles the tarsiers, likely nocturnal, small sized
rapid increase of many new species from a single lineage, each of which is characterized by distinct adaptations
adaptive radiation
Trait most widely used to distinguish fossils as anthropoids?
Postorbital closure
Oldest known skulls that exhibit postorbital closure (earliest known anthropoids) come from __________
The Fayum Depression of Egypt
Superfamilies Protopithecoidea, Parapithecoidea, and Propliopithecoidea may represent the first ___________ genera in the ____________ region
Anthropoid, Fayum Depression
Very small animals seen in China and Pakistan, 45 mya and 32 mya, whose anatomy of jaws/ankles/teeth suggest that they form the base of anthropoid radiation and that African anthropoids are descended from Asian populations
Genus Eosimias
Potential ancestor of New World Monkeys (Platyrrhines)?
Early Miocene hominoid fossil that was primitive enough to be on or near the line leading to most subsequent homoids, including the great apes and humans
Early Miocene hominoid fossil from Africa that had adaptations for suspensory locomotion and other great ape-like postcranial features, better great ape ancestor candidate than Proconsul
Apes evolved in _________, and moved into _________
Miocene Eurasian ape (ancestor of modern apes) with a derived, apelike body, a shortened, inflexible waist skeleton, flat thorax, and long powerful arms/flexible shoulder joint
Chimpanzee-sized Miocene Eurasian ape with dental traits similar/possibly ancestral to Australopithecus (but likely to have been convergent evolution)
Late Miocene Eurasian ape (Asia) that was similar to the living orangutan, shared derived traits with Australipithecus
BUT postcranials indicate it was a monkeylike quadruped
Orangutan ancestor, not direct human (hominid) ancestor
Tear-shaped orbits like orangs
Late Miocene Asian ape that was perhaps the largest that ever lived, terrestrial, some shared specializations with Australopithecus
First fossil chimpanzee found in ____________
Kapthurin Formation (Kenya)
Away from the head, toward the tail (2)
Caudal, inferior
Towarrd the head (2)
Cranial, Superior
zygomatic arches
Vertical part of the mandible
Ear tube coming out of the ear from the auditory bulla, long in OWMs/apes; absent in NWMs
Auditory/Ectotympanic tube
Space for canines that also sharpens them, forms honing complex, lost in humans
Trait shared by two or more taxa and their common ancestor (whose preceding ancestor did not have the trait)
Synapomorphic trait
Timing of first life on Earth
3 bya
1st vertebrate emerged _________, during the ________ era
4 mya, Paleozoic
1st mammal emerged _________, during the ________ era
250 mya, Mesozoic
1st primate emerged __________ (plesiadapiforms, or pro-primates)
65.5-60 mya
1st anthropoids (higher primates, monkeys and apes) emerged _________, during the _______ epoch
35-30 mya, Oligocene
1st euprimates (true primates) emerged _______, during the ________ epoch
50 mya, Eocene
1st ape (hominoid) emerged ___________, during the ________ epoch
20-17 mya, Miocene
LCA of chimps and humans split _________
5-8 mya
1st hominins emerged _________, during the _______ epoch
7-5 mya, Pliocene
Anatomically modern Homo sapiens emerged _________, during the _________ epoch
200 kya, Pleistocene
Timespan of the Paleozoic Era
570-225 mya
Timespan of the Mesozoic Era
225-65 mya
Timespan of the Cenozoic Era
65 mya - Present
Epoch during which Homo sapiens appears
Epoch when origins of agriculture and civilization occur
Epoch of Hominoid radiation
Primate-like mammals that evolved during the Paleocene in Europe and North America
Plesiadapiforms were like primates in their _______, but had non-primate features like __________ and lacked a _________
- Postcranials
- Claws
- Postorbital bar
Plesiadapiforms were adapted for the ________ lifestyle, with a __________ activity pattern and a ___________ locomotion pattern.
- Arboreal
- Nocturnal
- Quadrupedal
Plesiadapiforms had a ___________ olfactory system, and their teeth suggested they ate ________ and ________.
Plesiadapiform species whose features suggest it may be the first true primate and support the Angiosperm/Insectivory hypothesis of primate features' evolution
Carpolestes simpsoni
Carpolestes simpsoni had primate-like features, i.e. _____________, __________ and ____________.
It was unlike primates in its ____________ and lack of ______________
- Grasping hands and feet
- Opposable big toe with nail
- Frugivory
- Claws on other digits
- Orbital convergence
Majority of early Miocene fossils belong to _________
Possible ancestors of NWMs that emerged in the late Oligocene (26-23 mya), suggesting African origins (but mysterious as OW and NW weren't connected then)
Apes evolved in ___________, and moved to ____________. Modern apes evolved from Miocene ___________ apes, implying a move back into ______________
Africa, Eurasia; Eurasian; Africa
sudden changes in new forms coinciding with
climate change, consistent with punctuated equilibrium
Turnover pulses
Proconsul had ___________ prognathism, ________ brain size, and __________ dentition that suggested it was __________
- Little
- Large
- Generalized
- Frugivorous
Most primate-like (but non-primate) mammals
Insectivorous, arboreal
Ancestral to earliest primates
Used as an outgroup to the earliest primates
(comparison animal)
Tree shrews/Tupaiiformes
Theory of primate featural evolution that was a spin-off of the arboreal hypothesis; predicted that primates' orbital convergence developed for stereoscopic vision and predatory success, and that their nails and grasping adapted for catching insects
Visual Predation Hypothesis
Theory of primate featural evolution that says evolved their grasping ability first, to deal with the arboreal environment and exploit new angiosperms, and that orbital convergence came later as an adaptation for insectivory
Angiosperm Exploitation/Insectivory
Theory of primate featural evolution that says that since the earliest primates evolved during angiosperm radiation, they developed enhanced color vision to discriminate ripe fruits from unripe ones; and that grasping evolved to exploit unreachable fruits
Terminal Branch Feeding/Angiosperm Exploitation Hypothesis
A group that shares one common ancestor
A group that shares more than one common ancestor