Women's Health

  1. The relationship of breast symptoms: menses, pregnancy/lactation and medications is related to
    Hormone changes
  2. A breast self exam (BSE) should be done _______ days after ________
    7 days

    Menstrual Cycle
  3. A clinical breast exam (CBE) is done every ________ years until the age of ______
    3 years

  4. What characteristics should be documented in a breast exam?
    • Pain/Tenderness
    • Lumps/masses
    • Location on breast
    • Skin lesions
    • Discharge/Galactorrhea (Serous, Milky, Bloody)
  5. Type of benign breast disorders.
    Mastalgia (breast pain)

    Mastitis (inflammation common in lactating women)

    Lactational abscess

    Fibrocystic changes (most frequent)

    Fibroadenoma (common in black women)
  6. Breast cancer risk factors -

    Family history

    • Early menarches (before 12)
    • Late menopause (after 55)

    • Pregnancy after 30
    • Nulliparity
  7. Breast cancer risk factors -
    Weight gain after _________
    Exposure to ___________

    Ionizing radiation
  8. Breast cancer treatment -
    • Mastectomy (bilaterally reduces risk by 90%)
    • Lumpectomy

    (Goal is to restore muscle use of effected side and get full ROM)
  9. Breast cancer treatment -
    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiation
    • Hormone
  10. Ways to treat lymphedema:
    • Massage
    • Sleeve
    • Exercises
    • Support group
  11. What is a mammoplasty?
    Surgical change in size or shape of the breast
  12. Type of breast reconstruction:
    Breast implants and tissue expansion

    Musculocutaneous flap procedure

    Nipple-areolar reconstruction

    (be sure to monitor temperature and color/odor of dressing change)
  13. Problems related to menstruation:

    When is the onset of PMS?
    Days before the period
  14. Problems related to menstruation:

    What is dysmenorrhea?
    Abdominal pain and discomfort
  15. Problems related to menstruation:

    What is amenorrhea?
    No menstrual cycle

    • Primary - No menstruation by age of 16
    • Secondary - Menstrual cycle just stops
  16. Problems related to menstruation:

    What is menorrhagia?
    Prolonged bleeding
  17. Problems related to menstruation:

    What is metrorrhagia?
    Bleeding between cycles
  18. What is the age range of menopause?
    42-58 years
  19. S/S of estrogen deficiency:
    • Vaginal atrophy
    • Mood changes
    • Decrease HDL
    • Increase LDL
    • Irregular menses
  20. What are alternative treatments of menopause?
    • Black cohash
    • Soy
    • Evening primrose
    • Ginseng
    • Vitamin E
  21. Endometrial Cancer -

    Mortality rate:
    Most common (malignant)

    Low, 94% survival


    (risk factor is obesity)
  22. Early stages vs later stages of ovarian cancer:
    Early - asymptomatic

    Later -menstrual irregularities, ascites, abdominal girth
  23. S/S of pelvic inflammatory disease:
    • Lower abdominal pain
    • Adenexel tenderness
    • Cervical motion tenderness
  24. How to treat pelvic inflammatory disease:
    • IV Antibiotics
    • Semi-fowlers position
    • Analgesics

    (Exercise promotes drainage)
  25. What are the pelvis support problems?

    Weakness between bladder and vagina

    Weakness between rectum and vagina
  26. Problems with pelvis support -

    Risk factors:
    • Vaginal birth
    • Obesity

    • Dyspullarity
    • Urge incontinence
    • Abdominal pain
  27. Problems with pelvis support -

    Pessary - structure that supports the uterus

    • Surgery - tighten vaginal wall (for cystocele/rectocele)
    • - hysterectomy (for uterine prolapse)
  28. Regardless of age in females, you always want ask about their last ________
    Menstrual period

    (are there any changes in it?)
Card Set
Women's Health