Dental Materials

  1. proper _____ and _____ of tooth structures and restorative materials is significant
    finishing and polishing
  2. proper finishing and polishing of ____ ____ and ____ ____ is significant
    • tooth structures
    • restorative materials
  3. what three things are significant about finishing and polishing?
    • improves aesthetics
    • improves tissue health
    • increases longevity of filling
  4. proper finishing and polishing of tooth structures and restorative materials is significant because it can improve ______, improve ___ ____ and increases longevity of ____
    • aesthetics
    • tissue health
    • filling
  5. size, irregularity and ______ of particles, ______ of particles contacting surface, _____ and pressure and the polishing disc are factors affecting what?
    • NUMBER
    • SPEED
    • abrasion
  6. what is the most abrasive material used in dentistry?
    DIAMONDS are a girls best friend
  7. larger, irregular particles=
    MORE abrasive
  8. what type of particles is more abrasive?
    LARGER and IRREGULAR particles
  9. what is the scale used to rank materials by abrasion resistance?
    MOHs' hardness scale
  10. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of diamond?
  11. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of tungsten carbide?
  12. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of ALUMINUM OXIDE
  13. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of PUMICE and PORCELAIN
  14. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of TIN OXIDE
  15. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of ENAMEL
  16. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of COMPOSITE
  17. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of DENTIN
  18. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of ACRYLIC and CEMENTUM
  19. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of GOLD
  20. using the Mohs' harness scale what is the abrasion resistance of AMALGAM
  21. t/f on the Moh's hardness scale DIAMOND has a abrasion resistance of 5-6
  22. t/f on the mohs' hardness scale PORCELAIN has an abrasion resistance of 6-7
  23. t/f on the mohs' hardness scal ENAMEL has an abrasion resistance of 5
  24. t/f on the mohs' hardness scale DENTIN has an abrasion resistance of 4
    true dat mhm
  25. t/f on the mohs' scale porcelain is harder than enamel or dentin
  26. what are the implications of procelain being harder than enamel and dentin?
    a porcelain crown on the max anteriors means for great abrasion on the man anteriors
  27. the _____ the difference in the abrasive and the surface it is abrading the ______ and more _____ the abrasive action
    • greater
    • faster
    • effective
  28. t/f the greater the difference in the abrasive and the surface it is abrading the slower and less effective the abrasive action
    FALSE be that! the FASTER and MORE EFFECTIVE mmmkay? GOT IT!
  29. what will increasing pressure with an abrasive produce?
  30. what will increasing the speed and pressure of the abrasive do to the rate of abrasion?
    INCREASE the rate of ABRASION
  31. what can you do to increase the rate of abrasion?
    increasing the speed and pressure of the abrasive
  32. what is the rate of diamond on the Mohs' scale
  33. ____ has a rate of 10 on the mohs' scale: it has _____ particles in paste and is used to polish _____ and _____
    • fine
    • composites
    • porcelain
  34. t/f carbide finishing burs have less flutes
    FALSE okay? it has MORE flutes MORE MORE MORE!
  35. _____ finishing burs have ____ flutes and the ____ the abrasiveness
    • DeCrEaSe
  36. t/f the more flutes the more polishing it does and the less flutes and the farther apart the flutes are the more it abrades
    True (critial thinking..I am going to make you think)
  37. what is used to sandblast restorations for cemenation?
    aluminum oxide
  38. ____=prophy paste
    pumICE ice baby dun dun dun dun dun dun dun ice ice baby
  39. at what stage of polishing is TIN OXIDE used? Why?
    FINAL-its less abrasive
  40. what is tin oxide used to polish?
    gold, ceramic, amalgam or composite restorations in the mouth
  41. what is a very fine smooth paste?
    tine oxide
  42. what is a prophy paste and a dentifrice polisher?
    calcium carbonate
  43. t/f you are supposed to polish the entire mouth with prophy paste
    FALSE-only surfaces with stain
  44. what surfaces do you polish with prophy paste?
    surfaces with stain
  45. what is removed with when polishing with prophy paste? 3
    • fluoride rich enamel layer
    • exposed cementum
    • demineralized enamel
  46. what is an abrasive agent that has improved efficiency to remove STAIN, BIOFILM and DEBRIS
  47. what is toothpaste used to remove??
    • STAIN
    • DEBRIS
  48. t/f prosthesis with metal can be placed in diluted acid solutions or hypochlorite for cleanings
    FALSE they CANNOT okay? Do you hear me?? DONT DO IT! it is CORROSIVE
  49. what are three characteristics of denture cleansers
    • loosen stains and plaque
    • freshen acrlic
    • non abrasive
  50. amalgam finishing and polishing benefits incluede ____ bioflim retention and ____ resistance to tarnish and corrosion (you know this, you shouldn't have to study GOT IT)
  51. the benefits of finishing and polishing amalgams are decreased _____ ____ and increased resistance to ____ and ____
    • biofilm retention
    • tarnish and corrosion
  52. what should you check with amalgams for prematurities and deficiencies?
    CAVOSURFACE margin
  53. how should the cavosurface margin of an amalgam be?
    SMOOTH-like a babies bottom (this is when Jade says AWWW I want a baby haha cute Jade)
  54. what is the removal of excessive resorative material from margins of restorations?
  55. t/f the overhang or flash of an amalgam should not be extensive in size it should be SMALL
  56. how should the proximal contact of an amalgam be?
    CLOSED- don't want to open contact..why?? (critical thinking) maybe because you can get food trapped in there?? hmm ya think so?
  57. what is the final polishing for composite?
    submicron ALUMINUM OXIDE
  58. what is the final polish on amalgam
    tin oxide
  59. t/f the tin oxide is used as a final polish on composites
    • FALSE used on AMALGAMS
    • aluminum oxide is used on composites
  60. t/f the staining at the margins of a compoiste needs to be polished away to prevent leakage
    FALSE it CANNOT be polished away
  61. t/f polishing the contact area between teeth on a contact is undesirable
    true true why? critical thinking!
  62. when should you polish a composite filling?
    only if stain is present
  63. what should you avoid with composites?
    ultrasonic, sonic scalers and air polishing
  64. what polishing paste is used for composites?
    aluminum oxide
  65. what should you do if there is stain in teh cement?
    treat like composite polish it!
    is it STAINING of is it MICROLEAKAGE (sorry I can't control the volume of my typing...don't cry because I yelled at you through text)
  67. what should you use on implants? 3
    • tin oxide
    • plastic OR graphite instruments
    • plastic sheaths on u/s scalers
  68. what kind of polishing paste is used on implants?
    TIN OXIDE same as amalgams
  69. what is air polishing a combination of?
    sodium bicarbonate and air/water
  70. what is the PSI for air polishing
  71. what do you want to avoid with air polishing? 4
    • composite
    • porcelain
    • dentin
    • cementum
  72. what is known as microabrasion?
    air abrasion
  73. what is used to remove minimal amount of tooth and restorative structure?
    microbrasion/air abrasion
  74. t/f microabrasion is recommended for stain removal
    FALSE- it is NOT recommended
  75. what are four safety and infection control procedures that should be followed with rotary device and moisture because of aerosols?
    • use protective equipement
    • protective eyewear for patient
    • patient microbial rinses
    • high speed evacuation
Card Set
Dental Materials
ch 12 abrasion finishing and polishing