Nur 42 Fluid and electrolyte vocabulary

  1. Intracellular (ICF)
    fluid within (inside) each cell and has equal amounts. ICF contains potassium, magnesium, phosphate ions & protein
  2. Extracelluar (ECF)
    are found outside of the body cells and are the body’s transportation system. ECF contains sodium, chloride, calcium, hydrogen, & bicarbonates, plus oxygen, glucose, fatty acids & amino acids. ECF also contain blood plasma and interstitial fluids
  3. Intravascular Fluids
    the space within the blood vessels whose main function is to carry blood, blood plasma, RBC, WBC, & platelets.
  4. Interstitial Fluids
    Fluid that is everywhere in the body between the cells and vascular compartments; the function is to carry nutrients & waste products between the cells and blood vessels.
  5. Transcellular Fluids
    found in the spaces in the cerebrospinal canals in the brain, lymph, tissue, synovial joints, and eyes
  6. What is an Electrolyte?
    Exert a major influence on the movement of water between compartments on enzyme reaction, on the neurmuscular activity, and on acid base regulation. This movement is also known as homeostasis.
  7. Normal pH of blood is....
    7.35 - 7.45
  8. What is pH?
    A measurment of effective hydrogen ion concentration
  9. What level of pH is incompatible with life?
    <6.8 or >7.8
  10. What pH level does acidosis occurs?
  11. What pH level does Alkalosis occur?
  12. What is the normal values of PaCO2?
    35-45 mmHg
  13. What is the normal values of HCO3?
    22-26 mEq/L
  14. What is acidosis?
    Systemic increase in hydrogen ion concentration; occurs when lung can't eliminate CO2, or if diarrhea causes loss of bi-carbs anions, or if kidneys fail to reabsorb bi-carb or secrete hydrogen ions
  15. What is Alkalosis?
    body-wide decrease in hydrogen ion concentration caused by hyperventilation and loss of non vital acids during vomiting or from excessive ingestion of base
  16. what are some developmental factors for infant and children that affects fluids?
    Highest grow nad metabolic activity; immature renal system; a decrease ability to concentrate urine which leads to increase fluid loss
  17. what are some developmental factors for Adolescents that affects fluids?
    Increase hormonal activity and excercise; pregnant teenagers have an increase demand on the fetus during a time when their own body's needs have increased
  18. what are some developmental factors for Older Adults that affects fluids?
    At the highest risk for fluid imbalances because of chronic diseases; decrease thirst mechanism; decrease renal function r/t aging and they take more meds with side effects of vomiting and diarrhea
  19. What is Fluid volume deficit (FVD) ?
    A decreased intravascular, interstitial and/or intercellular fluid below normal range (dehydration, waterloss, and lost in electrolytes without a change in sodium)
  20. What is sodium "Na+"?
    major ECF that regulates renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (retains absorbed Na+ and H2O) excess sodium in the ECF may cause edema or conditions in which H2O loss exceeds Na loss
  21. What are some risk factors for hypernatremia?
    • Presence renal disease
    • HTN
    • Cv problems
  22. What are some risk factors for Hyponatremia?
    • Decrease of sodium in the ECF
    • Can result in an acidic enviroment
    • May be due to severe vomiting & diarrhea
    • May cause muscle weakness
    • decrease skin turgor
    • tremors
    • seizures
    • Low salt diet
    • Sweating
  23. What is Potassium "K+"
    (3.5 – 5 mEq/L) – major ICF that regulates renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (kidneys excrete K+ in exchange for Na+); extracellular lost from metabolic or respiratory acidosis
  24. What are the risk factors for hyperkalemia?
    • excess potassium in the blood; due to dehydration, diet, or renal failure
    • Can result in muscle weakness
    • or cardiac failure
  25. What is hypokalemia?
    • Potassium deficiency diarrhea, vomiting, diabetic acidosis, severe malnutrition, diet low in K+. GI suctioning, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics
    • Can result in Cardiac abnormalties (tachycardia)
  26. What is calcium?
    4.5 - 5.5 mEq/L; decrease calcium is r/t to hypoparathyroidism; increase calcium is r/t increase bone loss because of immobility, cancer, and multiple fractures
  27. What is magnesium?
    • 1.5 - 2.4 mEq/L;
    • decrease in magnesium r/t alcoholism & malnutrition
    • Increase magnesium r/t renal disease
  28. What is phosphate?
    • 1.2 - 3.0 mEq/L
    • Decrease in phosphate is r/t hyperparathryroidsm and malnutrition
    • Increase in phosphate is r/t massive trauma, strokes, and renal failure
  29. What are some other NANDA statements?
    (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
    • Impaired gas exchange
    • Impaired oral mucous membrane
    • Fluid volume Excess (Hypervolemia)
    • Fluid Volume Deficit (Hypovolemia)
  30. What will you notice in a client that might have FVD?
    • weight - loss greater than 2lbs in 24hrs
    • B/P - Low
    • Temp. - Elevated or normal
    • Pulse - Weak, Rapid, Shallow
    • RR - Rapid, Shallow
    • Urine - Scant, Dark yellow
    • Stool - Dry, Smallvolume
    • Skin - Warm flushed, Dry poor skin turgor
    • Eyes - Sunken
  31. What will you notice in a client that might have FVE?
    • Weight - weight gain more than 2lbs in 24hrs (edema)
    • Temp. - normal
    • Pulse - full, Bounding
    • Urine - Light, polyuria (if kidneys are working normally)
    • Stool - bulky
    • Skin - Cool, pale, moist, pitting edema
    • Eyes - Swollen
    • Lung/Breathing - Crackels, gargles, dyspnea, increase RR, labored breathing, orthopnea
    • Neck vein distention
    • Lab findings - decreased hematocrit level <38% and decrease BUN level <10mg/100mL (hemodilution)
  32. Clear breath sounds are consistent with.....?
  33. What are some nursing interventions and comfort measures?
  34. How many mL of water the body requires per day?
    1,200 - 1,500 mL of water
  35. What percentage of our body weight is water?
  36. What is the Crystalloid Solutions?
    Its a type of IV solution that is water and other crystals (ex. Salts and sugars) - NS, Dextrose & water, Lactated Ringers.
  37. What is a Colloid Solution?
    An IV solution that is water, molecules of a suspended substances (ex. Blood cells & Blood products; Albumin and plasma)
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Nur 42 Fluid and electrolyte vocabulary
Nur 42 Fluid and electrolyte vocabulary