Nur 42 fluid, electrolyte, and acid based balances tables and values

  1. table 41-2, p.970
    What is the adult average daily fluid gain for oral?
    1200 mL
  2. What is the adult average daily fluid gain for solid foods?
    1000 mL
  3. What is the adult average daily fluid gain for Metabolism?
    300 mL
  4. What is the total adult average daily fluid gain?
    2500 mL
  5. What is the adult average daily fluid losses for kidneys?
    1500 mL
  6. What is the adult average daily fluid losses for skin?
    300 mL
  7. What is the adult average daily fluid losses for Lungs?
    500 mL
  8. What is the adult average daily fluid losses for Gastrointestinal?
    200 mL
  9. What is the total for adult average daily fluid losses?
    2500 mL
  10. Table 41-4, p.975
    What are some related causes of FVD?
    • GI Losses
    • Loss of plasma or whole blood
    • Excess perspiration
    • Fever
    • Decreased oral intake
    • Confusion or Depression
    • Use of Diuretics
  11. Table 41-3, p.973
    What are some related causes of Hyponatremia?
    • GI losses: vomiting
    • Renal loss: salt wasting, diuretics
    • Skin loss: sweat, burns
  12. review breathing pattern in health assessment chapter
  13. Table 41-8, p. 981
  14. Table 41-12, p. 1023
  15. Skill -41-2 pg 1007 - 1010
  16. Skill -41-3 pg 1013 - 1018
  17. Table 41-3, p.973
    What are some related causes of Hypernatremia?
    • Excessive salt intake
    • Excess aldosterone Secretion
    • Diabetes insipidus
    • Increased sensible & insensible water loss
    • Water Deprivation
  18. Table 41-3, p.973
    What are some related causes of Hypokalemia?
    • Use of potassium - wasting diuretics
    • GI losses
    • Alkalosis
    • Excess aldosterone secretion
    • Polyuria
    • Extreme sweating
    • treatment of diabetic Ketoacidosis w/ insulin
  19. Table 41-3, p.973
    What are some related causes of Hyperkalemia?
    • Renal failure
    • FVD
    • Massive cellular damage
    • Adrenal Sufficiency
    • Acidosis
    • Rapid infusion of stored blood
    • ingestion of k+ salt substitutes
  20. Table 41-3, p.973
    What are some related causes of Hypocalcemia?
    • Rapid blood transfusion
    • Hypoalbumininemia
    • Hypoparathyroidism
    • Vitamin D deficiency
    • Pancreatitis
    • Alkalosis
    • Chronic renal failure
    • Chronic alcholism
  21. What are the interpretations of blood gas values?
Card Set
Nur 42 fluid, electrolyte, and acid based balances tables and values
Nur 42 fluid, electrolyte, and acid based balances tables and values