
  1. What are lipids?
    they are diverse compounds that are grouped together because of one trait, they mix poorly with water
  2. Are lipids hydrophilic or phobic?
  3. What are in feathers that helps birds stay afloat?
  4. What are oils?
    liquid fat
  5. what is a fat
    a large lipid made from two smaller kinds of smaller molecules: glycerol and fatty acids
  6. What is a glycerol?
    a glycerol is an alcohol with three carbons, each bearing a hydroxyl group
  7. What is a fatty acid?
    consists of a carboxyl group and a hydro carbon chain
  8. How are the carbons in the fatty acid chain linked together and hydrogen atoms?
    By non polar covalent bonds, making the hydrocarbon chain hydrophobic
  9. what is the main function of fat?
    energy storage
  10. A gram of fat is equivalent to ?
    a gram of polysaccharide such as starch
  11. Why is it better for an animal to store fat as a polysaccharide such as starch?
    other forms of carbohydrates are bulkier
  12. What other functions do fats have?
    to insulate the body, and cushions vital organs
  13. How can a fatty acid molecule link to a glycerol molecule?
    dehydration synthesis
  14. What is a synonym for fat?
  15. Why is fat also called a tryglyceride?
    the 3 fatty acides
  16. Are fatty acids only able to form 1 bond?
    no, they can do 2
  17. What causes kinks or bends in the carbon chain?
    fatty acids containing double bonds
  18. What does it mean to be unsaturated?
    Fatty acids and fats with double bonds in the carbon chain
  19. What does it mean to have less than the maximum number of hydrogens?
  20. What do the kinks in unsaturated fats do?
    prevent the molecules from packing tightly together and solidifying at room temp
  21. what does hydrogenation do?
    also creates transfat that associates with heart disease.
Card Set
Fats are lipids that are mostly energy-storage molecules