Bones of Lower Extremity

  1. Os Coxa
    • Pelvic girdle - made up of 3 bones: ilium, ischium, and pubis.
    • Acetabulum: large depression that articulates with the head of the femur.
    • Sacroiliac Joint: lateral region that is location of aticulation between sacrum and ilium.
    • Symphis pubis: anterior medially, region that articulates anteriorly with both ischium.
  2. Ilium
    • Largest of pelvic bones, makes up superior aspect of individual os coxa.
    • Iliac Crest: Superior ridge that runs anteriorly to posteriorly on the sagittal plain.
    • Illiac Fossa: large depression on medial face of illium.
    • Aricular Surface: ruff medial region of illium where sacroilliac joint articulates.
    • Anterior Superior Iliac Spine(ASIS): follows the illiac crest anterior inferiorly. Most anterior aspect.
    • Anterior Inferior Illiac Spine(AIIS): inferior to ASIS.
    • Posterior Superior Illiac Spine(PSIS): dorsal aspect of illium. Dorsal of aricular surface.
    • Posterior Inferior Spine(PIIS): inferior to PSIS.
    • Greater Sciatic Notch: hook-like notch on the dorsal inferior region of illium.
  3. Ischium
    • Ischial tuberosity: ruff dorsal inferior region of ischium.
    • Obturator Foramina: large inferior lateral foramen.
    • Rami: horizontal region that runs anterior to posterior along sagittal plane. Makes up inferior portion of obturator foramen.
    • Lesser sciatic notch: inferior greater sciatic notch.
  4. Pubis
    • Symphis Pubis: anterial medial area that articulates the two ischium of the os coxa.
    • Superiror & Inferior Rami: superior to the symphis pubis.
  5. Femur
    • Head & Neck of Femur
    • Fovea Capitis: circle fossa at the center superior aspect of head.
    • Greater Trochanter:
    • Lesser Trochanter:
    • Linea Aspera:
    • Intertrochanteric Line:
    • Medial & Lateral Epicondyles:
    • Medial & Lateral Condyles: distal aspect of femur. Articulate with condyles of tibia.
    • Intercondylar Fossa: space between condyles.
    • Petellar Surface: smooth facet that articulates with the petella.
  6. Tibia
    • Lateral & Medial Condyles: articulate with superior condyles of femur.
    • Intercondylar Eminence: process between both condyles.
    • Tibial tuberosity: ruff anterior medial area on proximal end of tibia. Location of petallar ligament attachment.
    • Medial Malleolus:
    • Fibular Notch: facet that aticulates distally with fibia to form inferior tibiofibio joint.
  7. Fibia
    • Lateral Malleolus: articulates with talus of the tarsus.
    • Head of fibia: most proximal superior aspect of fibia.
  8. Tarsus or Ankle
    • 7 bones
    • Talus: superior surface articulates with inferior surfaces of tibia and fibia (medial & lateral malleoli).
    • Calcaneous:
    • Navicular:
    • Cuboid:
    • 1st Cuneiform: start medially and go laterally. Also known as medial cuneiform
    • 2nd Cuneiform: also known as middle cuneifrom
    • 3rd Cuneiform: also known as lateral cuneiform
  9. Metatarsuls
    • Numbers of metatarsuls begin medially and go laterally.
    • I, II, III, IV, and V.
  10. Phalanges
    • Big toes only has proximal and distal phalanx
    • 2-5 phalanx have proximal, middle, and distal.
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Bones of Lower Extremity
Gross anatomy of bones of the lower extremity