digstive system.txt

  1. ____ is the taking of food into digestive system by way of mouth.
  2. chewing to pulverize food and mix it with saliva
  3. ________ is swallowing of food to move it from mouth to stomach
  4. ___ is mechanical and chemical breakdown of food
  5. ____mixes food with digestive juices and incers effciency of absoprtion.
  6. ______ is the passage of moleculs of food through mucous membranes of small intestine ( into circulatory and lymphatic systems for distribution)
  7. _____begins at the esophagus; rhythmic wavelike intestinal contractions that move food through the digestive tract.
  8. _____ is discharge of idigestible wastes (feces)
  9. ______extends from mouth to anus and is also know as the gastrointestinal/ GI tract
    - organs of the GI tract include oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach small intestin and large intestin
    alimentary canal
  10. teeth, tounge, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas are _________.
    accesory organs
  11. _____generally refers to developing stomach and intestine in embryo.
  12. Andy of the organs ( lungs,stomach, spleen etc.)
  13. Layers of the alimentary canal are called __________ and there are 4 of them from the esophagus to the anal canal.
  14. ______ is the innermost layer of alimnetary cannal, surround lumen of GI tract
    -s ecrets mucus, digestive enzymes and hormones
  15. secrete mucus throughout the GI tract
    Goblet cells
  16. ____ is a thin biding layer of connective tissue.
    - suppors simple coluumnar epithelila tissue
    - helps protect against disease
    Lamina propia
  17. 2 thin layes of smooth muscle in mucosa are __________.
    muscularis mucosae
  18. _____ is realatively thick and highly vascualarized
    also contains collagenous fibers, various glands and nerves
    2nd layers of alimentary canal
  19. _____ provides autonomic nerve supply to muscularis mucosae
    submucosal plexus
  20. _______ is responsible for segmental contractions and peristalic movment in the alimentary canal
    Muscularis externa
  21. _____ is the outermost layer of the GI tract.
    It is the binding and protecting layer ( much areolar connective tissue)
    covered with simple squamous epithelim and connective tissue
  22. ____ is receptacle for food, initiates digestion through mastication, swallowing, forming words airs pasagewya
    - defined by cheeks lips, hard palate, soft palate and tounge
  23. The mouth contains _______, which are antimicrobial compunds proudced in response to injury.
    - protect the mouth from disease causing microbes
    -refered to as oral or buccal cavity
    initates digestion of carbs
    froms bolus
  24. _____ is the depression between cheeks and lips externally
    - area of gums and teeth internally
  25. opening of oral cavity is ____________.
    oral orifice
  26. ______ are openings between oral cavity and pharynx.
  27. _____ and ____ assit in manipulating food in oral cavity ,and aid in speech
    cheeks and lips
  28. each lip is attached by inner surface to gum by a midline fold of mucous membrane called _________.
    labial frenulum
  29. _____ or ____ is the transition zone between outer skin and muccous membrane of oral cavity
    vermilion or red margin
  30. _____ fills most of the oral cavity when mouth is closed.
    - mostly made of skelatal muscle
    covered by a mucous membran
    moves food around in mouth during mastication
    resposnible for froming bolus
    assist ins sallyoing food
    essential to producing articulic speech
  31. _____ _______ is undersurface attachemtn of toung to floor of mouth
    lingual frenulum
  32. _____ are small elevation on dorasal surface of tounge.
    3 tpes on dorsum of tounge
  33. _____ are papillae that are sensitive to touch. They aid in licking semisolid foods, provide friction for manipulating food, and contain keratin which gives awhitish apperance .
  34. Large rounded and reddish type of papillae. They house the tastebuds.
  35. Arranged in U-shape on posterior surface, and house taste bunds
  36. ___ is the roof of the oral caivty; coverd by mucoous membranes.
  37. ______ is underlain by bone and food is pushed agains during chewing.
    hard palate
  38. ___ is transver ridges along hard palate area that serve as friction ridges for tounge during swallowing.
    palatal rugue
  39. Fold of mostly skeletal muscle
    soft palate
  40. cone-shaped; free edge that projects downward
  41. accesory digestive glands; produce saliva; initaties digestion of carbs; produced primarly by 3 pairs of glands; moistens food
    salivary glands
  42. largest of salivary glands; below and inf front of ear
    partoid gland
  43. submandibular gland
    inferior to mandabile and midway on inside of jaw
  44. on floor of mouth under tounge
    sublingual gland
  45. humans have _______
    heterodont entetnion
  46. sockets containg teeth
  47. 4 pairs; chisel-shaped for cutting and shearing have single root
  48. 2 pairs; cons shaped for hoiding and tearing; have a single root
    canines / cuspids
  49. 1,2, or 3 roots; used for curshing and grinding
    premolars (bicuspids) and molars
  50. 2 sets of teeht in lifetiem
  51. 20 _______ or ______ teeth
    deciduous or milk
  52. 32 _____ teeth (replacment begins at age 6 to about 17)
  53. ______ or ____ are last to errupt. May cause seriouc crowidngor impaction since jaw is fully formed by their apperance
    3rd molars or wisdomw teeth
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digstive system.txt
digestive system class notes, test 3