
  1. Enterprise Data Modeling
    the first step in database development, in which the scope and general contents of organizational databases are specified
  2. ISA
    • Information Systems Architecture.
    • a conceptual blueprint or plan that expresses the desired future structure for the information systems in an organization
  3. Information Engineering
    A formal, top-down methodology that uses a data orientation to create and maintain information systems
  4. Top-Down Planning
    a generic information systems planning methodology that attempts to gain a broad understanding of the information system needs of the entire organization
  5. ISA Key Components
    • 1. Data
    • 2. Processes
    • 3. Networks
    • 4. People
    • 5. Events and points in time
    • 6. Reasons
  6. Business Functions
    A related group of business processes that support some aspects of the mission of an enterprise
  7. Functional Decomposition
    an iterative process of breaking down the description of a system into finer and finer detail in which one function is described in greater detail by a set of other, suipporting functions
  8. Corporate Planning Objects
    • 1. Organizational Units
    • 2. Organizational Locations
    • 3. Business Functions
    • 4. Entity Types
    • 5. Information Systems
  9. SDLC
    • Systems Development Life Cycle.
    • the traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems.
  10. Prototyping
    An iterative process of systems development in which requirements are converted to a working system that is continually revised through close work between analysts and users
  11. Agile Software Development
    an approach to database and software development thate emphasizes "individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and response to change over following a plan."
  12. Project
    a planned undertaking of related activities to reach an objective that has a beginning and an end
  13. Incremental Commitment
    a strategy in systems development projects in which the project is reviewed after eacvh phase and continuation of the project is rejustified in each of these reviews
  14. Three-Schema Components
    • External Schema
    • Conceptual Schema
    • Internal Schema
  15. Conceptual Schema
    a detailed, technology-independent specification of the overall structure of organizational data
  16. Logical Schema
    the representation of a database for a particular data management technology
  17. Physical Schema
    specifications for how data from a logical schema are stored in a computer's secondary memory by a database management system.
  18. Three-Tiered Database Location Architecture
    • Client tier
    • Application/Web Server
    • Enterprise Server (minicomputer or mainframe) tier
  19. Client/Server Architecture
    a LAN-based environment in which database software on a server (called a database server or database engine) performs database commands sent to it from client workstations, and application programs on each client concetrate on user interface functions.
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Modern Database Management Chapter 2