Stimuli designed to elicit a response. (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic)
Antecedent events
Stimuli presented following a response.
Consequent Events
Structured opportunity to produce the target. (Ex. rabbit, ring)
Discrete trial
Stimuli arranged to elicit the behavior.
(/b/sound... bring toys/objects with the target in their name.)
Evoked Trial
Clinician gives a model.
(visual cueing etc.)
Modeled trials
Occurs when the rate of behvior increases above the baseline rate
Postitive reinforcement
Distasteful stimulus is removed contingent upon a desired response
(desired behavior increases)
Negative reinforcement (not the same as "punishment")
A stimulus that does not have to be learned so it is reinforcing in the absence of learning (can be food, toys, stamps, etc)
Primary reinforcer
A stimulus paired with a primary reinforcer that eventually takes on the properties of the primary reinforcer.
(Ex. verbal praise....nice work
I heard that nice /s/ sound)
Secondary reinforcer
Based on previous experience.
Conditioned Generalized reinforcers
What type of Informative Feedback must you be specific... tell them what they did that was so great?
What type of Informative Feedback might clinician use a chart or graph?
What type of Informative Feedback uses a variety of reinforcers?
Multiple Reinforcement Contingencies
What type of Informative Feedback may use computer programs..... used often in a school setting?
Mechanical feedback
Clearly defined behavior that will be rewarded... the client must know what they must do to get the reward. (how our world works)
1. Present reward immediately following the behavior
2. Agreement concerning how the tokens can be exchanged for prizes.
3. Reinforcement Menu--indicates how many tokens it takes to buy each prize.
Indicates how many tokens it takes to buy each prize.
Reinforcement Menu
Most effective reinforcement used where if the client knows a correct response has been given, that will be enough to increase behavior rates.
Self reinforcement
What are the Principles for Self Reinforcement?
1. Clients can't take the reward until after the behavior is demonstrated.
2. Client has control over the rewards.
3. Standards are set before the rewards can be given.
What type of reinforcer reinforces all correct responses?
What type of reinforcer only reinforces some of the responses given?
Number of responses a client must produce within schedules of reinforcement.
Ratio Schedule
Amount of time considered within the schedules of reinforcement.
What ratio in schedules of reinforcement always stays the same (one response=1 reinforcement)?
Fixed Ratio
What ratio in schedules of reinforcement requires 3 responses before each reinforcement? (3:1)
Variable Ratio
For decreasing behavior rates, __________are often resistant to extinction due to the nueral pathways that have already been made so would be considered _________ ________ behaviors.
Inappropriate Communication Behaviors
In Decreasing Behavior Rates, what behaviors interrupt the treatment process?
Interfering behaviors
In Decreasing Behavior Rates, __________ of targeted behavior may occur; not because of client's inability to perform but in their desire to do so. (piano lesson, exercise program)
Make sure that what we are doing is resistant to extinction
In Decreasing Behavior Rates, ________ is defined in terms of response rate, not generally used now.
In Decreasing Behavior Rates, this term describes when the client is unable to reach the reward (goal is too unattainable for client or too much effort.
Make them attainable/reachable quickly
In Decreasing Behavior Rates, this tx method uses a earn and lose or lose only method. Patient must pay for inappropriate behaviors (used when client has been in treatment awhile and they really can do it but their effort is too low... take away tokens
Any period of non-reinforcement is considered a _________.
Following an undesirable behavior, all activity stops. (ex. no talking for 5 seconds)
Non-exclusion time out
Tell the client what they need to do differently.
Corrective Feedback
Need to be sure the stimulus is a reinforcer.
Stimulus Withdrawl
Making adjustment during a session because something isn't working or has client mastered the skill and is ready to move on?
Needs to be measureable (have a beginning and an end.
Instructional Objectives
Include these types of 465 in text
What you want a client to do before thier dismissal.
Terminal Objectives
For a specific period of time (short rage)- semester goals.
Short Term Objectives
For that week's session(s)
Weekly Objectives
Approach that typically focuses on one or two sounds at a time.
Traditional Approach
Factors for Traditional Approach
- Chronological Age
- Frequency of occurrence
- Stimulability
- Extent to which errors are produced
- Severity of error
- Least=Distortion
- Middle = substitution
- Most= Omission
Traditional Approach
5 stages
Sensory perceptual training - client isn't required to produce the sound.
production training
Transfer and carryover
A client isn't required to produce the sound, this is in what stage in the Traditional Approach?
Sensory perceptual training
Describe sight, sound feel of phoneme.
Does this word contain your sound?
Bombardment, vary loudness and duration: goal is to increase sensitivity.
Focus on listening, may include error detection and correction.
Stress pattern of movement from one to the other.
Designed to develop the ability to produce the sound quickly and easily.
Productions are "stabilized" at each level before moving on to the next
**Be sure steps are very small**
Words are made up of sound sequences.
Client says and writes the sound: 1 syllable words, multisyllable words, whole words.
Simultaneous Talking and Writing
Client prolongs the sound, then on a signal from the clinician produced the rest.
Signaling techniques
The ablility to use the new sound in conversation.
****Carry Over Activities***
Homework (usually asking them to do things that they can already do)
Speech Assignments
****Carry Over Activities***
Have someone else check the child's speech.
Self and peer monitoring
****Carry Over Activities***
Brief periods of time when we're monitoring their speech. (practice in other settings)
Ex. show and tell or somone monitor adult during coffee break.
Nucleus Situations
Ex. show and tell or somone monitor adult during coffee break.
****Carry Over Activities***
Aware of their own speech production
Proprioceptive Awareness
****Carry Over Activities***
Use the sound in various types of speaking
Use the sound in various types of speaking
This was the 5th Activity listed under carryover activities. Really not a definition, just a statement. So there was no answer.
Retention of a learned skill after the therapy is complete (mastery of skill should be retained)
- client seen less freq. to start(2x's a week to once a week)
- Ready for dismissal
Three Objectives of Sensory Motor Approach.
1. Heighten responsiveness to patterns of speech movements.
2. Reinforce correct production of the error sound.
3. Facilitate correct production in systematically varied contexts.
Sample articulation in a variety of setting over several days.
Baseline data describes the current state of the behavior
Behavior must be measureable, have a difinite beginning and end (this is one of the most important but often most difficult in writing goals.) Jimmy will improve his speech is "No Bueno"!!
Positive Reinforcement
-Immediately follows a response
-There are many types of reinforcers
-Satisfies a need of the organism-need of approval
-Increases the probability of a response recurring.
Increasing Behavior Rate by
Positive Reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Any skill that's taught to a client, patient, or student (anything that you attempt to teach)
Target Behavior
Target Behavior
Select behaviors that....
1. Important to change (age appropriate?, developmentally appropriate ?, will it make a difference in the clients social interaction?)
2 May be reinforced in other settings
3. Expand communication skills
4. Linguistically and culturally appropriate.
3 different Baseline Trials?
Discrete Trial
Evoked Trial
Modeled Trial
*may use other stimulus methods(visual, cueing,etc)**
Informative Feedback can be ________, __________, _________, and ________.
Verbal, nonverbal, multiple reinforcement contingencies, and mechanical feedback.
Conditions for effective Reinforcement include:
- State of need exists
- Experimenter controls the presentation of the stimulus
- Reinforcer is positive only if the behavior increases.
- Choose reinforcers that will not wear out or have no undesirable side effects.
Remember (in reinforcement) to:
- Don't assume a consequence is a reinforcer.
- Present reinforcer immediately after behavior
- dont use monotonous delivery
- Be sure the client knows why the reinforcer is being given
- Eye contact is important
- Consistency!!
Time out is a period of ________- ______________.
As a clinician, ask yourself:
- Is this activity to difficult?
-Were my instructions clear?
- Was the reinforcement appropriate? Did they like it, did it work?
- Were sessions too structured to meet the client's needs?
- Did I target the appropriate target behaviors?
Phases: (5) of them they are?
Establishment Phase
Level A
Level B
Level C
Produce each consonant sound in response to a grapheme or phonetic symbol.
Establishment Phase
- sound production sheet (SPS)
Visual stimulus- most difficult Phase
Level A
Children under 5 skip
Auditory Visual Stimulus - Phase
Level B
Stimulus (maximal cueing)- Easiest phase
Level C
*start at level C and move toward level A
Holding procedure
1. May work on 5 or more sounds during a session
2. Syllable-use only if the client fails a word probe.. so usually don't use syllables.
3. At word level, use a variety of words with a variety of vowels- when we work on articulation we train a lot of nouns because we can picture them in our head
4. Phrases or sentences- self monitoring begins
5. Reading or Story passages (WWA)-whole word accuracy
6. Conversation level
90% whole word accuracy in various speaking situations without any external support.
May monitor for about 3 months
May lose about 5%
Maintenance Level
Maintenance options
Return Visits, Clinician visits class, telephone conversations, reports and others
Paired Stimuli Approach
- designed for children with few errors or sound distortions
- operant principles- only one sound is trained at a time
- uses a key word to train production
- 4 keywords (keywords are words in which the client says correctly), 2 initial, and 2 final
- Key Word: target occurs only once, target produced correctly 9 of 10 times. (ex. Word List)
- training words: 10 initial, 10 final, unless errors occurs in only one position.
-Use of a picture board P.419
- alternate between a key word and a training word=training string
Paired Stimuli Approach: Word Level
- first train the initial position, then final
- Third word (target in initial position), produce both key and training words with a breif pause=response unit
- Fourth word(target in final postition), produce both key and training word with a brief pause=response unit
-Probe for generalization to conversational speech.
Sentence Level:
- Ask a question to elicit the key word and a training word in a sentence.
- Reinforcement varies
- ask a question to elicit the second and third key words(alternate the key word and the training words)
- Ask a question to elicit the first and fourth training words.
Conversation Level:
- Asks open ended questions
- Stop if the child uses the sound correctly in 4 words or there are errors.
- Increase level of the #of productions needed for reinforcement. (maybe start with 7, then 10, 13, 15)
- Probe after each level
A key word and a training word is called a ___________.
Training String
In the Paired Stimuli Approach, a __________ __________ is a word that the client can produce correctly __ out of __ times?
Key word, 9 out of 10
Key Words (Paired Stimuli Approach)
- Target sound occurs only once(for this example the target sounds is./r/
- the child says the sound correctly 9 of 10 times.
-2 with the sound in the initial position:(rat, rope)
-2 with the sound in the final position:(car, bear)
Training Words
- the target sound is misarticulated 2 of 3 times.