Bio 2 Lab Dr D

  1. Name of the fur for a rat
  2. Name of whiskers for a rat?
  3. Name of the external ears of a rat
  4. Name of the canal leading in from the ear on a rat is called
    auditory meatus
  5. two nostirls on a rat are called
  6. A.
    Skeletal System- composed of bone—two types:
    • 1.
    • Cancellous, or compact bone--Forms the long
    • bones of the body

    • 2.
    • Membranous or spongy bone---Flat bones
  7. structure of of cancellous bone-formed in concentric rings termed ______—formed by______
    • osteons
    • osteocytes
  8. The skeletal system is divided
    into two parts
    A. Axial skeletonB. The Appendicular skeleton
  9. Axial skeleton- point of attachment for appendicular
    skeleton—protects some body organs

    Consists of :
    1. The skull 2. The vertebral column (7-cervical, 12-thoracic, 5-Lumbar, Sacram, coccyx)
  10. Ribs- ( ? pair ___ –attach to sternum, ? pair____, ? pair _____)
    • 7 true
    • 3 false
    • 2 floating
  11. Structure of the skull divided into two parts
    upper and cranial
  12. Cranial portions- consists of
    frontal bone (1), the parietals (2), The temporal (2) The occipital (1)
  13. Crainial bones joined together by membranous
    structures (sutures) –
    The coronal (frontal and parietals. The sagittal (parietals), the Squamosal,(parietals and temporals), the lamboidal (occipital and parietals)
  14. Facial bone portions:
    1. The nasal bone2. The ethmoid, 3. The lacrimal 4. The sphenoid 5. The zygomatic 6. Zygomaticprocess of the temporal 7. The maxillary 8. The mandible
  15. Humans- upper appendicular skeleton:
    1. The scapula,clavical, humerus, radius + ulna, carpals, meta carpals, phalanges
  16. Lower appendicular consits of:
    Pelvic bones, femur, tibia andfibula, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, calcaneous, phalanges
Card Set
Bio 2 Lab Dr D
Lab Practical 3