
  1. Vertebral Arch
    • Pedile: projects posteriorly to transverse process.
    • Lamina: continues from pedicle. Both lamina meet to from the arch.
  2. Processses associated with typical vertebra?
    • Spinous process: singular process that projects from dorsal aspect
    • Transverse process: projects laterally from junction at pedicle and lamina. Sites for muscle attachments.
    • Superior articular process: has facet that allows articulation with superior vertebrae.
    • Inferiour articular process: inferior and posterior to Superior articular process. Articulates with inferior vertebrae.
  3. Cervical Vertebrae
    • C1-C7
    • Transverse foramina: openings in C1-C6/C7 that allow verterbral arteries to the brain.
    • Bifid spinous process C2-C6
  4. C1 or Atlas
    • Not true vertebrae level.
    • Superior articular facets articulate with the occipital condyles to form the atlanto-occipital joint
  5. C2 or Axis
    Dens or odontoid process: unique process projecting in a vertical plain superirorly. Articulates with the atlas allowing for circumferencial movements.
  6. Thoracic Vertebrae
    • 12 thoracic vertebrae
    • spinous processes
    • Superior costal facets: superior dorsal aspect of vertebral bodies.
    • Inferiror costal facets: inferior dorsal aspect of vertebral bodies.
    • Transvers costal facets: lateral most aspects of transverse processes.
  7. Lumbar Vertebrae
    • 5 vertebrae
    • Blunt or rounded spinous process
    • Secondary curviture
  8. Sacrum
    • 5 fused segments of bone
    • Aricular Surface: superior lateral aspect of sacrum. Articulate with the aricular surface of the ilium to form sacroiliac joint.
    • Medial sacral crest: ridge in the midline on the dorsal surface. Fusion of spinous process S1-S5.
    • Posterior sacral foramina: lateral on both sides of the medial sacral crest. Allow passage of spinal nerves.
    • Superior articular processes of the sacrum: articulate witht the inferior articular process of the 5th lumber.
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Vertebrae features