A term that refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices to guide their behaviors.
Code of Ethics
A collection of principles that are intended to guide decision making by members of the organization.
A term that means you accept the consequences of your decisions and actions.
A term that means a determination of who is reponsible for actions that were taken.
A legal concept meaning that individuals have the right to recover the damages done to them by other individuals, organizations, or systems.
Is Unethical and Illegal the same?
No, unethical is not necessarily illegal.
What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?
This law requires that public companies implement financial controls and that, to ensure accountability, executives must personally certify financial reports.
What does improvements in IT cause?
Improvesments in IT are causing an increasing number of ethical problems.
What is IT
Information Technology
What do Computer Networks do?
Computer networks, particularly the Internet, enable organizations to collect, integrate, and distriute enormous amounts of information on individuals, groups, and institutions.
What are Privacy Issues?
Involve collecting, storing and disseminating information about individuals.
What are Accuracy Issues?
Involve the authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of information that is collected and processed.
What are Property Issues?
Involve the ownership and value of information.
What are Accessiblilty Issues?
They revolve around who should have access to information and whether they should have to pay for this access.
The right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personal intrusion.
Is the right to privacy absolute?
No, privacy must be balanced against the needs of society.
Does the public have the right to know?
Yes, the publics right to know supersedes the individuals right of privacy.
Digital Dossier
An electronic description of a use and his or her habits.
The process of compling a digital dossier on a person.
What is Customer Intimacy?
When dossiers are sold to companies that want to know their customers better.
Electronic Surveillance
Monitoring or tracking peoples activities with the aid of computers.
What is URL filtering?
When a company uses software to block connections to inappropriate Web sites.
Trusted versus Untrusted Network
A trusted network is any network within your organization, whereas an untrusted network is any network external to your organization.
Wireless Technologies
Allow access to the Internet anywhere and anythime, they are an inherently nonsecure broadcast communications medium.
Governmental Legislation
Dictates that many types of information must be protected by law.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Requires companies to notify consumers of privacy policies and to provide opt-out provisions, it also protects nonpublic financial data.
Privacy Policies
An organizations guidelines with respect to protecting the privacy of customers, clients, and employees.
Computing skills necessary to be a hacker are decreasing.
Users with fre computer skills can download and use to attack any IS connected to the internet.
Illegal activities executed on the internet.
Service Level Agreement, it spells out specific requirements and establihes a security standard.