
  1. Why are Jesus' de
    Why are Jesus' decisions right if he does judge? John 8:16
  2. Why are Jesus' disciples a
    Why are Jesus' disciples already clean? John 15:3
  3. Why are Jesus' disciples f
    Why are Jesus' disciples filled with grief? John 16:6
  4. Why are the c
    Why are the crowds looking for Jesus? John 6:26
  5. Why are the c
    Why are the crowds not looking for Jesus? John 6:26
  6. Why are the disciples a
    Why are the disciples already clean? John 15:3
  7. Why are the disciples f
    Why are the disciples filled with grief? John 16:6
  8. Why are the Jews a
    Why are the Jews angry with Jesus? John 7:23
  9. Why are the Jews r
    Why are the Jews ready to kill Jesus? John 8:37
  10. Why are the Jews w
    Why are the Jews who had believed Jesus ready to kill him? John 8:37
  11. Why are thes
    Why are these miracles written? John 20:31
  12. Why are you al
    Why are you already clean? John 15:3
  13. Why are you an
    Why are you angry with Jesus? John 7:23
  14. Why are you f
    Why are you filled with grief? John 16:6
  15. Why can a
    Why can a child be circumcised on the Sabbath? John 7:23
  16. Why can the S
    Why can the Son do only what he sees his Father doing? John 5:19
  17. Why can the w
    Why can the world not accept the Spirit of truth? John 14:17
  18. Why did a g
    Why did a great crowd of people follow Jesus? John 6:2
  19. Why did a l
    Why did a large crowd of Jews come when they found out that Jesus was there? John 12:9
  20. Why did an
    Why did another disciple go with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard? John 18:15
  21. Why did God g
    Why did God give his one and only Son? John 3:16
  22. Why did God n
    Why did God not send his Son into the world? John 3:17
  23. Why did God s
    Why did God send his Son into the world? John 3:17
  24. Why did I
    Why did Isaiah say this? John 12:41
  25. Why did Jesus a
    Why did Jesus ask Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" John 6:5-6
  26. Why did Jesus' d
    Why did Jesus' disciples gather the pieces that were left over? John 6:12-13
  27. Why did Jesus ge
    Why did Jesus get up from the meal, take off is outer clothing, and wrap a towel around his waist? John 13:4
  28. Why did Jesus go
    Why did Jesus go up to Jerusalem some time later? John 5:1
  29. Why did Jesus m
    Why did Jesus make a whip out of cords, and drive all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle? John 2:14-15
  30. Why did Jesus no l
    Why did Jesus no longer move about publicly among the Jews? John 11:54
  31. Why did Jesus not n
    Why did Jesus not need man's testimony about man? John 2:25
  32. Why did Jesus not t
    Why did Jesus not tell his disciples this at first? John 16:4
  33. Why did Jesus say n
    Why did Jesus say not every one of the disciples was clean? John 13:11
  34. Why did Jesus say the
    Why did Jesus say the crowd was looking for him? John 6:26
  35. Why did Jesus say thi
    Why did Jesus say this for the benefit of the people standing there? John 11:42
  36. Why did Jesus say to
    Why did Jesus say to his disciples, "Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, 'In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me'?" John 16:19
  37. Why did Jesus say, "I a
    Why did Jesus say, "I am thirsty"? John 19:28
  38. Why did Jesus say, "I t
    Why did Jesus say, "I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go"? John 21:18-19
  39. Why did Jesus say, "W
    Why did Jesus say, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me"? John 8:28
  40. Why did Jesus se
    Why did Jesus send his disciples? John 4:38
  41. Why did Jesus si
    Why did Jesus sit down by the well? John 4:6
  42. Why did Jesus st
    Why did Jesus stay two days with the Samaritans? John 4:40
  43. Why did Jesus tell h
    Why did Jesus tell his disciples plainly, "Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe"? John 11:13-15
  44. Why did Jesus tell J
    Why did Jesus tell Judas Iscariot to leave Mary alone? John 12:7
  45. Why did Jesus w
    Why did Jesus withdraw again to a mountain by himself? John 6:15
  46. Why did John come a
    Why did John come as a witness to testify concerning that light? John 1:7
  47. Why did John come a
    Why did John come as a witness? John 1:7
  48. Why did John come b
    Why did John come baptizing with water? John 1:31
  49. Why did Jos
    Why did Joseph and Nicodemus lay Jesus in a new tomb? John 19:42
  50. Why did Judas c
    Why did Judas come to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees? John 18:3
  51. Why did Judas I
    Why did Judas Iscariot say this about the perfume? John 12:6
  52. Why did Judas kn
    Why did Judas know the place? John 18:2
  53. Why did many g
    Why did many go up from the country to Jerusalem when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover? John 11:55
  54. Why did many more b
    Why did many more become believers? John 4:41
  55. Why did many more S
    Why did many more Samaritans become believers? John 4:41
  56. Why did many of the J
    Why did many of the Jews read this sign? John 19:20
  57. Why did many of the S
    Why did many of the Samaritans from that town believe in Jesus? John 4:39
  58. Why did many p
    Why did many people go out to meet Jesus? John 12:18
  59. Why did Martha g
    Why did Martha go out when she heard that Jesus was coming? John 11:20
  60. Why did Martha s
    Why did Martha say there was a bad odor by this time? John 11:39
  61. Why did Mary b
    Why did Mary bend over as she wept? John 20:11
  62. Why did Mary M
    Why did Mary Magdalene come running to Simon Peter and the other disciple and say, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"? John 20:2
  63. Why did Mary M
    Why did Mary Magdalene come running to Simon Peter and the other disciple? John 20:2
  64. Why did Mary M
    Why did Mary Magdalene say, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"? John 20:2
  65. Why did Mary s
    Why did Mary say, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him"? John 20:15
  66. Why did men
    Why did men love darkness instead of light? John 3:19
  67. Why did no one l
    Why did no one lay a hand on Jesus? John 7:30
  68. Why did no one s
    Why did no one seize Jesus? John 8:20
  69. Why did none
    Why did none of the disciples dare ask Jesus, "Who are you?" John 21:12
  70. Why did Pe
    Why did Peter and the other disciple start for the tomb? John 20:3
  71. Why did Pilate c
    Why did Pilate come out to the Jews and ask, "What charges are you bringing against this man?" John 18:29
  72. Why did Pilate f
    Why did Pilate finally hand Jesus over to them? John 19:16
  73. Why did Pilate h
    Why did Pilate hand Jesus over to them? John 19:16
  74. Why did Si
    Why did Simon Peter wrap his outer garment around him? John 21:7
  75. Why did some G
    Why did some Greeks go to the Feast? John 12:20
  76. Why did some t
    Why did some think Jesus was telling Judas to buy what was needed for the Feast, or to give something to the poor? John 13:29
  77. Why did the chief priests a
    Why did the chief priests and the Pharisees send temple guards? John 7:32
  78. Why did the chief priests m
    Why did the chief priests make plans to kill Lazarus as well? John 12:10-11
  79. Why did the crowd a
    Why did the crowd ask Jesus, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you?" John 6:30
  80. Why did the crowd g
    Why did the crowd get into the boats and go to Capernaum? John 6:24
  81. Why did the d
    Why did the disciples gather the pieces that were left over? John 6:12-13
  82. Why did the father a
    Why did the father and all his household believe? John 4:53
  83. Why did the Father g
    Why did the Father grant his Son authority over all people? John 17:2
  84. Why did the G
    Why did the Galileans welcome Jesus when he arrived in Galilee? John 4:45
  85. Why did the Jews ask P
    Why did the Jews ask Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down? John 19:31
  86. Why did the Jews ask t
    Why did the Jews ask the man who had been healed, "Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk?" John 5:12
  87. Why did the Jews b
    Why did the Jews begin to grumble about Jesus? John 6:41
  88. Why did the Jews n
    Why did the Jews not enter the palace? John 18:28
  89. Why did the Jews o
    Why did the Jews of Jerusalem send priests and Levites? John 1:19
  90. Why did the Jews pe
    Why did the Jews persecute Jesus? John 5:16
  91. Why did the Jews pi
    Why did the Jews pick up stones? John 8:59
  92. Why did the Jews pi
    Why did the Jews pick up stones? John 10:31
  93. Why did the Jews s
    Why did the Jews say to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat"? John 5:10
  94. Why did the Jews t
    Why did the Jews try all the harder to kill Jesus? John 5:18
  95. Why did the Jews wh
    Why did the Jews who had been with Mary in the house follow her? John 11:31
  96. Why did the L
    Why did the Lord come to a town in Samaria called Sychar? John 4:4-5
  97. Why did the man a
    Why did the man and all his household believe? John 4:53
  98. Why did the man g
    Why did the man go and wash? John 9:7
  99. Why did the man who h
    Why did the man who had been blind ask Jesus who the Son of Man is? John 9:35-36
  100. Why did the man who w
    Why did the man who was healed have no idea who it was who told him to pick up his mat and walk? John 5:13
  101. Why did the man's
    Why did the man's parents say, "He is of age; ask him"? John 9:22-23
  102. Why did the other disciples f
    Why did the other disciples follow in the boat, towing the net full of fish? John 21:8
  103. Why did the other disciples t
    Why did the other disciples tell Thomas, "We have seen the Lord!"? John 20:25
  104. Why did the Pharisees a
    Why did the Pharisees also ask the man how he had received his sight? John 9:15
  105. Why did the Pharisees s
    Why did the Pharisees say to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!"? John 12:19
  106. Why did the ro
    Why did the royal official and all his household believe? John 4:53
  107. Why did the ru
    Why did the rumor spread among the brothers that the disciple whom Jesus loved would not die? John 21:23
  108. Why did the Sa
    Why did the Samaritan woman ask, "How can you ask me for a drink"? John 4:9
  109. Why did the servants a
    Why did the servants and officials stand around a fire they had made? John 18:18
  110. Why did the servants f
    Why did the servants fill the jars to the brim? John 2:7
  111. Why did the soldiers c
    Why did the soldiers come and break the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other? John 19:32
  112. Why did the soldiers d
    Why did the soldiers decide by lot who would get Jesus' undergarment? John 19:24
  113. Why did the soldiers n
    Why did the soldiers not break Jesus' legs? John 19:33
  114. Why did the soldiers t
    Why did the soldiers take charge of Jesus? John 19:16
  115. Why did the t
    Why did the two disciples go and see where Jesus was staying? John 1:39
  116. Why did they g
    Why did they go out and get into the boat? John 21:3
  117. Why did they l
    Why did they lay Jesus in a new tomb? John 19:42
  118. Why did they p
    Why did they pick up stones? John 8:59
  119. Why did this
    Why did this disciple go with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard? John 18:15
  120. Why do Jesus' disciples kn
    Why do Jesus' disciples know the Spirit of truth? John 14:17
  121. Why do Jesus' disciples r
    Why do Jesus' disciples rightly call him "Teacher" and "Lord"? John 13:13
  122. Why do the d
    Why do the disciples know the Spirit of truth? John 14:17
  123. Why do the Jews a
    Why do the Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy? John 10:36
  124. Why do the Jews c
    Why do the Jews circumcise a child on the Sabbath? John 7:22
  125. Why do the Jews d
    Why do the Jews diligently study the Scriptures? John 5:39
  126. Why do the Jews not believe J
    Why do the Jews not believe Jesus? John 8:45
  127. Why do the Jews not believe w
    Why do the Jews not believe what Jesus says? John 5:47
  128. Why do the Jews not believe?
    Why do the Jews not believe? John 10:26
  129. Why do the Jews not h
    Why do the Jews not hear what God says? John 8:47
  130. Why do the Sa
    Why do the Samaritans no longer believe just because of what the woman said? John 4:42
  131. Why do the shee
    Why do the sheep follow the shepherd? John 10:4
  132. Why do the shep
    Why do the shepherd's sheep follow him? John 10:4
  133. Why do w
    Why do we worship what we do know? John 4:22
  134. Why do you a
    Why do you accuse Jesus of blasphemy? John 10:36
  135. Why do you c
    Why do you circumcise a child on the Sabbath? John 7:22
  136. Why do you know
    Why do you know the Spirit of truth? John 14:17
  137. Why do you not believe J
    Why do you not believe Jesus? John 8:45
  138. Why do you not believe?
    Why do you not believe? John 10:26
  139. Why do you not h
    Why do you not hear what God says? John 8:47
  140. Why does a m
    Why does a man stumble when he walks by night? John 11:10
  141. Why does a p
    Why does a person who has had a bath need only to wash his feet? John 13:10
  142. Why does a w
    Why does a woman giving birth to a child forget the anguish when her baby is born? John 16:21
  143. Why does a w
    Why does a woman giving birth to a child have pain? John 16:21
  144. Why does h
    Why does he who speaks on his own do so? John 7:18
  145. Why does Jesus'
    Why does Jesus' Father prune every branch that does bear fruit? John 15:2
  146. Why does Jesus h
    Why does Jesus have testimony weightier that that of John? John 5:36
  147. Why does Jesus l
    Why does Jesus live? John 6:57
  148. Why does Jesus m
    Why does Jesus mention human testimony? John 5:34
  149. Why does Jesus no l
    Why does Jesus no longer call his disciples servants? John 15:15
  150. Why does Jesus not
    Why does Jesus not judge the person who hears his words but does not keep them? John 12:47
  151. Why does Jesus p
    Why does Jesus pray also for those who will believe in him through their message? John 17:20-21
  152. Why does Jesus san
    Why does Jesus sanctify himself for his disciples? John 17:19
  153. Why does Jesus say the S
    Why does Jesus say the Spirit will take from what is Jesus' and make it known to his disciples? John 16:15
  154. Why does Jesus say these
    Why does Jesus say these things while he is still in the world? John 17:13
  155. Why does N
    Why does Nathanael believe? John 1:50
  156. Why does the devil n
    Why does the devil not hold to the truth? John 8:44
  157. Why does the devil s
    Why does the devil speak his native language when he lies? John 8:44
  158. Why does the Father h
    Why does the Father himself love Jesus' disciples? John 16:27
  159. Why does the Father p
    Why does the Father prune every branch that does bear fruit? John 15:2
  160. Why does the Father's
    Why does the Father's word not dwell in the Jews? John 5:38
  161. Why does the g
    Why does the gardener prune every branch that does bear fruit? John 15:2
  162. Why does the h
    Why does the hired hand abandon the sheep and run away when he sees the wolf coming? John 10:12
  163. Why does the man r
    Why does the man run away? John 10:13
  164. Why does the man wh
    Why does the man who saw it testify? John 19:35
  165. Why does the o
    Why does the one whom God has sent speak the words of God? John 3:34
  166. Why does the r
    Why does the reaper harvest the crop for eternal life? John 4:36
  167. Why does the r
    Why does the reaper harvest the crop? John 4:36
  168. Why does the t
    Why does the thief come? John 10:10
  169. Why does the world hate Jesus'
    Why does the world hate Jesus' disciples? John 15:19
  170. Why does the world hate Jesus?
    Why does the world hate Jesus? John 7:7
  171. Why does the world hav
    Why does the world have no excuse for their sin? John 15:22
  172. Why does whoever d
    Why does whoever does not believe in God's Son stand condemned already? John 3:18
  173. Why does whoever l
    Why does whoever lives by the truth come into the light? John 3:21
  174. Why does y
    Why does your father speak his native language when he lies? John 8:44
  175. Why had J
    Why had Jesus' disciples gone into the town? John 4:8
  176. Why had m
    Why had many Jews come to Martha and Mary? John 11:19
  177. Why had the c
    Why had the chief priests and Pharisees given orders that if anyone found out where Jesus was, he should report it? John 11:57
  178. Why had the S
    Why had the Spirit not been given up to that time? John 7:39
  179. Why has a
    Why has a man who comes after John surpassed him? John 1:30
  180. Why has he b
    Why has he blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts? John 12:40
  181. Why has he wh
    Why has he who comes after John surpassed John? John 1:15
  182. Why has Jesus ca
    Why has Jesus called his disciples friends? John 15:15
  183. Why has Jesus come d
    Why has Jesus come down from heaven? John 6:38
  184. Why has Jesus come into the
    Why has Jesus come into the world as a light? John 12:46
  185. Why has Jesus come into this
    Why has Jesus come into this world for judgment? John 9:39
  186. Why has Jesus come?
    Why has Jesus come? John 10:10
  187. Why has Jesus g
    Why has Jesus given them the glory that the Father gave him? John 17:22
  188. Why has Jesus s
    Why has Jesus set his disciples an example? John 13:15
  189. Why has Jesus t
    Why has Jesus told his disciples now before it happens? John 14:29
  190. Why has n
    Why has none been lost except the one doomed to destruction? John 17:12
  191. Why has the Father e
    Why has the Father entrusted all judgment to the Son? John 5:22-23
  192. Why has the Father given J
    Why has the Father given Jesus glory? John 17:24
  193. Why has the Father given t
    Why has the Father given the Son authority to judge? John 5:27
  194. Why has the O
    Why has the One and Only surpassed John? John 1:15
  195. Why has the Word
    Why has the Word surpassed John? John 1:15
  196. Why has the world
    Why has the world hated those the Father has given Jesus? John 17:14
  197. Why has T
    Why has Thomas believed? John 20:29
  198. Why have
    Why have I told you all this? John 16:1
  199. Why is it
    Why is it for Jesus' disciples' good that Jesus is going away? John 16:7
  200. Why is it
    Why is it for the disciples' good that Jesus is going away? John 16:7
  201. Why is it
    Why is it for your good that Jesus is going away? John 16:7
  202. Why is Jesus gl
    Why is Jesus glad for his disciples' sake he was not there when Lazarus died? John 11:15
  203. Why is Jesus going to h
    Why is Jesus going to his Father's house? John 14:2
  204. Why is Jesus going to w
    Why is Jesus going to where Lazarus had fallen asleep? John 11:11
  205. Why is Jesus' j
    Why is Jesus' judgment just? John 5:30
  206. Why is Jesus' l
    Why is Jesus' language not clear to the Jews who believed Jesus? John 8:43
  207. Why is Jesus not a
    Why is Jesus not alone? John 16:32
  208. Why is Jesus not y
    Why is Jesus not yet going up to this Feast? John 7:8
  209. Why is Jesus p
    Why is Jesus praying for those the Father has given him? John 17:9
  210. Why is Jesus t
    Why is Jesus telling the disciples now before it happens? John 13:19
  211. Why is Jesus' t
    Why is Jesus' testimony valid even if he testifies on his own behalf? John 8:14
  212. Why is P
    Why is Pilate bringing Jesus out to the Jews? John 19:4
  213. Why is the
    Why is the crowd looking for Jesus? John 6:26
  214. Why is the
    Why is the crowd not looking for Jesus? John 6:26
  215. Why is there
    Why is there a bad odor by this time? John 11:39
  216. Why is this
    Why is this sickness for God's glory? John 11:4
  217. Why is w
    Why is what the woman has just said quite true? John 4:17-18
  218. Why may the
    Why may they be brought to complete unity? John 17:23
  219. Why may tho
    Why may those who will believe in Jesus be in him and the Father? John 17:21
  220. Why must Jesus d
    Why must Jesus die according to a law the Jews have? John 19:7
  221. Why must Jesus' d
    Why must Jesus' disciples also testify? John 15:27
  222. Why must the d
    Why must the disciples also testify? John 15:27
  223. Why must the S
    Why must the Son of Man be lifted up? John 3:14-15
  224. Why must y
    Why must you also testify? John 15:27
  225. Why o
    Why ought Jesus to leave Galilee and go to Judea? John 7:3
  226. Why should a
    Why should anyone who found out where Jesus was report it? John 11:57
  227. Why should Jesus' disciples a
    Why should Jesus' disciples also wash one another's feet? John 13:14
  228. Why should Jesus' disciples t
    Why should Jesus' disciples take heart? John 16:33
  229. Why should M
    Why should Mary not hold on to Jesus? John 20:17
  230. Why should the c
    Why should the crowd put their trust in the light while they have it? John 12:36
  231. Why should the Da
    Why should the Daughter of Zion not be afraid? John 12:15
  232. Why should the di
    Why should the disciples take heart? John 16:33
  233. Why should the F
    Why should the Father glorify his Son? John 17:1
  234. Why should the H
    Why should the Holy Father protect those he has given Jesus? John 17:11
  235. Why should the Jews b
    Why should the Jews believe the miracles even though they do not believe Jesus? John 10:38
  236. Why should the Jews n
    Why should the Jews not be amazed at this? John 5:28-29
  237. Why should the m
    Why should the man who was healed stop sinning? John 5:14
  238. Why should you b
    Why should you believe the miracles even though you do not believe Jesus? John 10:38
  239. Why should you n
    Why should you not be amazed at this? John 5:28-29
  240. Why should you p
    Why should you put your trust in the light while you have it? John 12:36
  241. Why should you t
    Why should you take heart? John 16:33
  242. Why was Jesus b
    Why was Jesus born? John 18:37
  243. Why was Jesus p
    Why was Jesus purposely staying away from Judea? John 7:1
  244. Why was John
    Why was John also baptizing at Aenon near Salim? John 3:23
  245. Why was Jos
    Why was Joseph a disciple of Jesus secretly? John 19:38
  246. Why was Ju
    Why was Judas doomed to destruction? John 17:12
  247. Why was o
    Why was one doomed to destruction? John 17:12
  248. Why was Peter a
    Why was Peter also standing with the servants and officials? John 18:18
  249. Why was Peter h
    Why was Peter hurt? John 21:17
  250. Why was t
    Why was the devil not holding to the truth? John 8:44
  251. Why were J
    Why were Jesus' disciples terrified? John 6:19
  252. Why were m
    Why were many of the Jews going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him? John 12:11
  253. Why were the disciples t
    Why were the disciples terrified? John 6:19
  254. Why were the disciples u
    Why were the disciples unable to haul the net in? John 21:6
  255. Why were the do
    Why were the doors locked? John 20:19
  256. Why were the m
    Why were the man's parents afraid of the Jews? John 9:22
  257. Why were the p
    Why were the people divided? John 7:43
  258. Why were the t
    Why were the teachers of the law and the Pharisees using this question as a trap? John 8:6
  259. Why were they
    Why were they using this question as a trap? John 8:6
  260. Why will a m
    Why will a man who walks by day not stumble? John 11:9
  261. Why will an
    Why will anyone who has faith in Jesus do even greater things than what Jesus has been doing? John 14:12
  262. Why will e
    Why will everyone who does evil not come into the light? John 3:20
  263. Why will Jesus com
    Why will Jesus come back and take his disciples to be with him? John 14:3
  264. Why will Jesus con
    Why will Jesus continue to make the Righteous Father known to the world? John 17:26
  265. Why will Jesus' d
    Why will Jesus' disciples also live? John 14:19
  266. Why will Jesus do
    Why will Jesus do whatever his disciples ask in his name? John 14:13
  267. Why will Jesus do
    Why will Jesus do whatever Philip asks in Jesus' name? John 14:13
  268. Why will Jesus g
    Why will Jesus give his flesh? John 6:51
  269. Why will Jesus ne
    Why will Jesus never drive away whoever comes to him? John 6:37-38
  270. Why will Jesus no
    Why will Jesus not speak with his disciples much longer? John 14:30
  271. Why will the C
    Why will the Counselor convict the world of guilt in regard to judgment? John 16:8, 11
  272. Why will the C
    Why will the Counselor convict the world of guilt in regard to righteousness? John 16:8, 10
  273. Why will the C
    Why will the Counselor convict the world of guilt in regard to sin? John 16:8-9
  274. Why will the d
    Why will the disciples also live? John 14:19
  275. Why will the F
    Why will the Father give Jesus' disciples another Counselor? John 14:16
  276. Why will the o
    Why will the one who feeds on Jesus live? John 6:57
  277. Why will the s
    Why will the sheep run away from a stranger? John 10:5
  278. Why will the t
    Why will the true worshipers worship the Father in spirit and truth? John 4:23
  279. Why will the world d
    Why will the world do such things? John 16:3
  280. Why will the world t
    Why will the world treat Jesus' disciples this way? John 15:21
  281. Why will tho
    Why will those who have done evil rise? John 5:29
  282. Why will tho
    Why will those who have done good rise? John 5:29
  283. Why will wh
    Why will whoever rejects the Son not see life? John 3:36
  284. Why would Jesus d
    Why would Jesus die not only for the Jewish nation but also for the scattered children of God? John 11:51-52
  285. Why would Jesus n
    Why would Jesus not entrust himself to them? John 2:24
  286. Why would Jesus' s
    Why would Jesus' servants fight if his kingdom were of this world? John 18:36
  287. Why would m
    Why would many even among the leaders not confess their faith? John 12:42
  288. Why would n
    Why would no one say anything publicly about Jesus? John 7:13
  289. Why would the Jews b
    Why would the Jews believe Jesus if they believed Moses? John 5:46
  290. Why would the Jews l
    Why would the Jews love Jesus if God were their Father? John 8:42
  291. Why would y
    Why would you love Jesus if God were your Father? John 8:42
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John Why's List