What are the five functions of the nervous system
homeostasis, integration, mental activity, sensory input, control of skeletal muscles
What is the basic unit of a nervous cell
What is an afferent neuron
it is a neuron that takes information from the environment and takes it into the central nervous system
what is an efferent neuron
a neuron that takes inforation fro he central nervous syste and takes it to the environent
What are motor neurons
they are neurons that control movement
what are the sensory neurons
they are the neuron that control the 5 senses
WHat are the two nervous systes
central nervous and paripheral nervous
what makes up the centrl nervous syste
the brain and spinal cord
what makes up the paripheral nervous system
everything else that is not the spinal cord and the brain
What are the three types of neurons
multipolar;bipolar; unipolar
what makes each type of neuron that kind of neuron
- multipolar-when a neuron has many dendrite and one axon
- bipolar-a neuron having one axon and one dendrite
- unipolar-had one projection usually an axon
what is the name of the litle gap between the the dendrites
what enables the message to jump across the cynapse to the oher neuron
What is a nissl body
a large consintration of rough er.. mostly inly in neurons
How many hemispheres are the brain divided into
2; left and right
what is the function of the corpus colosum
it allows the two hemispheres to communicate with eachother;
How many lobes is in the human brain
what are the four lobes of the brain
frontal, pariteal, temperal, occipital
what are the four regions of the brain
cerebellum, cerebrum, brain stem and the dienlephalm
what are the three parts of the dienlephalm
epithalamus, thalimus, hypdthalimus
which lobe controls the volunary motor functions, modivation, aggression, mood, and smell reception
frontal lobe
whichlobe controls reception, evaluation of dendory skills, touch, pain, temperature, balance, and taste
parietal lobe
whichlobe controls reception and integration of visual concepts
occipital lobe
which lobe controls ofactory sinsation(smell) hearing, and memory
temporal lobe
What three protections does the human body have to protect the bran and spinal cord
menengies, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid
what are the three parts to the menengies
dura mater, arachnoid mater, and the pia mater
whar are three parts o fthe brain stem
medulla oblongata, pons mid brain
white matter
white in appearance; myelinates fibers of neurns(axons)
grey matter
composed of redish-grey dendrite fibers and amd nervoual bodies
where is memory stored
cerebral cortex
what are brain waves measured by
what are the four types of brain waves
Alpah, theta, beta, delta
when is the brain transmitting alpha waves
in the 1st stage of sleep
when is beta waves trasmitted
when awake
when isthe brain transmitting thea waves
in the second stage of sleep
when is the delta waves transmitted
in the 3ed stage of sleep
what stage of sleep is when R,E.M and dreams take place
the fourth and last stage
how are the vertebrae identified
the region and the nUMBER
How many cranial nerves are there
12 pairs
how many spinal nerves are there
31 pairs
what do the cerviacal spinal nerves control
arms, neck, and hands
what does the theracic spinal nerves do
chest, abdoman, and arms
Lumbar spinal nerves control
legs and thighs
sacral nerves control
legs toes and groin
why does the brain have sulci and gyri
to have more surface area for chemical reactions
what side of the brain is invovlved with problem solving, critical thinking, math, writing, and language
left brain
which side of the brain controls creativity, art, music, and space relation
right brain
what are the two types of brain matter
white and grey