Anatomy Chapter 30

  1. What type of membrane lines the abdominopelvic cavity?
    serous membranes
  2. What part of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity adheres to the wall?
    parietal peritoneum
  3. What part of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity adheres to the surface of the internal organs?
    visceral peritoneum
  4. What is the potential space between the layers of the lining of the abdominopelvic cavity?
    peritoneal cavity
  5. What term describes abdominopelvic organs completely surrounded by visceral peritoneum?
    imtraperitoneal organs
  6. What term describes abdominopelvic organs that typically lie against the posterior abdominal wall and thus have only their anterior aspects covered with peritoneum?
    retroperitoneal organs
  7. What are the double-layered folds of peritoneum that support and stabilize the intraperitoneal GI tract organs?
  8. What extension of the peritoneum extends inferiorly like an apron from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers most of the abdominal organs?
    greater omentum
  9. What extension of the peritoneum extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach and the proximal end of the duodenum to the liver?
    lesesr omentum
  10. What fan-shaped fold of peritoneum suspends most of the small intestine from the internal surface of the posterior abdominal wall?
    mesentery proper
  11. What fold of peritoneum attaches parts of the large intestine to the internal surface of the posterior abdominal wall?
  12. What type of mesentery attaches one organ to another organ or attaches an organ to the anterior lateral abdominal wall?
    peritoneal ligament
  13. What fold of peritoneum attaches the liver to the anterior internal abdominal wall?
    falciform ligament
  14. What layer of tissue lines the lumen of the GI tract?
  15. What layer of the GI tract is highly vascular, holds mucin-secreting glands, and houses an extensive nerve plexus?
  16. What layer of the GI tract typically contains two layers of muscle?
  17. The outer most tunic of the GI tract may be either of what two structures?
    adventitia or serosa
  18. The branches of what three arteries supply the abdominal GI tract?
    celiac trunk, superior & inferior mesenteric arteries
  19. In the small intestine, each villus usually contains a single blind-ended central lymphatic capillary. What is the anatomical term for this lymphatic capillary?
  20. List the three autonomic plexuses associated with the Gi tract.
    celiac, superior mesenteric & inferior mesenteric plexuses
  21. What is the tubular organ extending from the pharynx to the stomach?
  22. The esophagus passes through what opening in the diaphragm?
    esophageal hiatus
  23. The esophagus lies immediately anterior to what structures?
    vertebral bodies
  24. What two sphincters are associated with the esophagus?
    superior & inferior esophogeal sphincter
  25. What is the shape of the stomach?
  26. Where is the stomach located?
    left upper quadrant of the abdomen inferior to the diaphragm
  27. What region of the stomach is attached to the esophagus?
  28. What is the dome-shaped region of the stomach?
  29. What is the largest region of the stomach?
  30. What region of the stomach is funnel-shaped and attached to the duodenum?
  31. What circular muscle of the stomach regulates the material entering the small intestine?
    pyloric sphincter
  32. What is the inferior convex border of the stomach?
    greater curvature
  33. What is the superior concave border of the stomach?
    lesser curvature
  34. What aer the internal folds of the stomach?
    gastric folds
  35. What is another term for the small intestine?
    small bowel
  36. What is the first segment of the small intestine?
  37. Bile and pancreatic juice enter the small intestine through what structure?
    major duodenal papilla
  38. What is the second segment of the small intestine?
  39. What is the third segment of the small intestine?
  40. What circular muscle controls the flow of material from the small intestine to the large intestine?
    ileocecal valve
  41. What is a synonym for the large intestine?
    large bowel
  42. What is the first region of the large intestine?
  43. Where is the first region of the large intestine located?
    right lower abdominal quadrant
  44. What thin, hollow, fingerlike sac lined by lymphocyte-filled lymphatic nodules is attached to the first region of the large intestine?
    vermiform appendix
  45. What segment of the large intestine extends from the ileocecal valve superiorly along the right lateral border of the abdominal cavity?
    ascending colon
  46. What bend in the colon occurs near the inferior surface of the liver?
    right colic flexure (hepatic flexure)
  47. What segment of the large intestine projects horizontally across the anterior region of the abdominal cavity?
    transverse colon
  48. What bend in the colon occurs near the spleen?
    left colic flexure (splenic flexure)
  49. What segment of the large intestine lies along the left side of the abdominal cavity?
    descending colon
  50. What segment of the large intestine is S-shaped and turns inferomedially into the pelvic cavity?
    sigmoid colon
  51. What segment of the large intestine is straight and lies on the posterior wall of the true pelvis?
  52. What is the terminal section of the large intestine?
    anal canal
  53. What two circular muscles regulate the passage of feces from the anal canal?
    internal & external anal sphincters
  54. What is the posterior opening of the alimentary canal?
  55. What are the three, thin, distinct, longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle on the exterior of the large intestine?
    teniae coli
  56. What are the many pouches that the large intestine is divided into?
  57. What are the lobules of fat hanging off the external surface of the large intestine?
    epiploic appendages
  58. Where is the liver located?
    right upper quadrant inferior to the diaphragm
  59. How many lobes make up the liver?
  60. What are the two major lobes of the liver?
    right & left lobes
  61. What separates the two major lobes of the liver?
    falciform ligament
  62. What remnant of the fetal umbilical vein is associated with the liver?
    round ligament of the liver
  63. What are the two minor lobes of the liver?
    caudate & quadrate lobes
  64. What lobe of the liver lies adjacent to the inferior vena cava?
    caudate lobe
  65. What lobe of the liver is adjacent to the gallbladder?
    quadrate lobe
  66. What is the area where blood and lymphatic vessels, bile ducts, and nerves enter the liver?
    porta hepatis
  67. What saclike organ is attached to the inferior surface of the liver?
  68. What structure fills and drains the gallbladder?
    cystic duct
  69. What retroperitoneal organ has both exocrine and endocrine functions and extends horizontally from the edge of the duodenum toward the left side abdominal cavity, touching the spleen?
  70. What portion of the pancreas lies in the curvature of the duodenum?
  71. What is teh central, elongated portion of the pancreas extending toward the left lateral abdominal wall?
  72. What portion of the pancreas approaches the spleen?
  73. What structure within the pancreas drains pancreatic juice and bicarbonate to the duodenum?
    pancreatic duct
  74. What system of ducts carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the duodenum?
    biliary apparatus
  75. What structures drain bile from the left and right lobes of the liver?
    left & right hepatic duct
  76. Structures draining the right and left lobes of the liver merge to form what structure?
    common hepatic duct
  77. What structure carries bile to and from the gallbladder?
    cystic duct
  78. The union of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct forms what structure?
    common bile duct
  79. What is the enlargement in the posterior abdominal wall where the common bile duct and pancreatic duct merge?
    hepatopancreatic ampulla
  80. Bile and pancreatic juice enter the duodenum via what structure?
    major duodenal papilla
Card Set
Anatomy Chapter 30
Digestive System, Part 2