Reletively permanent change in knowledge or behavior due to experience
Classical Conditioning
"automatic" learning about events that go together
Operant Conditioning
Learning though behavior followed by punishment and rewards
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
stimulus that naturally triggers a response
Unconditioned Response
Natural Response to UCS
Condtioned Stimulus (CS)
Origionally irrelevant responce that when paired with UCS leade to a CR
Conditioned Response
Learned Response to previously Neutral CS
Stages in Classical Conditioning
Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination
Neutral stimulus paired with UCS, NS leads to CR
CR fades with time if not paired with UCS
Spontaneous Recovery
weakened reappearence, after pause, of extinguished CR
stimuli simular to CS leads to simular CR
learned ability to discriminate between CS and NS (opp. of generalization)
Little Albert
John Watsons experiment of Classical Conditioning using loud noises affiliated with white rats
Thorndike's law of effect
a rewarded behavior is likely to reacur
The Skinner Box
a mouse does a certain act (turns on a light) and is rewarded with food and water, the mouse continues this act in order to get more food and water
Reinforcers lead actions closer and closer to desired behavior
increaces behavior
decreaces behavior
Positive Reinforcement
strengthens behavior by adding something desirable after behavior
Negetive Reinforcement
Strengthens behavior by taking away something undesirable after behavior
Primary Reinforcers
Basic needs (food, sleep, physical comfort)
Secondary (conditioned) Reinforcers
reinforcers we learn to value (money, toys)
Continuous Reinforcement
response reinforced every time
Intermittent (partial) Reinforcement
response reinforced only part of the time (most resistant to extinciton)
Best Punishment
Reasonable, Unpleasent, applied immediately
Skinner's Legacy
cultural shift from punishment to reinforcement
knowledge transferred within a culture
How Observational Learning
premotor cortex "mirror neutron" fire during observation of others
observing and imitating behavior
Imitations are more likely to occur if:
models are attractive, are somewhat similar to ourselves, and we are physically capable of imitating the models
Prosocial Models
positive, helpful models lead to learners' positive behaviors
Antisocial Models
negetive, abusive models lead to learners negetive behaviors
Vicarious Learning
learn consequences of action by watching others be rewarded or punished
More violent Media leads to
Aggressive behavior
learning that has persisted over time
Sensory Memory
immediate, very brief recording of sensory info iconic (visual) and echoic (auditory)
Short-term Memory (STM)
(Working Memory) holds few items briefly (20-30sec) usually through rehearsal 7+/-2
Long-Term Memory
reletively permanent and limitless storage
Explicit (declaritive)
with conscious recall, possessed in the hippocampus, facts (general knowledge) and personally experienced events
Implicit (non-declaritive)
without concious recall, Processed by other brain areas, including cerebellum, skills (motor and cognitive) and classical and operant conditioning effects
enters info into memory
retains enclosed info over time
Recalls info when you need it
Spacing Effect
remember best when learned over time
Serial Position Effect
recall first and last items best (especially the first), primary effect (first) and Recency (last)
Kinds of Forgetting
Absent-mindedness, Transcience, and Blocking
Failure to encode
Decay over time
"Tip of Tongue" phenomenon, can't access
Type Distortion
Misattribution, Suggestibility, Bias
source confusion
May produce false memories
Recollection colored by beliefes/emotions
Intrusion, Persistance
Unwanted memories
Motivated Forgetting
blocks unpleasent memories
New and old learning complete
Flashbulb memories
seemingly clear memory of emotional significant event
Misinformation effect
Incorporting inaccurate information into memory