Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSHA Standards
- 1. Appy to general industry, maritime, construction and agriculture
- 2. Cover the workplace, machinery and equipment, material, power sources, processing, protective clothing, first aid, and administrative requirements
Enforcing OSHA Standards
- 1. Workplace inspections
- 2. Citations and penalties
- 3. On-site consultations
OSHA first level:
Inspection of imminent danger
Second level
Inspection of catastrophes, fatalities and serious accidents
Third level
Investigation of valid employee complaints
Fourth level
Aimed at high-hazard industries
Employer intentionally and knowingly commits or violates OSHA law
Violation where death or serious harm could result
Other than serious
Violation direct relationship to job safety and health, but unlikely to cause death or serious physical harm.
Right to know laws
Laws that require employers to advise employees about the hazardous chemicals they handle
Documents that contain vital info about hazardous substances
Hazard Communication Standard
Hazard Communication Standard
OSHA published hazardous chemical regulations prescribes a system for communication data on health risks of handling certain materials
Hazardous Liquid Pipeline and Safety Act
Recordable case
Occupational death, illness or injury to be recorded in the log
Elements in creating a safe work environment
- 1. Safety motivation and knowledge
- 2. Enforcement of Safety rules
- 3. Safety awareness programs
- 4. Accident Investigations and records
Cumulative trauma disorders
Injuries involving tendons of the fingers, hands and arms that become inflamed from rpeatred stresses and strains
Negative emotional state marked by feelings of low spirits gloominess sadness and loss of pleasure in ordinary activities
Any adjustive deman caused by physical, mental or emotional factors that requires coping behavior
Positive stress that ccompanies achievement and exhileration
Harmful stress characterized by a loss of feelings of security and adequacy
Severe stage of distress, manifesting in depression, frustration and loss of productivity
High demand
- Having too much to do in too short a time
- High effort
- Having to expec too much mental or physical energy over too long a period
Low control
Too little influence over the way a job is done on a day-to-day basis
Low reward
Receiving inadequate feedback on performance and no recognition for a job well done.
Employee Assistance PRograms
- 1. Personal crises
- 2. Depression
- 3. Alcoholism
- 4. Abuse of Illegal drugs
- 5. Abuse of Legal Drugs
Why was OSHA designed?
To help assure safe and healthful working conditions for everyone working.
What are key responsibilities of OSHA?
- 1. Sets standards
- 2. Ensures employer and employee compliance
- 3. Providing safety and health consultation and training where needed.
Crisis management teams
- Teams composed of hourly and managerial employees conduct
- 1. Intitial risk assessment surveys
- 2. Develop action plans to respond to violent situations
- 3. Perform crisis intervention during violent or potentially violent encounters
Direct compensation
- 1. Wages/salaries
- 2. Commissions
- 3. Bonuses
- 4. Gainsharing
Indirect Compensation
- 1. Time noto worked
- 2. Insurance plans
- 3. Security plans
- 4. Employee services
Pay for performance standard
A standard by which managers tie compensation to employee effort and performance
HRM Compensation functions
- 1. Recruiting
- 2. Selecting
- 3. Training and development
- 4. Compensation management
- 5. Labor relations
Pay equity
An employee's perception that compensation received is equal to the value of the work performed.
Hourly work
Work paid on an hourly basis
Work paid according to the number of units produced
Nonexempt employees
Employees covered by the overtime provisions of the fair labor standards act.
Exempt employees
Employees not covered by the overtime provisions of the faiir labor standards act
Consumer price index (CPI)
Measure of the average change in prices over time in a fixed market basket of goods and services.
Escalator clauses
Clauses in labor agreements that provide for quarterly cost-of-living adjustments in wages, basing the adjustments on changes in the consumer price index
Real wages
Wage increase larger than rises in the consumer price index, that is, the real earning power of wages
Common Strategic Compensation Goals
- 1. Reward employees� past performance
- 2. Remain competitive in the labor market
- 3. Maintain salary equity among employees
- 4. Mesh employees� future performance with organizational goals
- 5. Control the compensation budget
- 6. Attract new employees
- 7. Reduce unnecessary turnover
Job ranking system
Simplest and oldest system of job evaluation by which jobs are arrayed on the basis of their relative worth
Job classification system
System of job evaluation which jobs are classified and grouped according to a series of predetermined wage grades
Point system
Quantitiative job evaluation procedure that determines the relaive value of a job by the total points assigned to it
Work valuation
Job evaluation system that seeks to measure a job�s worth through its values to the organization
Hay profile method
Job evaluation technique using three factors- knowledge, mental activity and accountability to evaluate executive and managerial positions
Wage and salary survey
Survey of the wages paid to employees of other employers in the surveying organiztion�s relevant labor market
Characteristics of key jobs:
- 1. Important to employees and the organization
- 2. Contain a large number of positions.
- 3. Relatively stable job content
- 4. Same job content across many organizations
- 5. Acceptable to employees, management, and labor as appropriate for pay comparisions.
Wage curve
Scattergram representing the relationship beween relative worth of jobs and wage rates
Page grades
- Groups of jobs withihn a particular class that are paid the same rate.
- Red circle rates
- Payment rates above the maximum of the pay range
Competence-based pay
- Pay based on an employee�s skill level, variety of skills possessed or increased job knowledge
- Important compensable situations:
- 1. Downtime or call-in time
- 2. Payment for required classes,, meetings etc.
- 3. Travel between job sites
- 4. Preparation and cleanup before and after shifts
- 5. Break periods are shorter than twenty minutes.
Fcomparable worth
Concept that male and female jobs that are dissimilar, but equal in terms of value or worth to the employer, should be paid the same
Chief objectives of benefits programs:
- 1. Improve employee work satisfaction
- 2. Meet employee health and security requirements
- 3. Attract and motivate employees
- 4. Retain top-performing employees
- 5. Maintain a favorable competitive position
Flexible benefits plans (cafeteria plans)
Benefit plans that enable individual employees to choose the benefits that are best suited to their particular needs
Flexible Benefit planse
Benefit plans that enable indiviRdual employees to choose the benefits that are best suited to their particular needs
Employee Benefits Required by law
- 1. Social Security Insurance
- 2. Unemployment Insurance
- 3. Workers� compensation
- 4. Consolidated Omnibus Budge Reconciliation (COBRA)
- 5. Family and Medical Leave
- 6. Older Workers Benefit Protection
- Discretionary major employee benefits
- 1. Health care benefits
- 2. Payment for time not worked
- 3. Supplemental unemployment benefits
- 4. Life insurance
- 5. Long term care insurance
- 6. Retirement program
- 7. Pension plan
- 8. Employee assistance program
- 9. Counseling services
- 10. Child and elder care
- 11. Other benefits and services
Benefit Concerns of Managemnet
- 1. Union demands for additional benefits
- 2. Benefits offered by other employees
- 3. Tax consequences of benefits
- 4. Rising costs of providing benefits
- Health maintenance organizations (HMO)
- Organizations of physicians and health care professionals that provide a wide range of services to subscribers and dependents on a prepaid basis
Preferred provider organization (PPO)
A group of physicians who establish an organization that gaurentees lower health care costs to the employer
Consumer �driven health plan (CDHP)
Medical insurance plan financed by employer constributions to an employee�s individual health care spending account.
Supplemental unemployment benefits (SUBs)
Plan that enables an employee who is laid off to draw in addition to state unemployment compensation, weekly benefits from the employer that are paid from a fund created for this purpose.
Contributory plan
Pension plan in which contributions are made jointly by employees and employers.
Noncontributory plan
Pension plan in which contributors are made soley by the employer
Two categories of pension plans
- 1. According to contributions made by the employer
- 2. According to the amount of pension benefits to be paid
Guarantee or accrued benefits to participants at retirement age, regardless of their employment status at that time
Employee assistance programs (EAPs)
Services provided by employers to help workers cope with a wide variety of problems that interfere with the way they perform their jobs.
Elder care
Care provided to an elderly relative by an employee who remains actively at work
Social Security Act (1935)
- 1. Old age and survivors insurance
- 2. Provides long-term disability benefits
- 3. Must work 40 quarters in an aoccupation covered by act to qualify for benefits
Performance appraisal
Process, typically performed annually by a supervisor for a subordinate, designed to help employees understand their roles, objectives, expectations, and performance success.
Performance management
Process of creating a work environment in which people can perform to the best of their abilities.
2 Purposes for Performance Appraisal
- 1. Developmental
- 2. Administrative
Developmental purposes for Performance Appraisal
- 1. Provide performance feedback
- 2. Identify individual strengths/weaknesses
- 3. Recognize individual performance
- 4. Assist in goal identification
- 5. Evaluate goal achievement
- 6. Identify individual training needs
- 7. Determine organizational training needs
- 8. Reinforce authority structure
- 9. Allow employees to discuss concerns
- 10. Improve communication
- 11. Provide a forum for leaders to help
Administrative purposes for performance appraisal
- 1. Document personnel decisions
- 2. Determine promotion candidates
- 3. Determine transfers and assignments
- 4. Identify poor performance
- 5. Decide retention or termination
- 6. Decide on layoffs
- 7. Validate selection criteria
- 8. Meet legal requirements
- 9. Evaluate training programs/progress
- 10. Personnel planning
- 11. Make reward/compensation decisions
Reasons Appraisals fail
- 1. Lack of top-management information and support
- 2. Unclear performance standards
- 3. Rater bias
- 4. Too many forms to complete
- 5. Use of appraisal program for conflicting (political) purposes.
What are the performance Standards?
- 1. Strategic Relevance
- 2. Criterion Deficiency
- 3. Criterion Containment
- 4. Reliability
Strategic relevance
Individual standards directly relate to strategic goals
Criterion deficiency
Standards capture all of an individual�s contribution
Criterion contamination
Performance capability is not reduced by external factors
Reliability (consistency)
Standards are quantifiable measurable and stable
Process whereby managers meet to discuss the performance of individual employees to ensure their employee appraisals are in line with one another
Brito v. Zia
Supreme Court ruled that performance appraisals were subject to the same validity criteria as selection procedures.
Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody
Supreme Court found that employees had been ranked against a vague standard, open to each supervisor�s own interpretation.
Legal guidelines for performance appraisals
- 1. Must be job related
- 2. Employees must be given a written copy of their job standards in advance
- 3. Managers must be able to observe behavior they are rating.
- 4. Supervisors must be trained to use the appraisal form correctly.
- 5. Should be discussed openly with employees and counseling or corrective guidance offered.
- 6. Appeals procedure should be established
Who should Appraise Performance?
- 1. Manager/Supervisor
- 2. Self
- 3. Subordinate
- 4. Peer
- 5. Team
- 6. Customer
Manager /supervisor appraisal
Performance appraisal done by an employee�s manager and often reviewed by a manager on level higher
Performance appraisal done by the employee being evaluated, generally on an appraisal form completed by the employee prior to the performance interview.
Subordinate appraisal
Performance appraisal of a superior by an employee which is more appropriate for development than for administrative purposes.
Peer appraisal
Performance appraisal done by one�s fellow employees generally on forms that are compiled into a single profile for use in the performance interview conducted by the employee�s manager
Reasons why peer appraisals are not used frequently
- 1. Peer rating are simply a popularity contest
- 2. Managers are reluctant to give up control over the appraisal process
- 3. Those receiving low ratings might retaliate against their peers.
- 4. Peers rely on stereotypes in ratings
Team appraisal
Performance appraisal based on TQM management concepts, that recognizes team accomplishment rather than individual performance
Customer appraisal
Performance appraisal that, like team appraisal, is based on TQM concepts and seeks evaluation from both external and internal customers
Safeguards to ensure its maximum quality and acceptance
- 1. Assure anonymity
- 2. Make respondents accountable
- 3. Prevent �gaming� of the system
- 4. Use statistical procedures
- 5. Identify and quantify biases
How to train appraisers
- 1. Establishing an appraisal plan
- 2. Eliminating Rater Error
- 3. Feedback training
Error of central tendency
Performance rating error in which all employees are rated about average
Leniency or strictness error
Performance rating error in which the appraiser tends to give employees either unusually high or unusually low ratings
Recency error
Performance rating error in which the appraisal is based largely on the employee�s most recent behavior rather than on behavior throughout than on behavior throughout the appraisal period
Contrast error
Performance rating error in which an employee�s evaluation is biased wither upward or downward because of comparison with another employee just previously evaluated
Similar-to-me error
Performance rating error in which an appraiser inflates the evaluation of an employee because of a mutual personal connection
Trait Appraisal methods:
- 1. Graphic rating scales
- 2. Mixed standard scales
- 3. Forced-choice method
- 4. Essay method
Graphic rating scale method
Trait approach to performance appraisal whereby each employee is rated according to a scale of characteristics
Mixed-standard scale method
A trait approach to performance appraisal similar to other scale methods but based on comparison with (better than, equal to, or worse than) a standard
Forced-choice method
Trait approach to performance appraisal that requires the rater to choose from statements designed to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful performance
Behavior Appraisal Methods
- 1. Critical incident
- 2. Behavioral checklist
- 3. Behaviorally anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
- 4. Behavior Observation Scale (BOS)
Critical incident
Unusual event that denotes superior or inferior employee performance in some part of the job
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Behavioral approach to performance appraisal that consists of a series of vertical scales, one for each important dimension of job performance
Common rater related errors
- 1. Error of central tendency
- 2. Leniency or strictness errors
- 3. Similar to me errors
- 4. Recency errors
- 5. Contrast and halo errors
Behavior Observation Scale (BOS)
Behavioral approach to performance appraisal that measures the frequency of observed behavior
Three reasons why BOS is preferred over BARS
- 1. Maintaining objectivity
- 2. Distinguishing good performers from poor performers
- 3. Providing feedback
- 4. Identify training needs
Results Appraisal Methods
- 1. Productivity measures
- 2. Management by objectives
- 3. Balanced scorecard
Management by objectives (MBO)
Philosophy of management that rates performance on the basis of employee achievement of goals set by mutual agreement of employee and manager
Balance Score Card segments
- 1. Financial
- 2. Customer
- 3. Processes
- 4. Learning
Recommendations for ensuring Balanced Scorecard success
- 1. Translate the strategy into a scorecard of clear objectives
- 2. Attach measures to each objectives
- 3. Cascade scorecards to the front line
- 4. Provide performance feedback based on measures
- 5. Empower employees to make performance improvements
- 6. Reassess strategy
Performance Appraisal methods
- 1. Trait
- 2. Behavioral
- 3. Results
Pros for Trait methods
- 1. Inexpensive to develop
- 2. Use meaningful dimensions
- 3. Easy to use
Pros for Behavioral methods
- 1. Use specific dimensions
- 2. Acceptable to employees & superiors
- 3. Useful for providing feedback
- 4. Fair for reward and promotion decisions
Pros for Results methods
- 1. Less subjectivity bias
- 2. Acceptable to employees & superiors
- 3. Link individual performance to organizational performance
- 4. Encourage mutual goal setting
- 5. Good for reward and promo decisions
Cons of Trait methods
- 1. High potential for rating errors
- 2. Not useful for employ counseling
- 3. Not useful for allocating rewards
- 4. Not useful for promotion decisions
Cons of Behavioral methods
- 1. Time-consuming to develop/use
- 2. Costly to develop
- 3. Potential for rating error
Cons for Results methods
- 1. Time consuming to develop/use
- 2. May encourage a short-term perspective
- 3. May use contaminated criteria
- 4. May use deficient criteria
Three types of appraisal interviews
- 1. Tell and sell interview
- 2. Tell and listen interview
- 3. Problem solving interview
Steps to conducting the appraisal interview
- 1. Ask for a self-assessment
- 2. Invite participation
- 3. Express appreciation
- 4. Minimize criticism
- 5. Change the behavior not the person
- 6. Focus on solving problems
- 7. Be supportive
- 8. Establish goals
- 9. Follow up day to day
Tips for using criticism constructively:
- 1. Consider whether it is really necessary
- 2. Consider the needs of the employee
- 3. Be specific, don�t exaggerate
- 4. Watch your timing
- 5. Make improvement your goal
Three factors that influence performance
- 1. Motivation
- 2. Environment
- 3. Ability
Wage rate compression
Compression of pay between new and experienced employees caused by the higher starting salaries of new employees; aslo the differential between hourly workers and their managers
Make questions for interview