The body contains more than ____ skeletal muscles
______ surrounds an individual muscle fiber
_____ surrounds a fascicle (bundle) of muscle fibers
______ Surrounds entire muscle organ
Pennate Muscles are said to be
- "featherlike"
- Ex: Flexor Pollicus Longus, Rectus Femoris, & Deltoid
Parallel muscles can
- vary in length, but long "straplike"
- Ex. Rectis abdominis & Sartorius
Convergent Muscles have
- fasicles radiating out from small to wider point of attachment
- Ex. Pectoralis Major
Fusiform muscles have
- fiscicles that may be close to parallel in the center, but converge to a tendon at one or both ends
- Ex. Brachioradialis
Spiral Muscle have
- fibers that twist between points of attachment
- Ex. Latissimus dorsi
Curcular muscles often
- circle body tubes or openings
- Ex. Orbicularis oris (mouth muscle)
Point of attachemtn that moves when the muscle contracts
Point of attachemnt that does not move when muscle contracts
- Origin
- (Therefore the origin bone is the more stationary of the two bones at a joint)
Prime mover is used to describe
a muscle that directly preforms a specific movement (main muscle that contracts directly)
Agonist can be
ANY mover that directly contributes to the same action as the prime mover
Antagonists are
muscles that when contracting, directly oppose prome movers or agonists
Synergists are
muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover
A form of a synergists is a Fixator muscle generally
functions as joint stabilizers
Lever System:
- 1. Lever (Bone)
- 2. (F)ulcrum (Joint)
- 3. (L)oad (resistance that is moved)
- 4. (P)ull (muscle contraction)
What muscles are involved in posture
All muscles contribute to standing upright
3rd Class Lever
Pull between the fulcrum and the load
Synovial joint of the shoulder move in
all planes of the body, Transverse, Sagital, Frontal
Abdominal Wall
External Oblique
Upper part of arm (front)
Biceps Brachii
Upper part of arm (back)
Triceps Brachii
Gluteus maximus, and gluteus medius
Anterior Thigh
Quadriceps Femoris
Posterior Thigh
Hamstring group
Front of forehead
Thin back head muscle
Epicranial aponeurosis
Eye brow muscle
Corrugator supercilii
Eye Muscle
Obucularis oculi
Kissing/Sucking muscle
Mouth muscle
Obicularis oris
Back of the head
Obicularis oris has its
origin in fasha
What three muscles do you use to close your mouth
Temporalis, Masseter, and Buccinator
What two muscles do you use to open your mouth
Lateral pterygoid mucle, Medial pterygoid muscle
Muscle that helps you stick out your tounge
Genioglossus (Genio-chin & glossus-tounge)
External intercostals
rib forward fibers
Internal intercostals
ribs backward fibers
Anal triangle
supports genital/urinary tract
Outter portion of anus
External anal sphincter
Floor of pelvic organs
Levator ani