Compare core, ethical, and personal values.
- Core values: foundational principles
- Ethical values: universal codes of conduct, accepted standards of right and wrong
- Personal values: choices, beliefs and attitudes, neither good or bad, that express personal preference
Explain the importance of Air Force Core Values to Air Force members.
- Congruency in core, ethical, and personal values results in good decisions
- Leads to maximum effectiveness
- Builds professional trust and a strong AF
Describe the concept of critical thinking. Be familiar with the required communication skills.
- Logical process that makes decision making more manageable.
- Ability to assess own reasoning
- Ability to take apart thoughts into logical parts, and draw conclusions
Define critical listening.
Listening to maximize the accurate understanding of what others say
Define critical reading.
An active, intellectually engaged process of reading, interpreting and understanding text
Define critical writing.
Arranging ideas in a logical order to express ourselves in a disciplined manner
Explain how to apply the nine intellectual standards to the elements of reasoning.
- Clarity: statement or question must be clear
- Accuracy: statement must reflect reality
- Precision: achieved by asking for more details or specific explanations
- Relevance: How a statement connects to question or bears on the issue
- Depth: addressing the complexities of the issue, are you addressing most significant factors?
- Breadth: consider other points of view if possible
- Logicalness: make sure thoughts make sense and follow from previous ideas
- Significance: concentrate on most important information in context of problem/question
- Fairness: consider all evidence, justify your thinking
Explain the 8 Elements of Reasoning.
- Purpose: reasoning must have an objective
- Question at issue: is it the right question, are there other questions
- Point of View: frame of reference, must consider other perspectives
- Information/data: data must be accurate, clear, fair, important, avoid bias
- Concepts/themes/ideas: contribute to depth of thought, what is most fundamental concept to consider
- Assumptions: must be justifiable
- Implications/consequences: who is affected by decision
- Inferences: steps in reasoning must be sound
State the objective of the Military Equal Opportunity Program.
To improve mission effectiveness by helping commanders at all levels conduct programs for equal opportunity and treatment and human relations education.
State the components of the Military Equal Opportunity Program.
- Equal Opportunity and Treatment
- Human Relations Education
Identify the three key services of the Military Equal Opportunity Program.
- Acts as advisors to all commanders and to base advisory councils
- Conducts Human Relations Education, key personnel briefings, and unit and wing climate assessment visits
- Conducts complaint/inquiry processing - clarification, investigation, evaluation
Identify the three key functions of the Military Equal Opportunity Program.
- Identify problems
- Correct/prevent problems
- Monitor progress
Summarize the attributes of a mentor.
- Desire to help
- Have positive experiences
- Time and energy
- Up to date knowledge
- Learning attitude
Summarize the attributes of a mentee.
- Committed to expanding capabilities
- Open and receptive to new ways of learning and trying new ideas
- Focus on achieving desired goals
- Able to accept and act on feedback
- Able to communicate and work with others
- Know when to ask for help
Identify the "ultimate" and "direct" sources of an officer's authority.
- Direct authority: the president (commander in chief)
- Ultimate authority: the Constitution
Identify the types of officer authority.
- Legal: spelled out in military directives
- Moral: judgments/decisions based on ethics and values
Explain the guidelines that must be met for an order to be enforceable.
- Within realm of authority
- Related to duty, morale, or discipline
- Clear and unequivocal
- Received and understood
Given a scenario, distinguish between properly and improperly applied military authority.
- Limits to authority
- Command function - only commanders can assign non-judicial punishment
- Lawful orders - can't order an unlawful act
- Due process - can't deprive of liberty or property
- Private lives - can't deprive subordinates of private life
- American citizens - they're the government's boss
Identify an officer's responsibilities.
- 1. Mission
- 2. Higher HQ
- 3. Collateral Units
- 4. Unit Welfare
- 5. Individuals
- 6. Yourself
- 7. Act decisively
- 8. Community
Given a scenario, correctly prioritize tasks with respect to an officer's responsibility.
Summarize violations of the DoD DIR 5500.7-R. Given a scenario is an action ethical or unethical?
- Gifts: none from a source that is in business with DoD, no gifts to superiors or from subordinates, occasional basis only - non-cash gifts of $10 or less, special occasion - $10/person and $300 limit
- Travel: required to fly coach, only first class if it's all that is available, if it's cheaper, or if not paid for by gov't, may accept upgrade if not offered because of rank
- Use of government property: okay if duration/frequency are reasonable, doesn't detract from work, doesn't reflect poorly on US, doesn't add significant cost
- Commercial activities: no conflict of interest, no solicitation of junior members (except for one-time sale of personal property)
- Fundraising: only AF and federally sanctioned funds are okay
Explain the tenets of jus ad bellum.
- Just cause: reason for war must be just, innocent life must be in danger
- Legitimate authority: only duly constituted public authorities may wage war
- Right intention: force may be used only to correct a wrong, not for material gain
- Last resort: must exhaust all other peaceful means
- Proportionality: benefits of war must outweigh evils that result, macro-proportionality
Explain the tenets of jus in bello.
- Distinction: legitimate vs. non-legitimate targets, direct vs. indirect targeting - only enemy combatants may be directly targeted
- Proportionality: greater good must justify lesser evil extent, civilian casualties must not be excessive compared to military advantage, limits types of weapons that may be used
- Military necessity: must attack military objectives, must aid in defeat of enemy, must minimally harm civilians, must limit excessive and unnecessary damage and suffering
Explain the relationship between the Just War Theory and LOAC.
- Just war theory - ethics of just warfare
- LOAC - legal codification of just warfare
Explain the restrictions imposed on combat by the legal codification of the Just War Theory through the LOAC.
- Protection of non-combatants (medical, chaplain, civilians, POW)
- Legitimate military targets only (not hospitals, religious buildings, civilian centers)
- Limits on destruction (smart bombs, guided munitions, etc.)
- Limits types of weaponry (cannot cause excessive suffering, no chemical or biological weapons)
Describe Article 1 of the Geneva Convention.
- Persons taking no active part in hostilities
- including those who have laid down their arms
- those unable to fight due to sickness, wounds, detention
- shall be treated humanely without any adverse distinction based on race, color, religion, sex, birth, wealth, etc.
What does the LOAC say about noncombatants?
- Include medical personnel, chaplains, POWs, wounded, sick, shipwrecked, parachutists escaping disabled aircraft, and civilians
- Noncombatants are not legal targets - they pose no military threat and there is no military necessity for targeting them.