MGMT 4-2

  1. Leadership
    influence over other
  2. Personal Leadership Style
    how you choose to manage
  3. Leadership across cultures
    • Europe: people oriented
    • Japan: Group oriented
    • US: profitability
  4. Power
    key to leadership
  5. Legitimate Power
    authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in an organizational hierarchy
  6. Reward Power
    • The ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible
    • rewards
  7. Coercive Power
    power to punish
  8. Expert Power
    power based on skill
  9. Referent Power
    Power from respect
  10. Empowerment
    process of giving workers at all levels more authority to make decisions and the responsibility for their outcomes
  11. Behavioral Model
    • Consideration: behavior indicating that a manager trusts,
    • respects, and cares about subordinates

    • Initiating structure: behavior that managers engage in to ensure that work gets done, subordinates perform
    • their jobs acceptably, and the organization is efficient and effective
  12. Contingency Models
    • Whether or not a manager is an effective leader is the result of the interplay between what the manager is like, what he does, and the situation in which leadership
    • takes place
  13. Fiedler’s Model
    Personal characteristics can influence leader effectiveness
  14. Relationship-oriented style
    want to be liked
  15. Task-oriented style
    Want subordinates to perform highly to get task done
  16. House's Path Goal Theory
    A contingency model of leadership proposing the effective leaders can motivate subordinates by:

    • 1.Clearly identifying the outcomes workers are trying to obtain from their jobs.
    • 2.Rewarding workers for high-performance and goal
    • attainment with the outcomes they desire
    • 3.Clarifying the paths to the attainment of the
    • goals, remove obstacles to performance, and express confidence in worker’s ability.
  17. House's Path Goal Theory
    Directive behaviors: set goals, assign tasks, show how to do things

    Supportive behavior: look out for the worker’s best interest

    Participative behavior: give subordinates a say in matters that affect them

    Achievement-oriented behavior: Setting very challenging goals, believing in worker’s abilities
  18. Leadership Substitute
    leadership is unnecessary
  19. Transformational LEadership
    • Charismatic approach (enthusiasm)
    • Developmental consideration behavior (supporting)
    • Intellectual Stimulation (big picture)

    • Makes subordinates aware of the importance of
    • their jobs and performance to the organization by providing feedback to the worker

    Makes subordinates aware of their own needs for personal growth and development

    Motivates workers to work for the good of the organization, not just themselves
  20. Transactional leadership
    Subordinates motivated because leader rewards them or punishes them
  21. Group as performance enhancers
    • 1.Ability to bounce ideas off one another
    • 2.Correct each other’s errors
    • 3.Bring more new ideas to bear on problems
    • 4.Accomplish projects beyond the scope of individuals
    • 5.Innovation
    • 6.More people = higher quality outputs
    • Whole > sum of its parts
    • 7.Motivation
  22. Formal group
    managers establish
  23. Informal group
    formed to meet own goals
  24. Top Management team
    A group composed of the CEO, the president, and the heads of the most important departments
  25. research and development team
    • A team whose members have the expertise and experience needed to develop new
    • products
  26. Command groups
    A group composed of subordinates who report to the same supervisor, also called a department or unit
  27. Task Forces
    • A committee of managers or non-managerial employees from various departments or
    • divisions who meet to solve a specific, mutual problem; also called an “ad hoc”
    • committee
  28. Self Managed work team
    A group of employees who supervise their own activities and monitor the quality of the goods and services they provide Empowerment
  29. Virtual team
    never meet face to face
  30. Crossfunctional Team
    • A group of managers or other employees brought together from different departments to perform a task
    • –Improved diversity
  31. Group Dynamics
    • The characteristics and processes that affect how a group or team functions.
    • •Size
    • •Group roles
    • •Leadership
    • •Group development
    • •Group norms-conformity vs. deviance
    • •Group cohesiveness
  32. Group Size
    • •Normally, small groups (2 to 9 members) interact better and tend to be more motivated
    • •Larger groups can be used when more resources are needed and division of labor is possible.
  33. Group Roles
    The set of behaviors and tasks that a group member is expected to perform because of his position in the group
  34. Group Leadership
    who motivates group
  35. Stages of group development
    • •Forming: Group members get to know each other and reach common goals.
    • •Storming: Group members disagree on direction and leadership. Managers need to be sure the
    • conflict stays focused.
    • •Norming: Close ties and consensus begin to develop between group members.
    • •Performing: The group begins to do its real work.
    • •Adjourning: Only for task forces that are temporary.

    • –Note
    • that these steps take time!
  36. Conformity and Deviance
    • •Members conform to norms to obtain rewards, imitate respected members, and because they feel
    • the behavior is right.
    • •Conformity and deviance must be balanced for high performance from the group.

    • Deviance
    • allows for new
    • ideas in the group
  37. Group Cohesiveness
    • •Group Cohesiveness : The degree to which members are attracted to their group
    • •Three major consequences:
    • –Level of participation
    • –Level of conformity to group norms
    • –Emphasis on group goal accomplishment
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MGMT 4-2
test 4 set 2