Phys #15.txt

  1. What is hyposomotic urine?
    high water, low solute
  2. What is hyperosmotic urine?
    Low water, high solute
  3. What are the descending and ascending LOHs permeable to?
    • descending LOH: water
    • ascending LOH: Na
  4. Where do the permeable object of the LOH go?
    Interstitial fluid (causing it to become very concentrated at the deep portion of the JGA nephron)
  5. What is the largest osmotic gradient that can be present in the Ascending LOH?
    200 mOsm
  6. What drug blocks the Na, K, 2Cl pump on the apical membrane of the ascending LOH?
  7. How do solutes and water flow through the ascending/descending vasa recta?
    • Descending: NaCl in, H2O out
    • Ascending: NaCl out, H2O in
  8. Is the vasa recta passive or active transport?
  9. Is the LOH active or passive?
  10. What blocks the thiazide Na/Cl transporter in the distal convoluted tubule?
    Any thiazide drug
  11. What is the function of principal cells of the CD?
    • Reabsorb Na+
    • Secrete K+
  12. What is the role of intercalated cells of the CD?
    • reabsorb K+
    • Secrete H+
  13. What is the function of Amiloride?
    block Na/K exchanger in CD = no Na+ reabsorption through principal cells
Card Set
Phys #15.txt
Phys #15