20 statements test
- who am I test
- one's sense of self
- Physical description
- Social roles
- Personal trait
- Existential statements
Social Imagination
- An outlook, a filter, a way of understanding the world
- A tool for understanding the world
- A schema/framework
What does Mills explore?
- the difference between troubles (personal) and issues (social)
- in our day to day lives the personal trumps the social, it is the primary way we experience the world
- issues, though social, are felt personally
Berger is famous for what?
- Invitation for sociology
- sociology is a form of consciousness - a form of suspicion, recognizes that human events have different levels of meaning, an interest in looking something taken for granted
- sociology is not for people who feel no temptation before the closed doors
Who developed social constructionism?
Berger and Luckman
Who uses the theory of social constructionism?
- micro sociologist
- post-modernists
- self help authors
Important concepts of social constructionism
- Structuration - we produce and reproduce social strutures through intereaction
- Lived realities become reality when we all consent to reproduce them over and over again