acquisition of the jury panel
Swain v. Alabama, 1965
Can't use challenges "consistently and systematically" to eliminate jurors on basis of race
Batson v. Kentucky, 1986
Can request a race-neutral explanation on a peremptory challenge (Batson objection)
7th amendment
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved
For forcible rape, often need to prove both ___ and ___
force & lack of consent
includes sexual behavior when person is incapable of declining participation or communicating unwillingness
sexual abuse
____ out of every 100,000 people are victims of forcible rape
Who commits rape?
Nearly half younger than 25, more than 16% younger than 18; engage in wide range of antisocial behavior over life span; physical force; deficient in social skills
organizing behavioral patterns into ordered groups; help with risk management; help with treatment programming; help estimate risk of future offending; no exact match
Six variables of MTC:R3 (classification model for rapists)
aggression, impulsivity, social competence, deviant sexual fantasies, sadism, distorted or irrational attitudes
Aggression used to achieve a goal
Aggression used to cause humiliation or pain to victim
deficit in self-control; differentiates repetitive sex offenders from nonrepetitive
wide range of behaviors related to ability to get along well with others
social competence
deviant mental imagery that is sexually arousing or erotic; necessary precursor to deviant sexual behavior
deviant sexual fantasy
Content, frequency, and intensity of ____ differentiate solo and serial sexual murderers
deviant sexual fantasy
violence, cruelty, and malicious acts; sometimes sexually arousing to offenders
distorted attitudes/beliefs (that justify deviant behavior)
hostility towards women; belief that force is legitimate; belief that violence is manly; men should be dominant; hostile attribution bias
sexual arousal in the context of inappropriate objects/persons, almost exclusively
arousal from rubbing against strangers
arousal from watching others engage in sexual activity
5 variables of MTC:CM3 (Mass. Treatment Center, Child Molesters)
fixation; social competence; amount of contact; level of physical injury; presence of sadism
____ have higher recidivism than _____
child molesters; rapists
NJ v. Timmendequas, 1999
Megan's law; notification of community when sex offender moves in neighborhood
Kansas v. Hendricks, 1997
Persons charged/convicted of sex offense, suffer from mental d/o, & likely to engage in predatory acts can be civilly commited following sentence