wk2- respiratory

  1. which arterial blood gas value are normal?
    • NORMAL VALUE (memorize)
    • PH: 7.35 - 7.45
    • PaO2: 80-100
    • PaCO2: 35-45
    • HCO3: 22-26
    • SaO2: 95% - 100%
  2. What is the normal value for PH?
  3. What is the normal value for PaO2?
  4. What is the normal value for PaCO2?
  5. What is the normal value for HCO3?
  6. What is the normal value for SaO2?
    95% - 100%
  7. which is incorrect about the TB skin test? SATA
    • draw 0.1 ml of PPD
    • hold syringe bevel up, almost parallel to the forearm
    • read the test site 48-72 hours after injection by palpating the site for induration
  8. pulmonary angiography (pg.242) - pt going through pulmonary angiography, what are ur nx consideration to think about?
    determining if allergic to contrast dye, iodine, and shellfish
  9. sputum studies (pg.241- nursing guidelines 19-2) - when is the best time to take a sputum specimen?
    collect sputum early in the morning in a sterile container
  10. post-bronchoscopy, pt c/o thirst, which observation allows you to give fluids to pt? (pg.242)
    after gag reflex returns
  11. what medication is used for allergic reaction in the laryngeal? (pg. 252/slide 88)
    epinephrine or corticosteroids
  12. why should u have a tracheostomy cuff? (pg.260) SATA

    2 answers
    • provide a snug fit
    • prevents aspiration of liquids or escape of air when a mechanical ventilator is used
  13. how long should you suction with a pt with a tracheostomy?
    do not suction for no more than 10 seconds at a time
  14. NUMBERING IN ORDER - 8 steps

    providing tracheostomy care (pg. 261)
    • 1. open trach kit w/o contaminating contents
    • 2. pour hydrogen peroxide and NS into containers
    • 3. unlock inner canula..remove it and place in hydrogen peroxide. clean inside and out of the cannula with pipe cleaner
    • 4. rinse the clean cannula with NS. tap and wipe extra solution with sterile gauze
    • 5. replace inner cannula and turn clockwise within the outer cannula
    • 6. clean around stoma w/ moist applicator with NS
    • 7. place sterile dressing around the trach tube
    • 8. change the trach ties by placing the new ones on first

    the pressure inside the lungs is above the atmospheric pressure
  16. _______ is a life threatening condition that results from the progressive deterioration and worsening simple pneumothorax
    tension pneumothorax
  17. how do u know the chest tube is no longer needed in a pt with pneumothorax?
    no fluctuation in the water-seal chamber. ceases when lungs re-expand..
  18. what nursing intervention to prevent clot formation for a pt who just has knee surgery?
    obtaining order for elastic sockings
  19. encouraging pt to continuously move (legs) to prevent..
    pulmonary embolism
  20. FILL-IN

    _________ is a surgical opening into the treachea.
  21. trach suctioning..which is incorrect?
    suction while inserting
  22. position for pt who is in respiratory distress
  23. when can u tell a trache needs to be suctioned?
  24. pt has abnormal lung sounds due to asthma-exacerbation. what do u hear?
  25. when do u know when a pt has a positive mantoux test?
    pt has been exposed to tb
  26. which pulse oximitry reading is normal?
  27. pulmonary function. what tells u he understood the procedure?
    pt has to breath into a inspirameter
  28. how will u tell if pt O2 stat is compromise?
    pt starts to get restlessness
  29. ______ is the movement of air in and out
  30. maxillary sinuses is located...
  31. u are a nurse working at call center...chocking pt..u ask...
    can the pt cough
  32. FILL-IN

    _______ is the removal a of a lung
    segmentectomy (piece)
  33. steps of mantoux test - mycobacterium TB
    draw 0.1ml; hold syringe bevel up-parallel to forearm; record name, date, time, n lot #; check 48-72 hrs
  34. a largynoscopy will happen for a singer..which statement states that she understands?
    "i have to have this test b/c my voice hoarse and it's to test for cancer"

    IV 1000cc NS over a 12hr period
    what is ml/hr?

    1000/12 = 83.3

    wt: 47.2kg convert to lbs

    47.2 x 2.2 = 103.84lbs

    D= 6mg
    A= 4mg/1ml

    6/4 x 1= 1.5
Card Set
wk2- respiratory
31 questions - respiratory: obstruction, cancer, trauma