
  1. functions of integumentary system
    • barrier: skin keeps things from entering your body and keeps your body together.
    • protection: keeps bacteria, fungi, and viruses from damaging itself and entering the body.
    • sensation: sence the world around you.
    • regeneration: repairs wounds.
    • regulate temp: keep body temp in homeostasis.
    • uv protection: UVA & UVB rays (sunlight) from damaging your body.
    • attraction: gives clues about your health and find a mate.
  2. sebum
    • oil
    • sebaceous glands
    • lubricates skin
  3. epidermis (1st layer) function and is thinnest where?
    • function: bottom layer, stratum basal, has cells that are shaped like columns. in this layer cells divide and push already formed cells into higher layers. as cells move into higher layers, they flatten and eventually die.(new skin)
    • melanocyte produces pigment melanin (color & protection)
    • langerhans cell is the front line defense of the immune system in the skin. (antigens)
    • thinnest: on the eyelids at 0.05mm and thickest on palms and soles 1.5mm.
  4. melanocyte
    • melanocyte produces pigment melanin (color & protection)
    • dark brown to black pigmwnt (melanin)
  5. where are the heat and cold receptors located?
    • dermis (true skin) middle layer
    • blood vessels and nerves produce temp.
  6. SPF of 15 filters out approximatley what % of UVB rays?
  7. sebaceous glands (sebum)
    • are one part of the pilosebaceous unit, which also contains a hair follicle and a hair.
    • these units are found every were on teh body except on the palms, soles, top of the feet, and the lower lip.
    • # of pilosebaceous units is greatest on the face, upper neck, & chest.
  8. sweat glands (hydrosis)
    • average person has 2.5-3 million sweat glands in their skin.
    • are distributed over the entire body, except for the lips, nipples, & external genital organs.
    • perspiration (99% water) is your body's way of cooling itself, whether that extra heat comes from hardworking muscles or from over stimulated nerves.
  9. # of hair follicles
    • approximately 2 million hair follicles (100K on the scalp).
    • hair is responsible for sensory transmission in the human body.
  10. approximate # of hair lost daily
    50-100 strands of hair daily.
  11. hair growth cycle
    • scalp grows bout 0.3-0.4mm a day. body cantain hair follicles we ever grown from day we are born.
    • loose 50-100 stands. indicates old hair dies, growing phase starts for new hair replace.
    • anagen phase: (active growth)hair grows bout 1cm every 28 days. on scalp anagen phase follicle last for bout 2-6 yrs.
    • catagen phase: (stop growth)last approximatly 2-3 weeks. during this time hair stops growing & hair shrinks & part of it starts to die.
    • telogen phase: (resting)last for bout 3 months. hair follicles is completly at rest & hair is completly formed. bout 25-100 telogen hair (club hair) are shed normally each day.
  12. cyanotic nails
    • blue nails
    • circulatory & pulmonary problems (asthm/emphysema)
  13. largest organ of the human body
  14. apocrine gland
    • scent
    • location: true skin.
    • associated with the follicles.
  15. subctaneous tissue (adipose)
    • 3rd layer of the skin.
    • contains fat & connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels & nerves.
    • important in the regulation of temp of the skin itself & the body.
    • injection site for insulin (IDDM).
  16. jaundice finger or toe nails
    excessive bilerubin
  17. 3rd degree burn
    • full thickness-burns extend thru the entire dermis & into the underlying fat.
    • healing occurs only from periphery, these burns, unless small, require excision and skin graphing.
  18. 2nd degree (deep super ficial)
    envolves the deeper dermis & take more then two weeks to heal & scarring is common & maybe servere.
  19. soft keratin V hard keratin
    • soft: primary component of epidermis.
    • hard: found in hair & nails.
  20. adult rule of 9's example
    adult: both legs (18% x 2=36% TBSA)
  21. chemical burn
    may result from strong acids (lye, cement mix) & certain protroleum products (gasoline, paint thinner) skin & deeper tissue nercrosis caused by these agents may progress over several hrs.
  22. child rule of 9's example
    child both legs (14% x 2=28% TBSA)
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