PC price taker or maker
$ taker
PC product is
PC elastic or inelastic
Perfectly elastic
PC prevalence, how common is it and where do u see it
Rare : agriculture and stocks
PC barriers to entry
PC do they know rivals
PC what kind of advertising
Industry advertising except chikita bananas and cuties
PC how do they compete
On price which is given
PC in the short run how do they choose output and what can they earn
MR=MC and can earn a profit or loss or zero e-profit
PC in the long run how do they choose output and what do they earn
MR=MC can earn zero e-profit
PC do we like it? Whyyyy
Yes, P=MC and zero markup and max total surplus
MC how much control over price
Some control, competitive price searcher
MC product is
Slightly differentiated
MC elastic or inelastic
Slightly inelastic
MC prevalence
Many industries, a lot out there
MC barriers to entry
Slight but none in long run
MC do they know rivals
MC how do they advertise
Positive adverrising, not negatively against each other
MC how do they compete
On price and quality and location
MC in the short run output is at__ and earni
MR=MC earn a profit or loss or zero e-profit
MC in the long run output is at __ and they earn
MR=MC and earn zero e-profit
MC do we like it
Its up to you, get mkt power, P>MC, total surplus is down and u get DWL
O how much price control
More control, contestible market
O how many firms
Few firms
O product is
Differentiated and homogeneous like oil
O elastic or inelastic
More inelastic
O prevalence
Many industries
O barriers to entry
Higher and large
O do they know rivals
O what kind of advertising
Positive and negative
O what do they compete on
Price and differentiation
O in the short run max output chosen at__ and earn
MR=MC and earn a profit
O in the long run max output is chosen at ____ and earn
MR=MC and earn a profit
O do we like it? Whyyyy
Its up to you, P>MC, DWL, dont like collusion
M price maker or taker
$ maker
M elastic or inelastic
More inelastic
M barriers to entry
Very high and its legal
M what kind of advertising
Positive and they are the industry
M what do they compete on
They dont
M in the short run how do they choose output and earn what
MR=MC earn profit and zero e-profit
M in the long run max output is chosen at __ and earn
MR=MC earn Profit
M do we like them
No, theres DWL but we like natural monopolies, something about first degree price discrimination