Science Ch.3

  1. Electromagnetic Wave
    A wave that consists of electric and magnetic fields that vibrate at right angles to each other.
  2. Electromagnetic Spectrum
    All of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Visible Light
    Very narrow range of wavelengths and frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see.
  4. Reflection
    The bouncing back of a ray of light, sound, or heat when the ray hits a surface that it does not go through.
  5. Diffraction
    A change in the direction of a wave when the wave finds an obstacle or an edge, such as an opening.
  6. Translucent
    Describes matter that transmits light but that does not transmit an image.
  7. Electric Field
    Surrounds every charged object, pulls oppositely charged objects toward it and repels like-charge objects.
  8. Gamma Rays
    EM waves that are often used in medicine. EM waves that have wavelengths shorter than 0.1nm.
  9. Infrared Waves
    Shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than microwaves. Wavelengths between 700nm and 1nm.
  10. Absorption
    The transfer of light energy to particles of matter.
  11. Interference
    The combo. of 2 or more wave that results in a single wave.
  12. Opaque
    Describes an object that is not transparent or translucent (does not transmit any light).
  13. Magnetic Field
    Surrounds every magnet.
  14. X Rays
    EM waves that are often used in medicine. EM wave that have wavelengths between 0.001nm and 60nm.
  15. Microwaves
    Shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than radio waves. Wavelengths between 1mm and 30cm. Used in cooking and in radar.
  16. Scattering
    An interaction of light with matter that causes light to change its energy, direction of motion, or both.
  17. Transmission
    The passing of light or other form of energy through matter.
  18. Pigment
    A substance that gives another substance or a mixture its color.
  19. Radiation
    The transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.
  20. Ultraviolet
    Type of electromagnetic wave produced by the sun.
  21. Radio Waves
    Cover a wide range of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Used for communication.
  22. Refraction
    The bending of a wave as the wave passes between 2 substances in which the speed of the wave differs.
  23. Transparent
    Describes matter that allows light to pass through with little interference.
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Science Ch.3
Science Ch.3