CMST 2060 chapter 6 ETHOS

  1. Agent
    the person that speaks on behalf of some institution as a spokeperson of legitimate authority
  2. Apologist
    when speakers wish to rebuff attack by appearing the virtuous victum of an unjust accusation
  3. Criticized audience
    a group antagonistic to the rhetor's interests
  4. Distinction
    Proving that the speaker has special knowledge or experience that sets them above the audience
  5. Ethos
    the capacity to influence an audience based on audience's perceptions of the credibility and character of the speaker
  6. Evoked audience
    The image of the audience "created" by the speaker
  7. Form of delivery
    using phases, words, accents, or gestures commonly associated with certain "types" of people
  8. Hero
    defined by his of her personal character, particularly as it relates courage, commitment to action , and a romantic attachment to a vague but inspiring future
  9. Idenification
    The establishment of "common ground" between speaker and audience
  10. Inherited ethos
    the actual reputation that a rhetor "carries with them" because of an audience's acquaintance with past behavior.
  11. Partisan
    the one who represents not a group or institution but an ideology or ideal
  12. Persona
    The image of the speaker "created" by the speech itself

    the constructed ethos that a rhetor creates within the confines of a particular rhetorical text.
  13. Personal stories
    narrations of one's life experience that provide insight into the speaker's character.
  14. Polarization
    Separation the evoked audience from a criticied audience
  15. Scapegoating
    when all public's "sins" are placed upon a largely defenceless group and then run out of town.
  16. Special knowledge
    the kind of knowledge one recieves by learning technical discourses and procedures
  17. Unique experience
    the kind of expertise one acquires by having "been there" or "gone through that."
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CMST 2060 chapter 6 ETHOS
CMST 2060 chapter 6 ETHOS