Anterior Thigh

  1. What are the femur's main functions?
    • It is the largest/longest/strongest bone in body
    • Transfers weight from hip down to feet or from feet to hip and up the vertebral column
  2. What are the main anatomical features of the femur?
    • Femoral neck
    • Greater/Lesser trochanters
    • Femoral head
    • Intertrochanteric line
    • Intertrochanteric crest
    • Linea aspera
    • Lateral/Medial condyles
    • Intercondylar notch
    • Later/Medial epicondyles
    • AD-ductor tubercle
  3. Femoral neck
    The weakest aspect of the femur; made of cancelous bone
  4. Femoral head
    The rounded portion of the femur that articulates with the acetabulum
  5. Intertrochanteric line
    The intertrochanteric line is a raised elevation on the anterior and proximal aspect of the femur that runs between the greater and lesser trochanters; it forms the base of the femoral neck
  6. Intertrochanteric crest
    The intertrochanteric crest is a raised elevation located on the posterior and proximal aspect of the femur; together with the intertrochanteric line, it differentiates between the shaft and neck of the femur
  7. Linea aspera
    A longitudinal ridge running down the posterior aspect of the femur that allows for the attachment of various muscles
  8. AD-ductor tubercle of the femur
    A small, raised elevation that is superior to the medial epicondyle and is the site for the insertion of the adductor magnus
  9. Intercondylar notch
    The area between the condyles where two ligaments, the ACL and PCL, run; the intercondylar notch is shallower in females, which makes women more prone to ACL injuries because there is less room in which the ligaments can run
  10. What are the most significant differences between the lateral and medial condyles of the femur?
    The medial condyle is wider and longer than the lateral condyle
  11. When older people slip and fall, 99% of the time they break the ________.
    Femoral neck made of cancelous bone
  12. What are the main functions of the tibia?
    • It is the largest weight-bearing bone in the LOWER leg
    • It articulates with femoral condyles (proximally) and talus (distally)
  13. What are the main anatomical features of the tibia?
    • Tibial tuberosity
    • Medial malleolus
    • Tibia condyles
    • Tibial plateau
    • Tibiofemoral joint
    • Talocrural joint
  14. Tibial tuberosity
    • The location on the attachment of the quad muscles
    • The site of pain caused by Osgood Schlatters - during adolescence, pain of the tibial tuberosity on the non-dominant (plant) leg caused by too much pull by the quads; it occurs on an individual's plant leg because it takes the most force of the quads
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Anterior Thigh
Includes information about the anterior thigh