Types of Electrical Stimulators that can be used to cuase muscle contraction
- High Voltage
- Low Voltage
- Alternating Current
- Hybrid current
Therapeutic Uses of Electrically Induced Muscle Contraction
- Muscle re-ed
- Muscle Pump contractions for edema control
- Retardation of muscle atrophy
- Meucle conditioning through strengthening or endurance training
- Increased ROM
Contraindication of E. Stim
- Arrhymia
- Cardiac condition
- musculotendinous lesion
- insecure bony attachment of the muscle
- compromised bone integrity
Precautions of NMES
- Improper use may result in burns or skin irritation
- Intense or prolonged stimulation may rsult in muscle spasm and or mucle soreness
- An electrically induced conraction can generate too much tension within the muscle becuase natural protection is eliminated
- Decrease response to exercise (CHF, recent MI, need monitorin during sessions
- Superficial meta
- Open skin
- Obesity (may no be able to reach muscle)
- Osteoporosis (could cuase fractures)
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Autonomic Dysreflexia
Type 1 Muscle fibers
- do no generate muc force but are able to sustain the contraction for a prolonged period
- Fire first during voluntary contractions
Type 2 Muscle fibers
- Generate mroe force but fatigue quickly
- Electrical Stimulation cuases large diameter type 2 motor nerves to evoke a contraction before type 1 fibers
- because type 2 fibers are capable of producing more force the strength of the contraction is increased
- Fire first during ESTIM contractions
Physiologically Induced Contractions vs. EStim Induced Contractions
- Physiologically: Smaller diameter, slow twitch muscle fibers are recruited first. Contracions and Recruitement are asynchronous. Golgi tendon organs protect the muscles from too much force production
- EStim: Large diameter, fast twitch muscle fibers recruited first. Contractions and recruitment are synchronous and based on the number of pulses per second. Golgi tendon organs can't override.
Muscle Force
- Muscle force is varied by changeing the intensity to recruit more or less motor units
- Muscles force can also be varied to a certain degree by increasing the summation quality of the contraction with high burst or pulse rates
- the greater teh force the greater the fatigue
Symmetrica Biphasic Wave Forms
- Used with larger muscle groups
- large active area
- Bipolar setup with electrodes
Asymmetric Balanced Waveforms
- Used with smaller muscle groups
- Discrete activation
- Over motor point
- Monopolar set up with electrodes