oral path 3xam 3-2

  1. benign tumor of salivary gland
  2. malignant tumors of salivary glands
    specific names:
    1. adenoid cystic carcinoma
    2. mucoepidermoid carcinoma
  3. most common (90%) benign tumors
    mixed tissues
    Slowly enlarging, nonulcerated, painless, dome-shaped mass
    Plemorphic Adenoma
  4. Benign encapsulated salivary gland tumors that are much rarer than pleomorphic adenomas
    Occurs in adults in upper lip
    Monomorphic Adenoma
  5. Type of monomorphic adenoma with 2 tissue types (epithelial and lymphoid)
    Presents as a painless, soft, fluctuant mass of the parotid gland
    • Warthin’s Tumor
    • (Adenolymphoma)
  6. Malignant tumor of salivary gland origin that can originate from either major or minor salivary gland tissue
    painful bc surround the nerves
    • Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
    • (Cylindroma)
  7. Malignant salivary gland tumor
    Most likely associated with parotid
    Slowly enlarging mass
    Can appear within bone – uni or multilocular (RL) in mandibular PM and Molar
    Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
  8. derived from tooth-forming tissues
  9. Benign, slow growing aggressive epithelial odontogenic tumor occurring in both max. and mand. (when in the maxilla – DEATH)
    Radiographically – multilocular soap-bubble-like (honeycombed) (RL)
    80% in mandible – in the MOLAR-RAMUS area
  10. also known as a Pindborg tumor
    Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (CEOT)
  11. benign epithelial odontogenic tumor that occurs less frequently than an ameloblastoma
    tumor is composed of islands and sheets of polyhedral epithelial cells
    Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (CEOT)
  12. benign nonencapsulated infiltrating tumor composed of pale-staining mucopolysaccharide substances with dispersed cells having long processes
    young people – 10 – 29 years
    Odontogenic Myxoma
  13. a benign well-circumscribed tumor composed of fibrous CT and rounded or globular calcifications resembling cementum
    cementifying fibroma
  14. calcifications resemble bone trabeculae
    ossifying fibroma
  15. calcifications are a mixture of cementum and bone trabeculae
    cemento-ossifying fibromas
  16. cementum producing lesion that is fused to the root of a tooth
    well defined (RO)mass in continuity with the root or roots of the affected tooth and obliterates the apex of the tooth
    Benign Cementoblastoma
  17. common condition of unknown cause that affects periapical bone
    “Cementoma” – but is not a neoplasm
    not a premalignant condition
    Black Females-older!
    fibro-osseous lesion
    Periapical Cemental Dysplasia
  18. fibro-osseous lesion ( mixed RL/RO lesion )
    a condition of disordered cementum and bone development
    involves multiple quadrants
    dense, sclerotic masses of bone or cementum appear as large (RO) areas
    older black women
    Florid Osseous Dysplasia
  19. benign, nonencapsulated odontogenic tumor composed of both strands and small islands of odontogenic epithelium and tissue that resembles dental papilla
    young children (less than 20 years)
    Ameloblastic Fibroma
  20. encapsulated, benign epithelial odontogenic tumor that has a distinctive age, sex, and site distribution
    does not reoccur
    duct-like structure in make-up
    adenomatoid – gland-like
    70% OATS in females less than 20 years old and 70% in anterior max.
    Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor – (AOT or OAT)
  21. nonaggressive cystic lesion lined by odontogenic epithelium with associated ghost cell keratinization
    ghost cells – round structures with clear centers
    Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
  22. odontogenic tumor composed of mature enamel, dentin, cementum, and dental pulp
    most common odontogenic tumor
    2 types:
    • Odontoma
    • (compound/complex)
  23. collection of numerous small teeth-anterior maxilla
    compound odontoma
  24. mass of enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp that doesn’t resemble a normal tooth-posterior mandible
    complex odontoma
  25. exophytic lesion occurring only on the gingiva probably from cells of PDL
    composed of cellular CT interspersed with scattered bone or cementum
    well-demarcated sessile or pedunculated lesion originating from interdental papilla
    Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
  26. benign tumor of mature fat cells
    yellowish mass surfaced with thin overlying epithelium
  27. neurofibroma and schwannoma are benign tumors derived from
    nerve tissue
  28. also called a shwannoma
  29. both are derived from Schwann cells
    - tongue is most common intraoral site for these tumors
    tumors of nerve tissue
  30. Neurofibromas occur in multiple neurofibromatosis syndrome called-numerous on the skin
    Von Recklinghausen’s disease
  31. benign tumor composed of large cells with granular cytoplasm
    occurs on tongue as a painless, nonulcerated nodule
    Granular cell tumor
  32. a granular cell tumor present at birth that presents as a sessile or pedunculated mass on the gingiva in the anterior maxilla in girls
    Congenital Epulis
  33. extremely rare in the oral cavity
    tumor of muscles
  34. benign tumor of striated muscle
  35. tumor of smooth muscle – very raree
  36. malignant tumor of striated muscle – most common malignant soft tissue tumor of the head/neck in children
  37. benign proliferation of capillaries
    a common vascular lesion
    most are present at birth
    tongue is most common intraoral location
  38. benign tumor composed of lymphatic vessels
    most common in tongue
  39. a cystic lymphangioma in the neck
    cystic hygroma
  40. a malignant vascular tumor
    Kaposis sarcoma
  41. Multiple sites composed of spindle-shaped cells mixed with slit-like spaces containing RBC
    Presents as multiple purplish tumors of the lower extremities in elderly men
    Hard palate and gingiva are the most common intraoral sites
    Associated with HIV
    Malignant Vascular Tumors
  42. intraoral commonly located on hard palate
    2x more women than men
    between ages of 20-50 years
    Melanocytic Nevi
  43. A tumor of melanocytes – nevus cells
    Pigmented congenital lesion – present at birth
  44. associated with sunlight exposure
    rapidly enlarging bluish to black mass
    Malignant Melanoma
  45. benign lesion composed of normal compact bone
  46. small nodules excrescence of normal compact bone occurring on buccal surface of max. or mandibular molar region
  47. a benign tumor composed of mature, normal-appearing bone
    slow growing tumor
  48. benign tumor composed of cellular fibrous C.T. and bonerare but when they do occur, usually adults in 30’s – 40’s
    Ossifying Fibroma
  49. malignant tumor of bone-forming tissue
    most common 1° malignant tumor of bone in patients less than 40 years
    tumors occur in mandible 2x more than maxilla
    patient presents with a toothache or tooth mobility
    "SUNBURST" pattern radiographically
  50. benign tumor of cartilage
  51. a malignant tumor of cartilage
  52. overproduction of atypical WBC
  53. most common in children and young adults and is characterized by a proliferation of poorly differentiated cells
    acute leukemia
  54. exhibits a proliferation of well-differentiated cells that occurs most frequently in middle-aged adults
    chronic leukemia
  55. a malignant tumor of lyphoid tissue
    clinical presentation of lymphoma is the gradual enlargement of involved lymph nodes
    most common location for oral lymphoma is the tonsillar area
    Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkins)
  56. localized tumor of plasma cells in soft tissue
    extramedullary plasmacytoma
  57. patients have fragments of immunoglobulins present in the urine
    Bence Jones proteins
  58. systemic, malignant proliferation of plasma cells causing destructive lesions of bone
    Multiple Myeloma
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oral path 3xam 3-2
oral path 3xam 3-2