History 151 Set 2

  1. enslaved people endured the cruelty of slavery by creating strong communities and a sense of family…to cope with the loss of their biological family members who had been sold away
    Fictive Kin
  2. based on 2 ideas:
    -They identified with the story of the Israelites escaping slavery, and believed God would also deliver them from bondage
    -Emphasized hope in the afterlife-the idea that they would be rewarded (and cruel plantation owners would be punished) in the next life
    Liberation Theology
  3. On August 22, 1831, Turner gathered his recruits and told them that it was time to wage “their struggle for freedom”
    -Turner and his followers began by killing their owners
    -Thus began a bloody revolt that raged for 2 days…
    -Resulted in the deaths of nearly 60 White people
    -The rebels were confronted by the militia and eventually captured – 55 slaves were executed, and numerous others were banished
    -Nat was finally captured on October 30, and was executed on November 11
    -Proved that enslaved people were willing to take up arms to destroy slavery
    -Pushed activists to take action
    Nat Turner's Rebellion
  4. Anti-Slavery
    - Primarily led by benevolent Whites who wanted to use gradual approaches to eliminate slavery for economic and/or moral reasons
    -Involved a biracial coalition of activists, who advocated for an immediate end to slavery
    Main differences
    - Abolition was heavily influenced by more radical moral (religious) appeals emphasizing the injustice of slavery
    - Believed it was necessary to bring an immediate end to slavery
    -Abolition placed more emphasis on the plight of free Blacks- wanted to build a more equal society after slavery ended
    Abolition vs. Anti-Slavery
  5. -The first nationally circulated critique of slavery published by a Black man
    -It prophesized a dramatic end to slavery, even suggested that slave holders would be destroyed by God for their immorality
    -Called for slaves to use violent resistance (if necessary) to destroy slavery
    -Encouraged activists to abandon gradualism and use direct action
    David Walker's Appeal
  6. -Considered to be a “true” abolitionist- concerned about ending slavery and uplifting the free Black man
    -In 1831 he created the American Anit-Slavery Society, the first national abolitionist organization
    William Llyod Garrison
  7. the first national abolitionist organization
    American Anti-Slavery Society
  8. rejected gradual emancipation, and demanded an immediate end to slavery
  9. the first newspaper dedicated entirely to abolition written by William Llyod Garrison
    The Liberator
Card Set
History 151 Set 2
Final Exam