Battle Focused Training

  1. What is the #1 principle of peace time training?
    Replicate battlefield conditions
  2. Primarily, there are 3 methods used to present training.
    What are they?
    · Demonstration

    · Conference

    · Lecture
  3. What does effective training require?
    · Personal time

    · Energy

    · Commander guidance
  4. What is the Army Training Standard?
    To train and maintain to the published standards in Technical Manuals 10 and 20
  5. When does the greatest combat power result?
    When leaders synchronize combat support and combat service support systems to compliment and reinforce one another.
  6. Once soldiers and units have trained to the standard, how do they maintain proficiency?
    Sustainment training
  7. Which FM covers Battle Focused Training?
    FM 7-1
  8. How do commanders determine their units METLs?
    Based on war and external directives.
  9. What do leaders use to assess soldier, leader and unit proficiency?
    Evaluations and other feedback.
  10. How should units train during peacetime?
    As if fighting in war.
  11. The evaluation of collective training is critical to assessing what?
    A unit’s capability to perform its METL.
  12. What is a Battle Roster?
    Listing of individuals, crews or elements that reflect capabilities, proficiencies of critical tasks, and other information concerning war fighting capabilities.
  13. What is a TEWT and where is it conducted?
    Tactical Exercise Without Troops. Conducted on terrain with only unit leaders and staff.
  14. What must soldiers, leaders and units be proficient in to perform their mission under battlefield conditions?
    The basic skills
  15. What is the FCX (Fire Coordination Exercise)?
    An exercise of command and control skills through the integration of all organic weapon systems, as well as direct and indirect supporting fires.
  16. Where may the CPX (Command Post Exercise) be conducted?
    In Garrison locations or in between headquarters.
  17. Should all maintenance be on the units training schedule?
  18. What are the 10 principles of training?
    · Commanders are responsible for training

    · NCOs train individual and small groups

    · Train as a joint team

    · Train for combat proficiency

    · Train to standard

    · Train to adapt

    · Train to maintain

    · Train using multi-echelon techniques

    · Train to sustain proficiency

    · Train and develop leaders
  19. What are STX (Situational Training Exercise)?
    Mission related, limited exercise designed to train a collective group of tasks through practice.
  20. What drives the METL development process?
    Battle focus
  21. What is the AAR?
    After Action Review. Training review process allowing self assessment and development.
  22. Where does the CFX (Command Field Exercise) lay?
    On a scale between CPX and FTX
  23. What is the next step for the battalion commander once the METL is developed?
    Briefs the next highest war time commander, who approves the METL
  24. What is a battle drill?
    A collective action rapidly executed without a deliberate decision making process.
  25. Who do AC commanders brief the QTB to?
    To the commanders 2 levels above.
  26. What is the LCX (Logistical Coordination Exercise)?
    Allows leaders to become proficient at conducting unit sustainment operations. (ie. Supply, transportation)
  27. How can commanders insure that training is effective?
    They must personally observe and assess training at all levels.
  28. What may NCOs use in assessing squad, crew and soldier proficiencies?
    A leader book.
  29. What does battle focus drive?
    METL development, so the commander can narrow his scope of training.
  30. What 2 things does sustainment training do?
    • · Trains on tasks, which builds on tasks mastered
    • by the soldiers, leaders and units

    • · Uses opportunity training to constantly hone
    • proficiency on known tasks
  31. When are the FTXs conducted?
    Under simulated combat conditions in the field
  32. For NCOs who are the key players in the reception and integration phase?
    CSM and 1SG
  33. The CSM and key NCOs review and refine the supporting tasks for 2 things in each unit. Name those two things.
    · Each skill level in every MOS in the unit

    · CTT
  34. What type of training excites and motivates leaders and soldiers?
    Training that is:

    · Tough

    · Realistic

    · Physically and mentally challenging
  35. What does the combat training program center provide?
    Most realistic environment available during peace time.
  36. Why is it particularly important to train and monitor low-density MOS soldiers?
    They can get lost in the shuffle and remain untrained.
  37. The unit leader development program consists of what 3 phases?
    · Reception and Integration

    · Basic skills development

    · Advanced development and sustainment
  38. Training schedules are developed on what level and approved by whom?
    At company level and approved by battalion commander
  39. Name the 4 elements of TADSS?
    · Training Aids

    · Devices

    · Simulations

    · Simulators
  40. What does near-term planning define?
    Specific actions required to execute the short-range plans. Final stage of planning before training.
  41. What 4 skills does challenging training build?
    • · Build competence and confidence by developing
    • new skills

    · Instills loyalty

    · Inspires excellence by fostering initiative

    · Builds aggressive, well trained soldiers
  42. What begins the training planning process?
  43. What does the basic skill development phase ensure?
    That the new leader attains the minimum acceptable level of proficiency in the critical tasks necessary to perform his mission.
  44. What are training aids?
    Items that assist in training and learning.
  45. In the military structure, what is the lowest level that has battle tasks?
    Battalion level
  46. What does the company commander do after he develops the METL?
    Briefs the battalion commander
  47. What do principles of training provide?
  48. What does the advanced development and sustainment phase involve?
    Sustaining tasks already masters and developing proficiency in new tasks.
  49. What is multi-echelon training?
    Allows simultaneous training and evaluation on any combination of individual or collective tasks at more than one echelon.
  50. At battalion level, how does long range planning start?
    With unit assessment.
  51. What unit is the lowest level to have METL?
  52. What is a low density MOS?
    A MOS within a unit that is required but has very few soldiers.
  53. What is long-range planning based on?
    Unit assessment
  54. Give some examples of training aids.
    · Graphic training aids

    · Models

    · Books

    · Pictures
  55. Why must the entire METL development process be understood by NCOs?
    So that NCOs can integrate soldier tasks.
  56. What do leaders list in their leader books?
    The common tasks found in the soldiers Manual of Common Tasks that support the METL.
  57. Are training meetings negotiable at battalion and company level?
  58. What is a crew drill?
    A collective action that a crew of a weapon or piece of equipment must perform to operate the equipment.
  59. A leader may use information in the leader book to provide what?
    To provide input on his unit during daily huddles or company meetings.
  60. What is risk assessment?
    The thought process of making operations safer without compromising the mission
  61. What is band of excellence?
    The range of proficiency in which a unit it capable of performing its wartime METL.
  62. Commanders select a training exercise or combination of exercises based on what?
    Specific training objectives and available resources.
  63. Do soldiers have a legal responsibility to attend scheduled training exercises?
  64. What are training devices?
    3 dimensional objects that improve training.
  65. What needs to be identified at the appropriate level to support the accomplishment of the units METL?
    Leader and soldier tasks.
  66. What are simulators?
    Training devices that replicate all or part of a systems functions.
  67. What is the most difficult task for an AAR leader?
    To avoid turning the discussion into a critique or lecture.
  68. When selecting exercises, commanders must consider what key questions?
    · Who will be trained?

    · What are the training objectives?

    • · Which training exercises are most suitable to
    • accomplish each objective?

    · What are the available resources?

    • · Which of the training exercises will meet the
    • training objectives within the available training resources?
  69. What does the battle staff consist of?
    Battalion staff and battalion slice (CS and CSS elements that are task organized)
  70. What does the MAPEX portray?
    Military situations on maps and overlays
  71. When are informal AAR usually conducted?
    Conducted for soldier to platoon-level training or when resources are not available for a formal review.
  72. Give some examples of simulators.
    · Conduct-of-fire-trainer

    · Flight simulators

    · Weaponeer

    · Simulations networking
  73. What is the battlefield operating systems (BOS)?
    A tool that the TF commander may use to organize his battle tasks
  74. What are simulations?
    Effective training alternatives when maneuver and gunnery training opportunities are limited.
  75. What are pre-execution checks?
    Informal planning and coordination conducted prior to training execution.
  76. When are formal AARs usually conducted?
    At company level and above
  77. What is a training strategy?
    Method used to attain desired levels of proficiency on METL.
  78. What are the 5 basic fundamentals that commanders and leaders must use?
    · Move

    · Shoot

    · Communicate

    · Sustain

    · Secure
  79. Historically speaking, more casualties occur in combat due to what?
  80. When used properly, simulations can create what?
    The environment and stress of battle needed for effective command and battle staff training.
  81. Why aren’t AARs critiques?
    Because they do not determine success or failure.
  82. What are 2 keys to success in combat?
    · Night training

    · Adverse weather training
  83. What does AAR stand for and what does it provide?
    After Action Review. Allows self assessment and development.
  84. What are post operation checks?
    Tasks a unit accomplishes at the end of training.
  85. What begins the training planning process?
  86. What is lane training?
    Technique used for training smaller units on a series of selected soldier, leader and collective tasks using specific terrain.
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Battle Focused Training
Battle focused training