exam 3 - reproductive

  1. primary sexual characteristics
    • vagina
    • penis
  2. secondary sexual characteristics
    • breasts
    • testicles
  3. everything u know about fibroid tumors?
    • leiomyomas, myomas (same as fibroid)
    • slow growing solid tumors of the uterus
  4. who's at increased risk for fibroid tumors?
    • af ams
    • premenopausal
  5. what happens to fibroid tumors after menopause?
    usually shrinks
  6. why can fibroid tumors cause anemia?
    abnormal bleeding
  7. fibroid tumors:

    what kind of surgery?
    surgery does what?
    • myomectromy/TAH/TVH
    • remove or deprive fibroid of blood supply
  8. when are ovarian tumors usually found
    too late in teh disease

    *survival rate is low

    *silent killer
  9. Ovarian tumors metastasize by....
    • direct extension
    • blood
    • lymph
    • free floating abd cells
  10. how are ovarian tumors treated
    • surgery
    • chemo
    • radiation
  11. risk factors for ovarian tumors
    • age : 50-60
    • fam hx
    • DM
    • nulliparity or 1st over 30
    • breast ca
    • gene mutations
  12. risks for breast cancer?
    age, gender, genetics

    • fam tendency
    • onset of mense before 12 yrs old
    • oral contraceptives
    • nulliparity or 1st after age 30
    • obesity
    • HRT more than 5 yrs
    • ETO
    • high fat diet
    • sedentary life style
    • genes
  13. manifestations of breast cancer
    • lump
    • nipple discharge
    • rash
    • nipple retraction
    • dimpling
    • pain
  14. when are mammograms done after age 40?
  15. when are mammograms done 20-30 yrs old
    q3 years
  16. how is breast cancer treated
    • lumpectomy
    • mastectomy w/ or w/o reconstruction
    • chemo
    • radiation
  17. testicular cancer common between what ages
  18. testicular ca:

    who's at risk?
    • white more than af ams
    • cryptochordism (undescended teste)
    • genetics
    • Ca of other testes
    • maternal hormone use
  19. testicular ca

    • painless swelling of one teste (most common)
    • testes enlargment
    • discomfort
    • dull ache in pelvis/scrotum
  20. dx for testicular ca
    • tumor markers:
    • HCG - beta human chorionic gonadotropin
    • AFP - alpha fetoprotein
    • LDH - lactate dehydrogenase
  21. treatment for testicular ca
    • chemo
    • radiation
    • surgery (orchiectomy)
  22. what is the most common cancer in men
  23. what age does prostate cancer happen
    after 65

    *curable when caught early
  24. early s/s of protate ca?
  25. late s/s of prostate ca?
    • slow stream
    • weak stream
    • retention
    • hesitancy
    • dysuria
    • nocturia
    • blood w/ ejaculation
  26. risk for protate ca
    • age
    • race - af am more at early age/ low incidence in asian countries/
    • genetic
    • vasectomy
    • high fat diet
    • excess vit A
  27. excess in w/c vitamin increases risk of prostate ca
    vitamin a
  28. dx for prostate ca?
    • DRE - digital rectal exam
    • PSA - prostate specific antigen (PSA should be drawn before DRE)
  29. surgery for prostate ca
    • prostatectomy:
    • transurethral
    • retropubic
    • perineal
    • laparascopic
  30. other treatments for prostate ca?
    • radiation
    • hormone manipulation
  31. other complications of prostate ca
    • erectile dysfunction
    • urinary incontinence
  32. surgical management for localized prostate ca
    TURP: transurethral resection of prostate (take out overgrown part)
  33. TURP is done to cure prostate ca. t or f?

    promote urination for those with advanced disease
  34. nurse assessment post TURP.

    pt should be voiding 150-200 ml of clear yellow urine 3-4 hrs
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exam 3 - reproductive