Our Changing Planet Ch 1

  1. anthropogenic
    • human induced
    • ex: since agricultural practices existed around 10,000 years ago local pollution (air & water) existed
  2. deforestation
    clearing of all trees
  3. greenhouse gases
    are gases that warm a planet's surface by absorbing outgoing infrared radiation--radiant heat--and reradiating some of it back toward the surface
  4. greenhouse effect
    • the definition of greenhouse gases warming the planet is called the green house effect.
    • the greenhouse effect is a natural physical process that operates in all planetary atmospheres
  5. fossil fuels
    • the most abundance anthropogenic greenhouse gas on Earth is carbon dioxide, which is produced by fossil fuels. and by deforestion
    • fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas that are composed of the fossilized remains of organisms.
  6. ozone later
    is a chemically distinct region within the stratosphere, part of the atmosphere
  7. ozone (O3)
    is a form of oxygen that is much less abundant than, and chemically unlike, the oxygen that we breathe (O2)
  8. ozone hole
    over antartica, a patch of extremely low ozone concentration in the ozone layer, is believed to be anthropogenic in origin
  9. biodiversity
    or the number of species present in a given area
  10. global warming
    a warming of Earth's atmosphere due to an anthropogenic enhancement of the greenhouse effect
  11. sediments
    are layers of unconsolidated material that is transported by water or air
  12. system
    is a group of components that interact
  13. earth system
    is composed of four parts: the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biota, and solid earth
  14. atmosphere
    is a think envelope of gases that surrounds earth
  15. hydrosphere
    is composed of the various reservoirs of water, including ice
  16. biota
    include all living organisms (some ecologists define the biosphere as the entire region in which life exists, but we will avoid that term here, because it overlaps our other sysstem components) in earlier edition we do use biosphere to overlap
  17. solid earth (lithosphere)
    includes all rocks, or consolidated mixtures of crystalline materials called minerals, and all unconsolidated mixtures of crystalline materials called minerals, and all unconsolidated rock fragments. it is devided into 3 parts ..core mantal and crust
  18. core
    • of any planet or of the sun is the central part.
    • Earths core is a dense mixture of metallic iron and nickel and is part solid part liquid
  19. mantle
    is a thick, rocky layer between the core and crust that comprises the largest fraction of the earths mass
  20. crust
    is a thin, outer layer which conssists of light, rocky matter in contact with the atmosphere and hydrosphere
  21. chlorofluorocarbon
    compounds(CFC) have been increasing as a result of human activities. also called freons, CFCs are synthetic compoounds containing chlorine, fluorine, an carbon
  22. trace gases
    are thought to have contributed almost as much additional greenhouse effect over the past few decades as
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Our Changing Planet Ch 1
Our Changing Planet Ch 1