John Who Page35.txt

  1. Who went up from
    Who went up from the country to Jerusalem for their ceremonial cleansing before the Passover? / Many / John 11:55
  2. Who went up on
    Who went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples? / / John 6:3
  3. Who went up to Jerusalem some
    Who went up to Jerusalem some time later for a feast of the Jews? / / John 5:1
  4. Who went up to Jerusalem when
    Who went up to Jerusalem when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover? / Jesus / John 2:13
  5. Who went up to Jesus
    Who went up to Jesus again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!"? / The soldiers / John 19:3
  6. Who went up to the
    Who went up to the temple courts halfway through the Feast and began to teach? / / John 7:14
  7. Who went where
    Who went where he wanted when he was younger? / Peter / John 21:18
  8. Who went with
    Who went with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard? / Simon Peter and another disciple / John 18:15
  9. Who were about
    Who were about a hundred yards from shore? / The other disciples / John 21:8
  10. Who were afraid
    Who were afraid of the Jews? / / John 9:22
  11. Who were again
    Who were again divided at these words? / / John 10:19
  12. Who were amazed
    Who were amazed and asked, "How did this man get such learning without having studied?" / The Jews / John 7:15
  13. Who were among
    Who were among those who went up to worship at the Feast? / Some Greeks / John 12:20
  14. Who were asking,
    Who were asking, "Where is that man?" / / John 7:11
  15. Who were at
    Who were at a loss to know which of them Jesus meant? / / John 13:22
  16. Who were carrying
    Who were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons? / A detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees / John 18:3
  17. Who were comforting
    Who were comforting Mary? / Jews / John 11:31
  18. Who were constantly
    Who were constantly coming to be baptized at Aenon near Salim? / / John 3:23
  19. Who were divided
    Who were divided because of Jesus? / The people / John 7:43
  20. Who were divided?
    Who were divided? / / John 9:16
  21. Who were exchanging
    Who were exchanging money in the temple courts? / / John 2:14
  22. Who were following
    Who were following Jesus when he was brought to Annas? / Simon Peter and another disciple / John 18:15
  23. Who were going
    Who were going over to Jesus on account of Lazarus? / / John 12:11
  24. Who were grumbling about Jesus'
    Who were grumbling about Jesus' teaching? / / John 6:61
  25. Who were grumbling about this?
    Who were grumbling about this? / / John 6:61
  26. Who were in the
    Who were in the house again a week later? / Jesus' disciples / John 20:26
  27. Who were in white?
    Who were in white? / Two angels / John 20:12
  28. Who were later
    Who were later to receive the Spirit? / Those who believed in Jesus / John 7:39
  29. Who were not
    Who were not far from shore, about a hundred yards? / The other disciples / John 21:8
  30. Who were on
    Who were on each side? / Two others / John 19:18
  31. Who were overjoyed
    Who were overjoyed when they saw the Lord? / The disciples / John 20:20
  32. Who were putting
    Who were putting their faith in Jesus on account of Lazarus? / Many of the Jews / John 12:11
  33. Who were robbers?
    Who were robbers? / All who ever came before Jesus / John 10:8
  34. Who were running?
    Who were running? / Peter and the other disciple / John 20:4
  35. Who were seated
    Who were seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot? / Two angels / John 20:12
  36. Who were sitting
    Who were sitting at tables exchanging money in the temple courts? / / John 2:14
  37. Who were supposing
    Who were supposing Mary was going to the tomb to mourn there? / / John 11:31
  38. Who were surprised
    Who were surprised to find Jesus talking with a woman? / / John 4:27
  39. Who were terrified?
    Who were terrified? / The disciples / John 6:19
  40. Who were thieves
    Who were thieves and robbers? / All who ever came before Jesus / John 10:8
  41. Who were together by
    Who were together by the Sea of Tiberias? / Simon Peter, Thomas--called Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples / John 21:2
  42. Who were together on
    Who were together on the evening of that first day of the week? / The disciples / John 20:19
  43. Who were together with
    Who were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews? / The disciples / John 20:19
  44. Who were unable
    Who were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish? / The disciples / John 21:6
  45. Who were using
    Who were using this question as a trap? / / John 8:6
  46. Who were waiting
    Who were waiting to take Jesus' life? / / John 7:1
  47. Who were watching for Jesus and
    Who were watching for Jesus and asking, "Where is that man?" / The Jews / John 7:11
  48. Who were watching for Jesus at
    Who were watching for Jesus at the Feast? / The Jews / John 7:11
  49. Who were willing
    Who were willing to take Jesus into the boat? / / John 6:21
  50. Who will accept
    Who will accept someone else if he comes in his own name? / The Jews / John 5:43
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John Who Page35.txt
john bible quizzing whos