John Who Page13.txt
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Who has loved the
Who has loved the disciples? / / John 15:12
Who has made God
Who has made God known? / God the One and Only / John 1:18
Who has made known
Who has made known to his disciples everything that he learned from his Father? / Jesus / John 15:15
Who has made the Father
Who has made the Father known to the world? / Jesus / John 17:26
Who has made the Righteous
Who has made the Righteous Father known to the world? / Jesus / John 17:26
Who has more
Who has more to say to his disciples than they can now bear? / Jesus / John 16:12
Who has much more
Who has much more to say to his disciples? / Jesus / John 16:12
Who has much to
Who has much to say in judgment of the Jews? / / John 8:26
Who has no hold
Who has no hold on Jesus? / The prince of this world / John 14:30
Who has no honor
Who has no honor in his own country? / A prophet / John 4:44
Who has no husband?
Who has no husband? / / John 4:17
Who has no light
Who has no light when he walks by night? / A man / John 11:10
Who has no one
Who has no one to help him into the pool when the water is stirred? / / John 5:7
Who has no part
Who has no part with Jesus unless Jesus washes him? / / John 13:8
Who has no permanent
Who has no permanent place in the family? / A slave / John 8:35
Who has not given the
Who has not given the crowd the bread from heaven? / Moses / John 6:32
Who has not given you
Who has not given you the bread from heaven? / / John 6:32
Who has not left
Who has not left Jesus alone? / / John 8:29
Who has not lost
Who has not lost one of those the Father gave him? / Jesus / John 18:9
Who has nothing
Who has nothing to draw with? / / John 4:11
Who has obeyed
Who has obeyed his Father's commands? / / John 15:10
Who has other
Who has other sheep that are not of this sheep pen? / / John 10:16
Who has overcome
Who has overcome the world? / Jesus / John 16:33
Who has pain
Who has pain because her time has come? / / John 16:21
Who has placed everything
Who has placed everything in the Son's hands? / / John 3:35
Who has placed his
Who has placed his seal of approval on the Son of Man? / / John 6:27
Who has power
Who has power either to free Jesus or to crucify him? / Pilate / John 19:10
Who has revealed
Who has revealed the Father to those whom the Father gave him out of the world? / Jesus / John 17:6
Who has saved
Who has saved the best till now? / The bridegroom / John 2:10
Who has seen Abraham?
Who has seen Abraham? / / John 8:57
Who has seen and
Who has seen and testifies that this is the Son of God? / John / John 1:34
Who has seen God?
Who has seen God? / No one / John 1:18
Who has seen the
Who has seen the Father? / / John 6:46
Who has sent Jesus?
Who has sent Jesus? / The Father / John 20:21
Who has sent Jesus?
Who has sent Jesus? / / John 5:36
Who has sent the
Who has sent the disciples into the world? / Jesus / John 17:18
Who has sent those
Who has sent those whom the Father has given him into the world? / Jesus / John 17:18
Who has set
Who has set his disciples an example that they should do as he has done for them? / / John 13:15
Who has shown the
Who has shown the Jews many great miracles from the Father? / Jesus / John 10:32
Who has shown you
Who has shown you many great miracles from the Father? / / John 10:32
Who has spoken all
Who has spoken all this while still with you? / Jesus / John 14:25
Who has spoken openly
Who has spoken openly to the world? / Jesus / John 18:20
Who has spoken to
Who has spoken to Nicodemus of earthly things? / / John 3:12
Who has surpassed John?
Who has surpassed John? / John / John 1:15
Who has surpassed John?
Who has surpassed John? / A man who comes after him / John 1:30
Who has testified
Who has testified to the truth? / John / John 5:33
Who has testimony
Who has testimony weightier than that of John? / / John 5:36
Who has the
Who has the words of eternal life? / Jesus / John 6:68
Who has told his disciples all
Who has told his disciples all this so that they will not go astray? / Jesus / John 16:1
Who has told his disciples now
Who has told his disciples now before it happens? / / John 14:29
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John Who Page13.txt
john bible quizzing whos
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