John Who Page12.txt
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Who had turned
Who had turned the water into wine at Cana in Galilee? / / John 4:46
Who had visited
Who had visited Jesus at night? / Nicodemus / John 19:39
Who handed
Who handed Jesus over to them to be crucified? / Pilate / John 19:16
Who harvests
Who harvests the crop for eternal life? / The reaper / John 4:36
Who has authority
Who has authority to lay his life down and authority to take it up again? / Jesus / John 10:18
Who has been among
Who has been among the disciples such a long time? / Jesus / John 14:9
Who has been lost?
Who has been lost? / None but the one doomed to destruction / John 17:12
Who has been speaking
Who has been speaking figuratively? / / John 16:25
Who has been there
Who has been there four days? / / John 11:39
Who has believed
Who has believed because he has seen Jesus? / Thomas / John 20:29
Who has brought
Who has brought the Father glory on earth by completing the work the Father gave him to do? / Jesus / John 17:4
Who has called his
Who has called his disciples friends? / / John 15:15
Who has called the
Who has called the disciples friends? / / John 15:15
Who has called you
Who has called you friends? / / John 15:15
Who has certified
Who has certified that God is truthful? / The man who has accepted his testimony / John 3:33
Who has chosen
Who has chosen the Twelve? / / John 6:70
Who has come down
Who has come down from heaven to do the will of him who sent him? / / John 6:38
Who has come in
Who has come in his Father's name? / / John 5:43
Who has come into the
Who has come into the world as a light? / / John 12:46
Who has come into this
Who has come into this world for judgment, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind? / / John 9:39
Who has come that
Who has come that they may have life, and have it to the full? / Jesus / John 10:10
Who has completed
Who has completed the work the Father gave him to do? / Jesus / John 17:4
Who has crossed
Who has crossed over from death to life? / Whoever hears Jesus' word and believes him who sent Jesus / John 5:24
Who has entrusted
Who has entrusted all judgment to the Son? / The Father / John 5:22
Who has eternal
Who has eternal life and will not be condemned? / Whoever hears Jesus' word and believes him who sent Jesus / John 5:24
Who has ever gone
Who has ever gone into heaven? / No one except the one who came from heaven -- the Son of Man / John 3:13
Who has ever heard
Who has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind? / Nobody / John 9:32
Who has ever seen
Who has ever seen God? / No one / John 1:18
Who has everlasting
Who has everlasting life? / He who believes / John 6:47
Who has fallen
Who has fallen asleep? / Our friend Lazarus / John 11:11
Who has food
Who has food to eat that his disciples know nothing about? / / John 4:32
Who has given Jesus'
Who has given Jesus' sheep to him? / / John 10:29
Who has given testimony
Who has given testimony that is true? / The man who saw the flow of blood and water / John 19:35
Who has given the believers
Who has given the believers the glory that the Father gave him? / Jesus / John 17:22
Who has given the Jews
Who has given the Jews the law? / / John 7:19
Who has given the Son
Who has given the Son authority to judge? / The Father / John 5:27
Who has given them the Father's
Who has given them the Father's word? / Jesus / John 17:14
Who has given them the glory
Who has given them the glory that the Father gave him? / Jesus / John 17:22
Who has given true
Who has given true testimony? / The man who saw the flow of blood and water / John 19:35
Who has glorified
Who has glorified his name? / / John 12:28
Who has granted
Who has granted the Son to have life in himself? / The Father / John 5:26
Who has greater
Who has greater love than that he lay down his life for his friends? / / John 15:13
Who has had
Who has had five husbands? / / John 4:18
Who has hated the
Who has hated the disciples? / The world / John 17:14
Who has hated those
Who has hated those the Father has given Jesus? / The world / John 17:14
Who has himself
Who has himself testified concerning Jesus? / The Father / John 5:37
Who has John
Who has John seen that Jesus is? / The Son of God / John 1:34
Who has lifted
Who has lifted up his heel against Jesus? / He who shares Jesus' bread / John 13:18
Who has loved his disciples
Who has loved his disciples as the Father has loved him? / / John 15:9
Who has loved his disciples?
Who has loved his disciples? / / John 15:12
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John Who Page12.txt
john bible quizzing whos