1. abortifacients
    anything used to terminate pregnancy
  2. amenorrhea
    failure to menstruate; missed menstrual period
  3. benign prostatic hyperplasia or hypertrophy (BPH)
    increase in the epithelial and stromal tissue within the prostate
  4. cervicitis
    inflammation of the cervix
  5. cervix
    entrance of the uterus
  6. dysmenorrhea
    painful menstruation
  7. endometriosis
    growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus
  8. endometrium
    lining of the uterus
  9. engorgement
    filling up of a body part with blood or other fluid; e.g., penis engorgement prior to intercourse, breast engorgement with milk in nursing mothers
  10. estrogen
    female hormone
  11. fetus
    the developing child in utero from the third month after conception until bith
  12. genitalia
    internal and external reproductive organs
  13. gonadotropins
    pituitary hormones that stimulate the gonads (ovaries and testes) to secrete hormones
  14. gonads
    sex glands in which reproductive cells are formed; ovaries and testicles
  15. herpes simplex (genital)
    sexually transmitted disease that results in painful genital lesions
  16. labia
    two sets of tissue folds, the labia majora and labia minora, surrounding the opening of the vagina
  17. libido
    sex drive
  18. menopause
    naturally occurring end of menstruation, usually between the ages of 45 and 52
  19. menorrhea
    normal menstruation; also known as menses
  20. osteoporosis
    condition in which there is a decrease in total bone mass; major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women
  21. ova
    female reproductive cells (singular, ovum)
  22. ovaries
    two almond-shaped glands located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus, which produce ova
  23. ovulation
    release of an ovum from an ovary
  24. oxytocic
    drug that stimulates contractions of the uterus
  25. penis
    part of male external genitalia that introduces sperm into the vagina
  26. perineum
    skin-covered muscular area between the vulva and anus in the female and between the scrotum and anus in the male
  27. postpartum
    period after giving birth
  28. progesterone
    female hormone
  29. prostate gland
    gland surrounding the male urethra and ejaculatory duct; secretes a thin alkaline substance that makes up the largest part of the seminal fluid
  30. prostatitis
    inflammation of the prostate gland
  31. puberty
    age at which the reproductive organs become functional and secondary sex characteristics appear
  32. scrotum
    skin-covered pouch containing the testes; part of the male external genitalia
  33. sexually transmitted disease (STD)
    infectious disease spread by intimate sexual contact; among the STDs are syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, and AIDS
  34. spermatozoa
    male reproductive cells, also known as sperm
  35. testes
  36. male reproductive glands (singular, testis)
  37. testosterone
    male hormone that influences development of masculine characteristics; androgen that occurs naturally in the testes
  38. uterus
    located between the bladder and rectum; contains and nourishes the embryo from time of fertilization until birth of the fetus
  39. vagina
    part of the female internal genitalia connecting the uterus to the outside of the body; passage into which sperm is introduced; canal through which a baby is born
  40. vaginitis
    inflammation of the vagina
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