Radiographic positioning, lower extremities RT-10 Exam 2

  1. 1. Which phalange of the foot of is most often fractured?
  2. 2. The top or anterior surface of the foot is called?
  3. 3. Where would the interphalangeal jt. be found in the foot?
    Between the phalanges of 1st digit
  4. 4. Which structure or bone contains a sustentaculum tali?
  5. 5. What are the 2 arches of the foot?
    Longitudinal and transverse
  6. 6. The medial mallelus is part of the what?
  7. 7. Another term for intercondylar sulcus is?
    Patellar surface
  8. 8. The adductor tubercle is located on the posterior aspect of the medial femoral condyle
  9. 9. To properly visualize the jt spaces for an AP projection of the foot the CR must be where?
    Perp to metatarsals
  10. 10. What CR angle is required for an AP projection of the foot?
    CR perp to IR
  11. 11. How much CR angle is required for a plantodorsal projection?
  12. 12. Where is the CR placed for the medioateral projection of the calcaneous?
    1 in distal to the medial malleoli
  13. 13. How much rotation from an AP of the ankle will typically produce a mortise view?
    15-20 deg.
  14. 14. Which is that purpose of the AP stress views of the ankle?
    To demonstrate possible jt separation or ligament tears.
  15. 15. To ensure that both jts are included on an AP projection of the tib/fib, the tech should?
    Turn IR diagonally
  16. 16. How much flexion of the knee is best for a LAT projection of the patella?
    5-10 deg or less
  17. 17. How much knee flexion is req. for the Settegast method?
    90 deg.
  18. 18. A radiograph of an AP OBL projection of a properly positioned foot should demonstrate?
    3rd -5th metatarsals w/o superimposition
  19. 19. Another term for Hombland method is?
    PA axial
  20. 20. Radiograph of PA axial projection for the intercondylar fossa doesn’t demonstrate the fossa well. What changes should be made to produce a better image?
    CR perp to lower leg
  21. 21. Which projection of the knee would provide the best results without risk of injury to the patient?
    Camp Coventry
  22. 22. Which projection best demonstrates the longitudinal arch of the foot?
    LAT weight bearing
  23. 23. Which routine of a transverse Fx of the knee safely demonstrates the best images of the knee?
    AP horizontal beam and LAT
  24. 24. Which modification would produce a more diagnostic image of the calcaneous?
    Increase CR angle
  25. 25. A Merchant knee radiograph?
    Has an imaginary line connecting the femoral epicondyles is aligned parallel to TT, patellofemoral jts open, relaxed leg muscles
  26. 26. For an AP femur on an adult, what should be done to ensure that both jts of the femur are demonstrated?
    Perform 2nd exposure with another IR
  27. 27. Which evaluation criteria indicates that the knee is properly positioned for a LAT?
    Femoral condyles superimposed
  28. 28. For an AP projection of the femur (non-trauma) the leg should be?
    Rotated 15˚ medially
  29. 29. Which projection of the knee best demonstrates the proximal articulation free of bony superimposition?
    AP OBL medial rotation
  30. 30. How much CR angle should be used for an AP projection of the toes?
    None, Perp to IR
    None, Perp to IR
  31. 31. What type of jt is an ankle jt?
  32. 32. For the LAT lower leg projection?
    The leg is centered to IR, may be TT , patella should be perp to IR, include both jts, tibia and fibula should be superimposed, CR directed to midpoint of the leg
  33. 33. The CR placement for an AP Projection of the knee is?
    Between the navicular and metatarsals
  34. 34. Where in the foot are the cuniforms located?
    Between the navicular and metatarsals
  35. 35. What position modifications will improve the outcome of the image for AP knee?
    Re-measure ASIS and angle accordingly
  36. 36. An AP OBL w/medial rotation of knee to demonstrate proximal fibula reveals that there is total superimposition of the proximal tibia and fibula. What can be done to fix it?
    Rotate the knee laterally to form an AP OBL w/ LAT rotation
  37. 37. A patient comes to x-ray with DJD , x-rays were ordered to find possible damage to the jt. spaces. What projection should be performed?
    Standing knees
  38. 38. There are 2 approaches to the Settegast method. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
    Pt. mobility, scatter radiation, radiation protection
Card Set
Radiographic positioning, lower extremities RT-10 Exam 2
Lower limb