Dawbarn's Test
- Positive: decrease in pain and/or tenderness
- Indicates: subacromial bursitis
Drop Arm Test a.k.a. Codman's Drop Arm Test
- Positive: patient will not be able to lower the arm slowly or the arm drops suddenly
- Indicates: rotator cuff tear, usually supraspinatus
Posterior Apprehension Test
- Positive: patient will have a noticeable look of apprehension or alarm on their face with possible pain
- Indicates: chronic posterior dislocation of the shoulder
Anterior Apprehension Test
- Positive: patient will have a noticeable look of apprehension or alarm on their face with possible pain
- Indicates: chronic anterior dislocation of the shoulder
Dugas Test
- Positive: Inability to touch the opposite shoulder and/or inability of the elbow to touch the chest
- Indicates: acute dislocation of the shoulder
Shoulder ROM
- Flexion: 180*
- Extension: 60*
- Abduction: 180*
- Adduction: 50*
- External Rotation: 90*
- Internal Rotation: 70*
- Scapula: retraction, protraction, elevation
Shoulder Palpation
Soft Tissue
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Subscapularis
- Subacromial Bursa
- Subdeltoid Bursa
- Pec Major
- Serratus Anterior
- Axillary Lymph Nodes
- Lat
- Bicipital Tendon
- Biceps
- Deltoid (ant,mid,post)
- Trap
- Rhomboid Major and Minor
Shoulder Palpation
- SC Joint
- Clavicle
- Coracoid Process
- AC Joint
- Acromion
- Greater Tuberosity
- Bicipital Groove
- Lesser Tuberosity
- Spine of the Scapula
- Body of the Scapula
- Scapulothoracic Articulation
Yergason's Test
- Positive: 1) localized pain and/or tenderness at the bicipital groove 2) audible click or the biceps tendon subluxes or dislocates
- Indicates: 1) tendinitis 2) instability of the biceps tendon possible associated with a torn transverse humeral ligament
Abbot-Saunders Test
- Positive: palpable and/or audible click
- Indicates: subluxation or dislocation of the biceps tendon (rupture of transverse ligament or tendon subluxation beneath the subscapularis muscle belly)
Speed's Test
- Positive: pain and/or tenderness in the bicipital groove
- Indicates: bicipital tendinitis
Apley's Test
- Positive: exacerbation of pain
- Indicates: degenerative tendinitis of rotator cuff tendons (usually supraspinatus)
Impingement Sign
- Positive: pain in the shoulder
- Indicates: overuse injury to the supraspinatus and possibly biceps tendon