Algebra Rules

  1. Integer Rules for Addition

    1. If the Signs are the same,______?

    2. If the signs are different,________?
    1. add the numbers and keep the sign.

    2. subtract the numbers and keep the sign of the number with the largest absolute value.
  2. 2. Subtraction: Add the opposite

    1. Keep the first number the ____?
    2. Change the subtraction sign to ___?
    3. Change the sign of the _____ number to it's _____ sign
    • 1. same
    • 2. addition
    • 3. second/opposite
  3. 3. Multiplication and Division

    1. If the signs are the same, the answer is ____?
    2. If the signs are different, the answer is ____?
    • 1. positive
    • 2. negative
  4. Golden Rule for Solving Equations
    Whatever you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side.
  5. Combining Like Terms

    Like terms are two or more terms that contain the same _______/

    • 3x, 8x, 9x, are like terms
    • 3x, 3y are not like terms
  6. Distributive Property

    3(x+5) = ________?
    -2(y-5) = ________?
    5(2x-6) = _______?
    • 3x+15 Multiply the 3 times x and 5
    • -2y+10 Multiply -2 times y and -5
    • =10x-30 Multiply 5 times 2x and -6
Card Set
Algebra Rules
Solving equatioons